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Belgium, Zogge
Apr 18, 23 / Tau 24, 07 15:31 UTC
we live in a world that is dominated by gravity.. if we look at gravity then there is a link with density.. the tighter the density the heavier the gravity.. what if those two would actually be the same.. like i mentioned before.. the more density the less free space ...
Apr 18, 23 / Tau 24, 07 19:57 UTC
actually gravity is a tool like time.. representing density and location.. but the cause of gravity lies not in density itself.. it is the volume of space and the spin of the heavy particles that make matter.. and the different forms of matter are a result of density layers.. we ...
Apr 18, 23 / Tau 24, 07 18:44 UTC
In other words this could affect our evolutionary progress based on the density of gravity.
Apr 14, 23 / Tau 20, 07 10:33 UTC
with the todays world politics i think it would be advisable to choose a higher person for Asgardia.. maybe we could choose a historical person like the grandfather of Lembit Öpik.. it would detach us from today and add historical history.. maybe we could elaborate on this idea and choose ...
Apr 12, 23 / Tau 18, 07 17:35 UTC
question to chatgpt about possible cooperations in Asgardia.. here are some as examples.. we only need to ask the right questions.. give me some examples that could be started from within Asgardia and its 12 minister cabinets? Asgardia is a unique organization, and as such, there are many potential collaborations ...
Apr 12, 23 / Tau 18, 07 02:34 UTC
to become a better humanity we have to leave earth in a spiritual and digital way.. it is the overview effect and wisdom that will change our behaviors.. we take with us all good and positive things and reform humanity by going back on our steps and leave bad and ...
Apr 10, 23 / Tau 16, 07 14:05 UTC
10 solars per month or 100 solars per year for the fee is fine for rich country's.. a more fair solution would be to calculate it per basic yearly income per country.. other wise a basic worldwide fair fee would be enough with 10 solars per year for non rich ...
Apr 11, 23 / Tau 17, 07 10:16 UTC
That make sense. We have to make sure everyone is equal in payments.
Apr 10, 23 / Tau 16, 07 15:46 UTC
on the other hand we could start with citizenship fee for 1000 solar per year for very rich country's..
Apr 9, 23 / Tau 15, 07 14:58 UTC
if we start with the inners of the sun then we have hot plasma from particles.. the dustlayer of the sun is where atoms begin to form.. space is where elements are created.. the planets create matter tru density.. the iron cores make the beginning of plasma.. the cold plasma ...
Apr 9, 23 / Tau 15, 07 05:36 UTC
recent search trends for "asgardia"
Apr 6, 23 / Tau 12, 07 05:53 UTC
from earth to space and back.. lets start with the universe.. this is a cold low pressure environment.. it creates hot high pressure vortexes.. which are the galaxy's.. if we start from the galaxy's then we have a hot high pressure environment.. this creates cold low pressure vortexes like nebulas.. ...
Apr 2, 23 / Tau 08, 07 07:39 UTC
We are thé future! À le Space!!
Mar 31, 23 / Tau 06, 07 17:28 UTC
if space is electrons and carbon.. and stars are spinning magnets.. then the interaction between those two must be light and electricity.. the sparks illuminate space.. but what is the purpose of electricity in this environment.. if stars, galaxy's and blackholes are getting denser.. then the product is emptiness and ...
Apr 11, 23 / Tau 17, 07 19:23 UTC
Viral propaganda ;)
Apr 11, 23 / Tau 17, 07 19:10 UTC
The physics that facilitate those interactions could just be the emergent mechanical topography from existing as a finite asymmetric pattern of information, I think that all things exist infinitely such that the superposition of 'all things' (data sets maybe?) equals nothing at all. Existing as finite data filters out the ...
Apr 3, 23 / Tau 09, 07 14:14 UTC
The Universe is an Increasing Life so the purpose is to multiply...
Mar 31, 23 / Tau 06, 07 11:15 UTC
investment on return.. in as many directions possible.. i think we should aim for the orbit of the moon or the moon itself.. going digital in space.. servers, data storage, internet, solars, backups, etc etc.. like on earth.. we need low level hardened hardware.. paralel computing.. cheap in big quantities.. ...
Apr 3, 23 / Tau 09, 07 14:18 UTC
Both of you are right, let us make that happen!
