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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jul 15, 24 / Vir 01, 08 14:25 UTC
Half-Weekly Community Wrap-Up 1. Mutlaq Al Khalidi - Starlab Space adds Palantir as strategic partner on commercial space station effort Posted on July 3, 2024, at 08:28 Mutlaq shares exciting news about Starlab Space's partnership with Palantir Technologies. This collaboration aims to leverage Palantir's AI capabilities to support the operations ...
Jul 2, 24 / Leo 16, 08 15:41 UTC
a little update on the reward system.. i am in the process of valuing the posts of june with chatgpt.. we are halfway done.. there is a certain amount of word limit in the free version so i have to split it in little parts and also over several days ...
Jul 1, 24 / Leo 15, 08 19:12 UTC
as i already gifted many solars to the community in the past, i want to restart this but in conjunction with article points given by chatgpt.. we can make a monthly list for monthly points.. these 12 monthly lists are then combined and calculated into a reward system with a ...
Jul 1, 24 / Leo 15, 08 17:28 UTC
Half-Weekly Community Wrap-Up 1. Francisco Araya - Translated into English Posted on June 29, 2024, at 00:53. Title: Immerse yourself in an exciting interstellar journey Francisco invites us to dive into an epic sci-fi narrative that chronicles the survival struggles of two distinct human civilizations after a catastrophic event. Expect ...
Jul 1, 24 / Leo 15, 08 17:30 UTC
a tryout of recent articles in a wrapup with chatgpt.. looks nice and gives some attention to the users involved.. grtz,dirk
Jun 30, 24 / Leo 14, 08 08:24 UTC
if we send a thermo bottle to mars or the moon with water and algae then that would be a good test for keeping it alive and to monitor reproduction.. the oxygen in the water would be the oxygen source and the algae should balance its intake and output of ...
Jun 30, 24 / Leo 14, 08 05:49 UTC
what is gravity and what is it not.. gravity is anti space and space is anti gravity.. gravity is density and space is electrons.. it is the same model as an atom.. the kernel and an electric field around it.. we humans are matter mostly made out of water and ...
Jul 4, 24 / Leo 18, 08 20:23 UTC
Hi Dirk, I just found your post and think you might be interested in my book 21st Century Cosmology: Keep on keeping on, and may the blessings be for you and yours, Best regards, Millard
Jun 28, 24 / Leo 12, 08 08:58 UTC
if we want to reduce the cost of parliament then we could prove read the documents by an AI.. it would be quicker and eliminate human errors and double work, translating into lesser costs.. it would also make it more conform to standards and easy to alter or add.. if ...
Jun 27, 24 / Leo 11, 08 02:43 UTC
from moon to earth..
Earth from the Moon: A Vision for Unity and Preservation From the vantage point of the Moon, Earth appears as a stunning blue oasis suspended in the vastness of space. This perspective, known as the "Overview Effect," often transforms astronauts, instilling a profound sense of interconnectedness and a deep appreciation ...
Jun 27, 24 / Leo 11, 08 02:18 UTC
the moon..
The Moon: Our Celestial Companion and Its Profound Connections The Moon, Earth's closest celestial neighbor, has always held a unique place in our understanding of the cosmos. By its very nature, the Moon influences Earth in significant ways. Tides, driven by the gravitational pull of the Moon, regulate the natural ...
Jun 26, 24 / Leo 10, 08 17:16 UTC
Belgian astronaut is looking for science projects.. grtz,dirk
Jun 25, 24 / Leo 09, 08 15:25 UTC
Jun 24, 24 / Leo 08, 08 22:29 UTC
euro space center.. show me the moon.. link: grtz,dirk
Jun 20, 24 / Leo 04, 08 12:34 UTC
spaceborn on tour..
Jun 20, 24 / Leo 04, 08 12:26 UTC
new galactic female astronauts..
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 18:07 UTC
romspace at unoosa..
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 17:53 UTC
the latest from our belgian astronaut: grtz,dirk
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 03:34 UTC
Jun 19, 24 / Leo 03, 08 03:42 UTC
placing unity, love and peace above prestige, money and power..
Jun 18, 24 / Leo 02, 08 16:57 UTC
Jun 18, 24 / Leo 02, 08 16:43 UTC
moon conference.. grtz,dirk
Jun 17, 24 / Leo 01, 08 18:34 UTC