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Belgium, Zogge
Oct 16, 21 / Oph 09, 05 14:52 UTC
today a little telling about vortexes and poles.. if we start from a rotating disk then the heaviest material does not go to the outside but to the inside.. that is because it creates a virtual vortex in the middle of the disk.. and because we are talking about a ...
Oct 16, 21 / Oph 09, 05 10:04 UTC
Recently I got very interested in living off the grid. My first step will be growing my own vegetables through 'permacullture' gardening. Healthy food from healthy soil. At the same time creating a space for healthy wildlife. Off the grid - a small community - a member of Asgardia. ...
Mar 8, 22 / Ari 11, 06 08:57 UTC
Oct 15, 21 / Oph 08, 05 21:46 UTC
Dear fellow Asgardians It’s really time to start and live in are new Nation because all the other countries and there politicians are just saving there one political positions . It’s time to create and moving to are own world where we can live in peace with each other . ...
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:44 UTC
an Asgardian Artificial Intelligence.. how would we start building an A.I. for Asgardia?.. inserting the constitution as base code?.. inserting all players to find useful bridges.. insert al Asgardian specialties and knowledge?.. inserting temporary goals?.. inserting businesses that lead to our goals?.. storing digital data?.. etc,etc,etc.. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 19:34 UTC
Thanks for the idea I'll work on it myself
Oct 13, 21 / Oph 06, 05 10:12 UTC
maybe there are some good recipes online
Oct 13, 21 / Oph 06, 05 05:12 UTC
that’s quite interesting, i’m sure there’s quite a few AIs already in existence we could base it off.
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:14 UTC
Humanity is slowly waking up to this subconscious drive to our evolution process. As the planets from the solar system spiral down towards the sun, some feel eager to fly away and some want to take care of the earth. Both action should be nurtured to empower each other (and ...
Oct 20, 21 / Oph 13, 05 04:49 UTC Reference to Ian Lungold and Johan Calleman
Oct 19, 21 / Oph 12, 05 16:17 UTC
At level 9 of the pyramid, the capstone. Each level is a wave divided in 13 wavelengths (seven days and 6 nights) I guess this capstone tells us that we’re in that time we will be able to colonize another planet
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 19:38 UTC
14th is a capstone ?
See all 4 comments
Oct 9, 21 / Oph 02, 05 14:15 UTC
gravity is an overload of positive (+) particles.. there is no empty space or electrons in the core.. how larger the +++ core the larger its attraction field becomes.. it is like the workings of an atom, the heavier it gets the more the empty field and the more the ...
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 19:58 UTC
There is no gravity in space.. Asgardia will need special tech.
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:31 UTC
13th Mayan step; New Dawn: Transhumanism Humanity is slowly waking up to this subconscious drive to our evolution process. As the planets from the solar system spiral down towards the sun, some feel eager to fly away and some want to take care of the earth. Both action should be ...
Oct 12, 21 / Oph 05, 05 22:28 UTC
Quantum superposition = magnetism, cancer is merely a spiritual disease
See all 5 comments
Oct 7, 21 / Oph 00, 05 12:59 UTC
Government Discussed Development of Asgardia Focal Areas link:
Oct 6, 21 / Sco 27, 05 05:50 UTC
as a digital nation we should have digital resources.. the best resource is our magazine ROOM.. now that we have ROOM with Asgardia we should take advantage of this combination.. we could make an Asgardian library with a section ROOM for example.. some articles (old news) for free and others ...
Oct 7, 21 / Oph 00, 05 09:04 UTC
I agree and I would pay for it!
Oct 6, 21 / Sco 27, 05 15:07 UTC
Totally free I accept.
Oct 6, 21 / Sco 27, 05 08:48 UTC
See all 4 comments
Oct 4, 21 / Sco 25, 05 21:31 UTC
does Asgardia has a world ambassador or ambassadress?.. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 4, 21 / Sco 25, 05 23:02 UTC
No, No country recognizes Asgardia.
Oct 4, 21 / Sco 25, 05 22:52 UTC
That would be the minister of foreign affairs or a designated person by that ministry?
