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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Nov 4, 18 / Sag 00, 02 17:24 UTC
The new space race..

An interesting article about satellites from :

The new space race is all about satellites: Pros and cons of each orbit by Stewart Sanders

For most people, satellites probably bring to mind things like weather forecasts, GPS, ...

Oct 23, 18 / Oph 16, 02 18:01 UTC

Local search words and displays of my google advertisment (see past blog) from belgium and surrounding country's. This could be extended to the whole world but i am afraid that it would cost to much, so i stay local here in europe and give a hint of related search ...

Oct 20, 18 / Oph 13, 02 11:46 UTC

As it seems attractive to follow the at moment found exoplanets route for possible space journeys, i would personally go the other way around. Why do i think that. Well, the milkyway turns to the right i suppose, so if we would follow that way in regard to the ...

Oct 31, 18 / Oph 24, 02 03:12 UTC
Ahhhhh. Ok, I just picture it in my mind too, and I don't know the result, so I can just take a guess.
Oct 29, 18 / Oph 22, 02 11:06 UTC
Whath is the diferent point of view? When I said faster, I mean Km/h, and also, less hours, as you said, betwen the tides!
Oct 24, 18 / Oph 17, 02 15:22 UTC
Thanks for the reply, now that I thought better, I think gravity travels infinitely fast or, at least faster than light, let’s say … very fast, so, think the faster is going the mass x orbiting the planet Earth, lower are the tides, because there is gravity making counter force ...
See all 4 comments
Oct 18, 18 / Oph 11, 02 19:40 UTC

Another force that i hear not a lot of in space is friction. Every time there is a contact between materials there is a possible friction due to spinning-speed, sliding-speed, in combination with a pushing-force and many others. The harder the contact the hotter it gets, by which one ...

Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:31 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Oct 19, 18 / Oph 12, 02 15:56 UTC
Hi Dirk, You have great energy : )
Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 22:25 UTC

Going to try an advertising here in Belgium for some extra citizens. We will see how this goes on the national elections day here in Belgium.

Update1: advertising approved by google adds.
Update2: no succes from the election weekend.
Update3: new formulation and keywords.

Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 22:42 UTC
Great idea, good luck!
Oct 10, 18 / Oph 03, 02 11:41 UTC

As we are planning to travel in space it would be logic for the moment to choose the opposite way from the voyagers away from the bow of interstellar radiation and particles. Due to the speed the solar system travels in space it heaps up all radiation and particles ...

Oct 11, 18 / Oph 04, 02 09:48 UTC
Sounds interesting
Oct 10, 18 / Oph 03, 02 12:56 UTC
Uso do Nióbio seria interessante como Objeto de Estudo.
Sep 28, 18 / Sco 19, 02 18:18 UTC

There is a preview of the new ROOM 3/2018:

Edit: it is now available to read online and in print version at Bremen.

Grtz, Dirk.

Sep 29, 18 / Sco 20, 02 15:26 UTC
Thanks for the info. It seems interesting, will check it out.
Sep 14, 18 / Sco 05, 02 22:31 UTC

Do not forget next time you walk in a forest that all these beautiful green leaves are giving you not only these fantastic colors but also protect you against bad radiation by absorbing them, cooling from shadow and moisture and give oxygen as byproduct from their energy fabrication. ...

Sep 15, 18 / Sco 06, 02 20:48 UTC
Its the entire forest that is critical for live on Earth, including such processes as the condensation of water vapour in the air and in the soil, the snow carpet, duration and rate of snow thawing in the various zones of forest vegetation, freezing and thawing out of soils, the ...
Sep 14, 18 / Sco 05, 02 19:27 UTC

My ordered UniSpace+50 stamps from United Nations have arrived, looking forward to buy Asgardia stamps and postcards in the Asgardia shop.

Grtz, Dirk.

Oct 4, 18 / Sco 25, 02 00:42 UTC
Brilliant idea !
Sep 15, 18 / Sco 06, 02 20:39 UTC
Aug 31, 18 / Lib 19, 02 19:41 UTC

An interesting article from

I would like to see a dome over the ice and warming it with solar power. Would that be doable?

Grtz, Dirk.

Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:42 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Sep 4, 18 / Lib 23, 02 11:44 UTC
Please also donate for my mayorship! To build a strong nation together!
Sep 3, 18 / Lib 22, 02 08:24 UTC
It is widely accepted (although not proven in practice) that there's all sorts of ice deposits on the moon (, whereas domes capable of withstanding an internal pressure of up to one atmosphere are certainly within the realm of possibility, water extraction doesn't require them, as you can use simple ...
See all 5 comments
Aug 24, 18 / Lib 12, 02 13:55 UTC
Un changement, un souffle.