Mar 31, 23 / Tau 06, 07 15:16 UTC
Interplanetary internet is the future
Mar 29, 23 / Tau 04, 07 09:50 UTC
if we would maken a little cube sat with a mini computer.. and attach it at the outside of the ISS station.. then we could use the communication of the ISS to the ground and back.. at a later stage with a newer version we could separate it from the ...
Apr 3, 23 / Tau 09, 07 14:16 UTC
You're right, let us make that happen!
Mar 28, 23 / Tau 03, 07 09:42 UTC
we asgardians have to build a community.. we could start with a digital newspaper about everything asgardians, interviews, recognitions, rewards.. we can run it tru sponsors.. it should be free speech but in the line of Asgardia to not bring damage but critical thoughts should be possible.. all for the ...
Apr 3, 23 / Tau 09, 07 14:20 UTC
You're right, DB, let us make your ideas happen!
Mar 30, 23 / Tau 05, 07 16:35 UTC
I think that it would need to be presented in a digital fashion that was more interactive somehow given that it would be hard to compete with established media that's already at the fingertips of most Asgardians. I'd love if we had an open source vr space and companies dedicated ...
Mar 28, 23 / Tau 03, 07 15:15 UTC
I remembered that someone tried that over three years ago, but it flopped, since they cannot get enough audience and no funding to do all the work, while some of them were in school and working at a job that time. Never know, they may make a comeback! after the ...
Mar 24, 23 / Ari 27, 07 00:08 UTC
ongoing solarstorm.. is going down now.. grtz,dirk
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 20:54 UTC
what would Asgardia think of an integration of chatgpt? as a starter a question to chatgpt: could chatgpt's services be integrated into asgardia? As an AI language model, ChatGPT's services can be integrated into various platforms and applications, including Asgardia. ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities can be used to develop ...
Mar 24, 23 / Ari 27, 07 11:37 UTC
Why don't make a vote out of the idea to be presented in a parliament sitting. This way, the people can vote for it, and it will certainly be welcomed with open arms in sitting, because it is wanted by the majority anyway. By the way, do we have a ...
Mar 23, 23 / Ari 26, 07 08:57 UTC
I just finished a short article about "Why we should use AI in Asgardia", both in Farsi(my native language) and English. I am going post it in a few minutes after a linguistic review. In the previous sitting of the parliament, I suggested that an ALF meeting be dedicated to ...
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 16:31 UTC
lets do a test.. we make a pond with an overload of nutritious bacteria and algae.. if we would live in this pond and consume the living water as water and foodsource.. how long can we stay alive.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 21:37 UTC
Plus, you would have to make sure that certain people aren’t allergic to certain things abnormally. Some people could be allergic to algae, and some kinds of algae is poisonous.
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 21:32 UTC
Ah I see what you mean.. I was just reading about it and thing is because we are warm blooded so we need certain foods to keep our metabolism going. But Eventually we will need those foods or our metabolism will fail. It just depends. It depends on the person. ...
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 21:12 UTC
thanks for your awnser, if we can pickup with the algae blooming industry then maybe we can find a solution to space food..
See all 4 comments
Mar 21, 23 / Ari 24, 07 10:43 UTC
it is time to change our overview towards the earth.. we have always looked at the earth sideways.. and concentrated ourself's towards the disk and its richnesses.. now the time has come to switch our overview towards the poles.. they are the symbols of our future.. we should protect them ...
Mar 22, 23 / Ari 25, 07 13:25 UTC
the left is coming out of the winter and right is going into the winter..
Mar 21, 23 / Ari 24, 07 11:45 UTC
if we take a look at this picture then we can conclude that when the ice melts more.. the 3 inner rings will get dryer and the 3 outward rings will have more flooding.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 20, 23 / Ari 23, 07 18:31 UTC
little typo in first lines of act.. agardia > asgardia..
Mar 20, 23 / Ari 23, 07 12:35 UTC
to go deeper into my previous post about antimatter.. it is said that antimatter is something that we find in space.. ok, thats tru.. but it is actually everywhere.. apart from its charged colleges.. the heavy charged particles.. antimatter is here on earth too in many forms above magma, lava ...
Mar 20, 23 / Ari 23, 07 11:43 UTC
the moon our compagnon.. brings not only moonlight to earth but also shadow.. the moonlight itself is reflected light without charged particles.. and so is cool light or in an other matter of speaking actually anti-matter.. the same happens with the shadow.. it brings coolness because it stands in front ...