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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jul 16, 18 / Vir 01, 02 09:46 UTC

Thanks to my friend Ariadne a small conclusion in between.

Science is searching for the reason of complicated happenings.

Philosophy is translating it back to basic human thinking.

Grtz, Dirk.

Jul 16, 18 / Vir 01, 02 05:02 UTC

If we look at space we see light and darkness. My todays post is about this simple fact and the previous philosophic findings that i found to give a simple view of the universe. My thoughts are not static, they will probably evolve by time and maybe change while ...

Jul 16, 18 / Vir 01, 02 07:14 UTC
A few quick remarks/opinions on this: - Darkness is just the absence of light - Light is a wave, and waves have three properties: Wavelength, speed, and amplitude. - Color of light is rather the wavelength. - The speed of that light is defined by the material it is passing ...
Jul 16, 18 / Vir 01, 02 06:25 UTC
Without a doubt the magical thought of the astronomical events is an inexhaustible flow of valuable experiences, so simple is the complex, a gift to the reasoning, Dirk, thank you!
Jul 15, 18 / Vir 00, 02 20:22 UTC

So as we know we have entanglements between particles. The following weird thing is how can a particle be at one position and the same time at an other position. This is a question i am asking myself today. Imagine a black-hole or superdense core where everything is pressed ...

Aug 2, 18 / Vir 18, 02 20:37 UTC
Jul 14, 18 / Leo 27, 02 15:56 UTC

We are very lucky that we can see space. Imagine if we where surrounded by thick clouds of gas and could only see the sun and our own earth. What would have been our idea's and future goals then. Maybe we would have not set a doom scenario for ...

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 18:42 UTC
What are your goals?

Which of these 3 choices fits best in your vision or goals to help out Asgardia. Personally i would go for 2 and 3, but i am not exactly sure where i will fit the best. I guess time will direct me to the best fitting ...

Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 19:01 UTC
Protect is my second name. Probably it will change but nowaday, when it does not concern politics (only the Earth and the whole of mankind) - for me it becomes a very attractive.
Jul 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 06:05 UTC
1) Space Law : Well,.... not sure that is a feasible feat. Even if it is an urgent element . Feasible: Asgardia is a very poor state, to impose law in something vast as space you need power. Let's assume this is referring to the law aboard whatever Asgardia vessel ...
Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 20:31 UTC

Ok, i made a little list of all sorts of metallic(isch) elements in a spreadsheet and used 4 data's. The first is the name of the element, the second is mass, the third is atomic number, the fourth is density. The fifth colon is mass divided by atom, and ...

Jul 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 14:24 UTC
Thorium is considered white gold to those who study anti-gravity ;)
Jul 3, 18 / Leo 16, 02 09:10 UTC

Ok, lets start with some reflection and filter testing. Today my materials have arrived. It are 1 plastic plate with on both sides a thin layer of aluminum, one non-reflecting the other reflecting, the color is yellow. The other material is a transparent plexiglas in blue. The idea ...

Jun 30, 18 / Leo 13, 02 05:51 UTC
The other way around..

What if the bacteria where the makers of nature and live. Imagine that they found a way to cultivate nature above the ground to store energy and to have food for themselfs. For the composting they could use some help so they created the insects to give them a ...

Jul 12, 18 / Leo 25, 02 22:23 UTC
Agreed and very good point Dirk, I myself wonder the same.
Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 19:20 UTC
As much as I do see your point the way to change a humans way of thinking is to teach and present/show. We have many architects and brilliant minds helping with this cause already. Turning the everyday buildings into natural filters for pollution while sharing the knowledge to help them ...
Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 07:52 UTC
How about the egocentric are Mother Earths solution to the infestation of humans? Put too many of a specific species together without predator,... Nature will find a way to reduce the population by disease, disaster, whatever else.... Humans have countered the natural way of things too good: We cure a ...
See all 6 comments
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 20:34 UTC
Positive Spiral..

Enough of history, lets build the future..

