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Belgium, Zogge
Dec 4, 22 / Cap 02, 06 13:58 UTC
today i am going to take an overview of the current in our solarsystem.. lets begin with space.. space is a wide spread cold plasma with electrons.. here in are cold objects like planets, asteroids, gas clouds, and other unknown objects.. coldness collects electrons.. so a super cold object is ...
Dec 1, 22 / Sag 27, 06 03:47 UTC
with the recent sunspot cycle that was relative active in solar bursts.. we can conclude that the core of the earth has had an uptick in heating.. this could result in bigger earthquakes and bigger volcano eruptions.. we can already see the first signs.. if it is so that we ...
Nov 27, 22 / Sag 23, 06 07:16 UTC
lets imagine that we are floating around in space.. the first thing to grasp on is the moon.. when we are on the moon we look around.. what can we find that is useful.. not much we can use immediately.. because we have no cover to space we need a ...
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 16:55 UTC
the new moon project has started with nasa and esa.. we just have to follow up and give them good ideas which can be useful for Asgardia, earth and humanity..
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 06:43 UTC
Y como se aria eso como sabríamos que está todo listo que medio de información tendríamos
Nov 26, 22 / Sag 22, 06 07:55 UTC
immerged in a new test.. Grtz,Dirk
Nov 25, 22 / Sag 21, 06 08:58 UTC
the main tool for a civilization should be something that can not be misused.. today we have money that is misused in so many ways that it is far from a fair trade.. we should go back to physical resources from space which are balanced with digital values.. workforce should ...
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 22:19 UTC
i think it is time that the world profits from 3D print.. we could make files of fossils and meteors to use in schools and library's.. this way they can print whatever wherever for the kids.. it can also be used for science projects and for space.. it should generate ...
Dec 3, 22 / Cap 01, 06 23:57 UTC
3D printing is already quite widespread. There are automakers that already use it to make parts and prototypes of parts during the development of cars. One of the possible solutions to have spare parts ready and available in a reasonable time on the future lunar base is to transport to ...
Nov 24, 22 / Sag 20, 06 19:14 UTC
I really want a 3D-printer.
Nov 22, 22 / Sag 18, 06 08:59 UTC
our world becomes more and more based on electronics and electrons.. what if we would build an electron receiver or creator in space.. we could use materials on the moon to make a battery system.. a moon industry based on battery and solar.. the techniques are very old and can ...
Nov 20, 22 / Sag 16, 06 12:18 UTC
i would like that Asgardia gets a copy of government till the age of 29.. the young ones do the action part.. those interested can go work with the old ones.. the differences should be laid next to each other and a balance should be found in favor off the ...
Nov 17, 22 / Sag 13, 06 04:13 UTC
what if we would extent our senses to space.. if we are going to make a next version of a small compact satellite.. we could build in as many sensors as we wish.. we could start with a primitive brain aka client.. then an eye aka camera.. then sensors for ...
Nov 22, 22 / Sag 18, 06 08:46 UTC
maybe we can change money with electrons..
Nov 21, 22 / Sag 17, 06 21:54 UTC
If we compare the camera to an eye I would define it appropriate to compare money to blood necessary to communicate the various elements.
Nov 15, 22 / Sag 11, 06 15:32 UTC
if our solarsystem is our spaceship.. then the sun is our engineroom.. the livingroom is the earth.. what should we call the moon and other planets then.. feel free to use your imaginations.. Grtz,Dirk..
Nov 16, 22 / Sag 12, 06 00:30 UTC
In this sense they are the generators of cycles and part of the machinery that drives them to rotate around the galaxy
Nov 11, 22 / Sag 07, 06 12:04 UTC
is there a logical explanation for the sizes of the planets.. could be if we envision the following way.. lets start with the sun.. it travels around the galaxy.. the planets follow the sun but they make cycles around the sun.. so in fact they travel a larger distance.. the ...
Nov 6, 22 / Sag 02, 06 09:01 UTC
one of the goals of Asgardia should be digital balanced righteousness.. it would be an AI that knows the extremes and goes for the best balanced solutions towards goodness and righteousness for humanity and nature.. grtz,Dirk..
Nov 8, 22 / Sag 04, 06 16:32 UTC
And depends on the goals of the AI. There is a german thriller "The awakening" (Das Erwachen von Andreas Brandhorst) which describes that quite good, what can happen, when an ai starts to really exist.
Nov 6, 22 / Sag 02, 06 17:16 UTC
I totally agree. However, we still need to be careful about using AI. We mustn't take AI for granted.
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 10:19 UTC
in what state is the collective of humans.. it is clear that the collective is out of balance with its environment.. that causes stress and rebelling.. it is time to bring it down to a more relaxed and righteous state.. what gives us peace.. healthy air, healthy water and healthy ...
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 22:35 UTC
Hello Dirk our planet is currently home to about 7 billion humans. The distribution and access to food , water, resources to improve life ( medicines, raw materials for all the types of positive constructions that man today produces ) is not equal for everyone. Lifestyles see populations that have ...
Oct 29, 22 / Oph 22, 06 08:47 UTC
humans should always strive for balance.. life in space can only exist when there is a balanced environment between hot and cold.. between bad and good we strive for humbleness.. between dry and wet we strive for humidity.. between light and dark we strive for shadow and moonlight.. there are ...
Nov 4, 22 / Sag 00, 06 12:21 UTC
For a balanced world... The current world is too unstable...
Oct 29, 22 / Oph 22, 06 01:07 UTC
if all matter has hot spinning cores.. then lighter matter goes outwards.. and anti-matter should have cold static cores.. the force between these two should be called gravity towards matter.. and anti-gravity should be elevation from out coldness.. in between we have space as balance.. this theory should go from ...
Oct 29, 22 / Oph 22, 06 20:31 UTC
Hi Dirk, I read your posts!
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 23:55 UTC
as most of us have internet at home thus also a modem.. it would be nice to add an Asgardian network device in an empty port on the modem.. this device could be a pi with a flashcard and a linux operating system configurated for Asgardian users.. it could give ...
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 22:03 UTC
Very interesting
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 09:25 UTC
as we are a digital nation for the moment.. i thought it would be nice to make 3D printed statues from importent humans in our nation.. it could be saved in a standard file and printed out where ever you have a screen or printer in space.. the same thing ...
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 03:20 UTC
as energy is important to sustain a living being then why not help us selfs with an extra personal energy source.. it could be a heat source, a food source, an electrical source or a combination of all these.. lets say we make a patch sticker that can give us ...
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 22:00 UTC
A kind of human/ machine/ energy integration? The Japanese have already patented a technology that in the near future will allow to implant a phone between the jaw and ear. Perhaps an adjacent blood vessel will be channeled to a hydraulic swirl moved by the bloodstream to produce the energy ...
Oct 26, 22 / Oph 19, 06 11:00 UTC
we have to create new values for the now and future most precious resources.. we make a new list with the most valuable things to humans and earth.. basic clean resources as oxygen, water, food, medicines, etc.. these should be more valuable as any kind of metal or manmade products.. ...
Oct 26, 22 / Oph 19, 06 10:22 UTC
not everybody has money.. but everybody has waste or can gather waste.. what if we would setup a standard of valuing waste.. for example i have 1 kg of plastic.. locally it is being burned for energy or recycled for other plastic products.. but what if i want it to ...