Bonjour à tous et toutes,

Je veux représenter ma commune pour que l'information sur Asgardia puisse passer même dans les confins de la campagne.

Je suis tellement heureuse de voir qu'une nation a un objectif commun et une envie d'unification, la chose ...

Aug 22, 18 / Lib 10, 02 12:37 UTC

Why not a simple hexagon space station with tubes and connection points. The points should have thrusters to regulate the movements and the tubes could be inflatable compartments. It would be easy to replace the tubes for cleaning or repairing or adding newer tubes.

Grtz, Dirk.

Sep 8, 18 / Lib 27, 02 14:19 UTC
PS: Refer Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. I kinda liked his idea of triads
Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 17:35 UTC
It would have artificial gravity, isn't it?
Aug 23, 18 / Lib 11, 02 12:48 UTC
Connect the sections with spokes, to alleviate the instability of the structure and you have the classical "ring space station", to date the simplest (if you disregard the "two crafts connected by a tether"-type construction) space station construct I've seen.
See all 4 comments
Aug 22, 18 / Lib 10, 02 02:38 UTC


By Boris Petrovic:

Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 12:05 UTC
Back home from a trip to the Euro Space Center in the south of Belgium. It was interesting as i am somewhat interested in space-things. This facility is in first place to get children interested in all sorts of space related subjects and to enjoy the great hall where all ...
Sep 3, 18 / Lib 22, 02 17:40 UTC
ik was hier bijna vergeten mijn stem uit te brengen,,,,,bij deze,,,als mijn hoofd ni vast stond hé
Aug 26, 18 / Lib 14, 02 22:11 UTC
You are contributing some great ideas to Asgardia ... keep up the good work. Good luck in your campaign!
Aug 19, 18 / Lib 07, 02 21:37 UTC
My vote is urs Dirk
See all 7 comments
Jul 31, 18 / Vir 16, 02 08:57 UTC
Les Belges, apostats?

J'ai voulu amener ma contribution pour la Belgique même si j'ai découvert trop tard Asgardia, cela ne me gène pas. J'ai donc créer un Logo pour la Belgique et ainsi, pouvoir représenter les Belges, car je n'ai vu aucun logos pour mon pays. J'ai également créer une page facebook ...

Aug 24, 18 / Lib 12, 02 13:50 UTC
Merci :) je fais un peu ma rebelle même si je n'ai pas droit à la page officielle Facebook mais je franchis la barrière de l illégalité afin d'apporter les nouvelles d'Asgardia ainsi que les nouvelles sur les technologies a tout ceux que cela intéresse par chez moi, il y ...
Aug 19, 18 / Lib 07, 02 21:37 UTC
Jul 25, 18 / Vir 10, 02 12:27 UTC

We have to cool down earth because we are heating it to much. So my idea starts with making blue light from the sun's yellow light. How could we do that. A transparent blue filter would cut out yellow light, but while doing that we would store heat in ...

Aug 8, 18 / Vir 24, 02 07:05 UTC
Green technologies are used only in the advanced countries, so that they do not suffer from the pain. We have to stop quickly using seasonal energies, stop cutting trees and finding a suitable, cheap, and even better replacement for it. The human problem is more than the less developed and ...
Jul 21, 18 / Vir 06, 02 00:55 UTC

Atomic. What is atomic. To start we will use a negative event, the atomic bomb. If we analyze it in a simple way then we have a light-flash, a shock-wave and an explosion. Ok, now lets look for these things in space. Light is everywhere in space, it is ...

Aug 8, 18 / Vir 24, 02 19:33 UTC
The experiment was done with subatomic particles, it can be done.
Aug 8, 18 / Vir 24, 02 19:28 UTC
We need to go to the future to observe what can happen, in order to change the present
Jul 21, 18 / Vir 06, 02 08:11 UTC
Lol that would be great but sad that the bombs is to control anthers country
Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 18:31 UTC

ROOM The Space Journal with info about space and Asgardia.

Grtz, Dirk.

Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 22:09 UTC
Cool going to check it out
Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 18:29 UTC
Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 18:37 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥
Jul 20, 18 / Vir 05, 02 18:35 UTC
Çok güzel aşkıım <3
Jul 17, 18 / Vir 02, 02 23:03 UTC

The orchestrator's of the universe are the blackhole's. They direct how the universe must behave. They are massive, very heavy and have a longtime working plan. They can be everywhere in the dark with all things around them already swallowed up or nearby other heavy duty material like big ...