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 12:56 UTC
Invite to your profile to read blogs about the Parallel worlds and ways to achieve them .These blogs are not the last, will still be written as needed .
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 21:31 UTC
Give me vote future profile
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 14:21 UTC
Hi Dirk, Your design for the future is a hurricane-like shape. That's right. The future must travel by embracing everything that is known. Note- I hope you understand that I write. I use Google translation to contact you and reach out to people all over the world.
See all 4 comments
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 14:51 UTC
Inauguration 25/06

My congratulations to Igor for becoming the first head of nation and to all Asgardians for this step and the next ones to come. I feel honored to have been a part of this historic event and I even met with Igor. It was an amazing moment within an ...

Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 21:53 UTC
Hi Bill. Sorry I didn't see your comment sooner. I guess your article is out already?
Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 21:52 UTC
Thanks Dirk. Sorry for my late reply, need to visit this blog more often.
Jul 4, 18 / Leo 17, 02 08:53 UTC
Hi David. I'm an Asgardian citizen and a journalist writing an article about Asgardia for the BBC. May I ask you a few questions? You can email me at Thanks for considering. ~Bill Harby
Jun 24, 18 / Leo 07, 02 09:22 UTC

Today doing some network stuff on the pro-switch. Like adding a nas and an usb-harddisk to that nas. Sorting some old photo's and in the meanwhile following Asgardia with parliament today and testing some systems. I am getting good at multitasking, happy sunday. :-)

Grtz, Dirk.

Jun 19, 18 / Leo 02, 02 03:44 UTC

I have taken care of an old big switch for Ethernet, first of all it was far to noisy so i detached the 2 fans from the print-plate. After that i connected the switch with his own main power line and tested it by downloading a net-installation from Linux. ...

Jun 10, 19 / Can 21, 03 08:26 UTC
Your sharing is great. I am they are a lot of things from your article.
Jun 3, 19 / Can 14, 03 05:58 UTC
Dirk Baeyens, you have not revealed the name of switch you are using to boost your internet speed. You can visit webpage for more tips like these. Actually, the speed of my internet connection is also very poor and I want to do your experiment.
Dec 21, 18 / Cap 19, 02 09:55 UTC
If you are and failed to fix no audio device the you always remember one thing that there is a lots of function has been change in the new operating system.
Jun 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 15:37 UTC

Today i am upgrading my devuan 1 systems to devuan 2.

Grtz, Dirk.

Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 15:56 UTC

If we are looking for a place to hide then we have found it a long time ago. The difference between the closest and the farthest side of moon shows us the differences of impacts. So the best place to hide is at a place on the moon which ...

Jun 21, 18 / Leo 04, 02 10:20 UTC
Other reason for not building it on the dark side of the moon, is because it's already full with alien structures ;-)
Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 21:26 UTC
I agree
Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 16:58 UTC
Or maybe under the earth?
Jun 6, 18 / Can 17, 02 17:00 UTC

We say that galaxy's are flat disks. But i think there is more then the eye can see. The above picture is a case apart but it is to illustrate what i want to say. The flat disk that we see is something that we could compare with the ...

May 24, 18 / Can 04, 02 20:49 UTC

I saw it comming. Because of my heavier activity's in the digital univers my current system had regularly some hiccups. So i have switched to a double speeder from 2 to 4 cores. Not one of those expensive ones just one that was somewhat faster and even older. As ...

May 24, 18 / Can 04, 02 06:21 UTC
Red lines..

I am in favor to go for red lines. What i mean by that is that we need some red lines true our philosophy and workings inside Asgardia. A few red lines we can already add: peace in space, unity in space, science in space, protection from space, etc.. ...

May 25, 18 / Can 05, 02 04:16 UTC
Never heard of Kessler syndrome until now, interesting. Best art ive seen on the internet Dirk... Red lines!
May 20, 18 / Can 00, 02 18:22 UTC

Today i dismounted an old desktop computer and mounted everything in a tower model. Had some fiddling to do with psu but in the end i have placed it at the bottom. Just a few fans to be installed and gluing the psu to the bottom and where done. ...

May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 20:28 UTC

The universe i personally see is not one of a one time event, is see it as a recycling event. If we start with the smallest particles, the so called dark matter, we say that they are the largest mass of the universe, only we can not see them ...

May 16, 18 / Gem 24, 02 01:48 UTC

With the recent new findings about black-holes and quantum physics i was thinking about a link between these two. If sub-atomic particles could have a link to each-other in different atoms that are at very large distances from each other, then they must have had a close relation to ...