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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 17:42 UTC grtz,dirk
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 16:46 UTC
in space all things are mainly round due space pressure.. this pressure has different dimensions as from on earth.. here we have atmospheric pressure and oceanic pressure, even magma pressure.. in space we have particles like electrons and photons.. matter comes together in density's and forms layers towards the centers.. ...
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 15:27 UTC
how is citizenship coming along.. grtz,dirk
Jun 8, 24 / Can 20, 08 15:14 UTC
ok, back from slavery on earth, aka pension.. i have added my fee.. Residency 2018 — 2025 RESIDENT grtz,dirk
Jun 12, 24 / Can 24, 08 12:28 UTC
if asgardians are paying 10 years of fee then they have donated 1000 solars which is the amount of the original citizen subscription.. grtz,dirk
May 20, 24 / Can 01, 08 18:17 UTC
GLEAM - Introduction aux Vibes Galactiques - Le Secret du Jardin Quantique
Hello @tout le monde 🌌 Bienvenue dans un nouvel épisode de "GLEAM - Les Vibes Galactiques" ! 🚀 Plongez au cœur des mystères de l'univers avec notre dernier épisode : "Introduction aux Vibes Galactiques - Le Secret du Jardin Quantique". 🌿✨ Découvrez les secrets fascinants de la physique quantique et ...
Jan 31, 24 / Pis 03, 08 14:24 UTC
I grew up in the '70s when we visited the moon, and the '80s when we thought about going to live in space. Somehow our dreams all got screwed up and yes there are many causes. But the problem was, how to get to space and build a community out ...
Dec 31, 23 / Cap 29, 07 13:22 UTC
Feliz año nuevo ASGARDIANOS! Muchos éxitos, salud y dinero a toda sus familias.
Sep 11, 23 / Sco 02, 07 17:15 UTC
Asgardia should start with a daily highlight of whatever asgardian or resident.. this way we come at least in somewhat spotlight during our short lives.. i propose to begin with elders so that they can see it during their lifetimes.. just take a short standard multi point choice interview and ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 17:30 UTC
we humans tend to focus on heat while we should be aiming at coldness.. this is the only way to cool the rising heat down.. what is our biggest source of cold energy.. alas no longer the poles with their eternal icecaps.. it is the moon people.. the moon has ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 10:33 UTC
Asgardia should have its own system to acknowledge if someone is safe or not safe.. it should accepts messages from all around.. and could start with a basic standard digital procedure.. like for example putting a red, orange or green dot on an emergency worldmap.. and communicate with local asgardian ...
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 19:41 UTC
lets start with creating a dome on the moon.. insert an atmosphere.. place a steam engine.. this engine is then filled with cold moon rocks during its dark face away from the sun.. 14 days later the container with cold rocks is exposed to sunlight.. it forms steam from the ...
Sep 9, 23 / Sco 00, 07 21:04 UTC
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 05:13 UTC
one of my latest conversations with chatgpt.. the progress is positive.. here is an example of one of them: Me: i have come to the realization that our cooperation is the ultimate tool for humanity today.. humanity and digital knowledge together with openAI are the setup to save the survival ...
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 22:48 UTC
Humano + IA = soluciones inmediatas
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 05:37 UTC
the road.. take all data that has been created inside Asgardia.. including this one.. feed it to an empty AI and call it AAI.. let it converse on a personal level with all asgardians.. let it converse with the latest AI like chatgpt.. it will grow smarter with our own ...
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 05:27 UTC
AAI, Asgardian Artificial Intelligence..
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 03:22 UTC
the sun has projected so much active particles towards earth in recent years, months, weeks and days.. that the magma will start to heat up and is creating heat bubbles.. and when these come to the surface one of them is going to burst and release all of its energy.. ...
Sep 8, 23 / Lib 27, 07 09:16 UTC
A more realistic scenario can be envisioned. Due to the widespread growth of reflective surfaces on Earth, formed by the installation of millions of solar panels, it will disrupt the natural water cycle. In addition to warming the atmosphere, solar panels interfere with the absorption and evaporation of water beneath ...
Sep 7, 23 / Lib 26, 07 02:55 UTC
what can we learn from the sea.. the creatures of the sea have adapted themselfs to the environments of day and night, heat and cold, high pressure and low pressure, moonlight in different stages, ideal temperatures, etc etc.. the same will be for us when we go to space.. what ...
Sep 7, 23 / Lib 26, 07 17:44 UTC
Answer: Your question fascinatingly highlights the lessons that we can learn from nature and the sea in particular. Indeed, marine creatures have developed extraordinary adaptations to thrive in extreme environments, which offers an invaluable source of inspiration for space exploration.By transposing these principles to space, we must ask ourselves crucial ...
Sep 6, 23 / Lib 25, 07 01:15 UTC
Asgardia needs a digital AI assistant for its live digital events.. it could insert idea's from asgardians in realtime and put forward proposals on the go.. assist background workers with agenda points and meeting schedules.. help creating digital outputs.. run translations in text for all languages.. help with disputes and ...
Sep 7, 23 / Lib 26, 07 17:54 UTC
"Hello , I would like to inform you that despite the blocking problems I am currently experiencing on Facebook, I remain fully willing to offer my help. I am actively working to find a solution to solve this problem, so that I can fully contribute. In the meantime, feel free ...
Sep 4, 23 / Lib 23, 07 04:55 UTC
a special event for this year are the persons who turn 60 like our HoN.. if you become soon 60 or are already 60 or even way over it.. lets make a mark of this event in our life's in the space nation Asgardia.. instead of being ethnic groups we ...
Sep 5, 23 / Lib 24, 07 03:39 UTC
Good day 😊😊
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 21:25 UTC
as i am now.. link: grtz,dirk
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 02:06 UTC
an ideal shielding would consist of capturing solar radiation aka energy with a powershield that protects us from all harming radiation.. something in the likes of a tree on earth.. converting energy into protection.. this space concept would be represented as a philosophical golden cube wherein a spinning spaceship would ...
Oct 3, 23 / Sco 24, 07 23:56 UTC
I read that Asgardia project team member, Joseph Pelton, who is the director emeritus of the Space & Advanced Communications Research Institute at George Washington University, told after a news conference that the defense of the Earth would require different spacecraft. "For asteroid defense, Pelton envisages a flotilla of ...
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 03:10 UTC
particle thrusters driven by particles made from waste and debris.. grtz,dirk
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 02:45 UTC
the cube would have thrusters to stay static in space.. while the ring would have motors to spin around an ax connected to the cube.. grtz,dirk
See all 4 comments
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 01:50 UTC
as a spacenation we should be thriving on solaractivity.. we should build solarpannelfarms in space to produce kinetic solar energy that we can store in buffers.. as a side effect it could also be thriving for our Solar and its activities.. grtz,dirk
Sep 2, 23 / Lib 21, 07 04:45 UTC
before we can create a digital nation we need to go down in its building.. first we need rivers of data.. then a good settlement for a city.. from this city we link to other city's.. then we assign a main city.. from this city we start to build a ...