Oct 2, 21 / Sco 23, 05 22:00 UTC
a thought that came from my previous post.. i found out in "Stellarium" that jupiter and saturn go near each other and go away from each other every 60 years.. so that makes a slingshot around the sun every 60 years viewed from the sun when the highlight is the ...
Oct 2, 21 / Sco 23, 05 16:46 UTC
lets talk about a couple of forces that go with each other.. if we have a force that is of a certain amount then its impact to the outside is of the same amount regarding the first force.. lets take this to something practical.. if the earth has a certain ...
Sep 30, 21 / Sco 21, 05 18:26 UTC
VKS magazine..
Oct 3, 21 / Sco 24, 05 01:11 UTC
I wish the whole magazine would either be also available in English or that the text could be translatable via google translate or others...
Sep 27, 21 / Sco 18, 05 21:05 UTC
big meeting..
the moon with the big brothers..
Sep 24, 21 / Sco 15, 05 23:59 UTC
what if we would setup our own digital space organization.. the org. could refer to everything to do with our space program.. from digital embassies to digital space-ports and space-arks.. we could run it like a sort of simulation towards the future.. we setup the framework and graphics and invite ...
Sep 28, 21 / Sco 19, 05 20:06 UTC
The bigger problem, Dirk, is that I log on to this site and all I see is the government. I don't want to see the government, I want to see the people in action. Writing about space fiction literature or astronomy study. Painting pictures of whatever, sculpting the earth, cool, ...
Sep 28, 21 / Sco 19, 05 13:38 UTC
I think the same thing. Although asgardia is a domain and has an owner, I think it should have a hierarchy, but not a governmental one, that can even have, but I speak of hierarchies of interest, cultural asgardia, health asgardia, educational asgardia, mobility asgardia... etc...
Sep 27, 21 / Sco 18, 05 09:42 UTC
Interconnection between digital platforms is a reality. The proposal must be carried out carefully as today's digital world has become a real "digital" jungle with many problems of hacking and security in general. I think that a nation with strong technological and therefore digital characteristics can look at a serious ...
See all 4 comments
Sep 18, 21 / Sco 09, 05 09:03 UTC
i can trace Asgardia-1 in the app Star Walk 2 on ipad with addon.. Grtz, Dirk.
Sep 18, 21 / Sco 09, 05 00:15 UTC
if we would divide our digital work among the Asgardians then the route we would have to take is the route of numbers.. lets take 10000 digital workers that work 1 hour each week then that would sum up to 10k hours each week, 45k hours each month, 540k hours ...
Sep 17, 21 / Sco 08, 05 23:55 UTC
if dust is our main resource on the moon then maybe we could send robots to fill dust-bags and start building some foundations for settlements on the moon.. Grtz, Dirk.
Sep 18, 21 / Sco 09, 05 15:38 UTC
Sep 17, 21 / Sco 08, 05 20:04 UTC
if we would see the earth and the moon as 2 magnets then where would be the connection point or the force point.. is it possible to generate energy from the force between 2 magnets?.. it can be a pushing force or an attracting force.. could we not reverse engineer ...
Sep 18, 21 / Sco 09, 05 23:57 UTC
Yes the interaction of two magnetic fields generates energy, movement. The Tesla-type electric motor proves this (that of Nikola Tesla). The problem is to collect energy and convert it knowing that grid electricity cannot be accumulated. We are not talking about gigawatts but about enormously greater quantities. There's a lot ...
Sep 17, 21 / Sco 08, 05 22:25 UTC
whats you email,
Sep 17, 21 / Sco 08, 05 00:03 UTC
i think it would be a good image if we would go for more green in Asgardia.. green in space is a necessity if we are planning to stay long terms.. green is the foundation of humans.. the blue earth mixed with the yellow sun gives life in the form ...
Sep 15, 21 / Sco 06, 05 23:51 UTC
the 4 humans are in space now and will stay for 3 days.. watch the media's..
Sep 16, 21 / Sco 07, 05 19:48 UTC
In space now 14 people. this is the record. before was 13 people 1995.