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Belgium, Zogge
Aug 2, 21 / Vir 18, 05 00:03 UTC
lets talk about the universe a bit.. continuing from my previous posts about heat and cold.. we can conclude furter things in de universe.. lets begin with my previous posts where we can say that cold space is anti-gravity and hot space is gravity in the form of hot gasses ...
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 18:41 UTC
lets take a view at gravity from another point of view.. if space is the medium then we can begin with to say that space is a cold environment.. cold environments are caused by expanding gas that condenses afterwards.. if we put an object in this cold environment then condensation ...
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 14:33 UTC
i was thinking about the good and the bad for living-conditions.. if we look first at our own earth then there are two realms.. the first one is bad and that is traveling towards the core.. this way we will get burned.. the other way is up towards to the ...
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 16:26 UTC
Hello Again Dirk! If I understand what you mean, I will inform you that work is currently underway to make an experimental fusion reactor that will use injected deuterium and tritium ( it is a simplification to make understand) in a chamber called Tokamak that produces containment electric plasma for ...
Jul 30, 21 / Vir 15, 05 18:30 UTC
our frame..
example of a framework for Asgardia..
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 16:11 UTC
Interesting structure! Try to talk about it in the relevant venues, with caution so as not to go into controversy or anything.
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 04:06 UTC
Dear Dirk! It's important that I keep in touch with you through the Messenger. Like WhatsApp. But I also care that you're interested.
Jul 30, 21 / Vir 15, 05 17:41 UTC
our main way to store our data today is from electrical data to flat storage in zero's/one's.. there are already some newer ways but i want to take some time how we should store data for future generations and above 1000 years.. nature stores its data in dna but the ...
Aug 1, 21 / Vir 17, 05 16:07 UTC
Hey, Dirk . The preservation of the data of our experiences and our technology, as you rightly said, is entrusted to magnetic media such as high reliability hard drives . Currently the unalterability of the data recorded on an advanced hard drive slightly exceeds 20 years. Why? Very simple, electromagnetic ...
Jul 30, 21 / Vir 15, 05 13:54 UTC
if we take a look at bacteria deep under the ground and under ocean-floors we can conclude the following.. they live in hard conditions and have very little to eat or capture energy from.. some of them split only ones in a thousand year whereby time is much more stretched ...
Jul 26, 21 / Vir 11, 05 15:49 UTC
after evaluating our first years i was thinking at a next round of inscriptions combined with a global Asgardian event.. with what subject could we engage a new hype-moment.. hmm.. maybe to start a space-bank-account with Asgardia for free and profit from the annual profits inside Asgardia above the already ...
Jul 26, 21 / Vir 11, 05 11:23 UTC
if i look at space in a whole then i see two processes.. one that makes matter and one that makes antimatter aka space.. the ones that make matter are emitting light and the ones that make space absorb light.. the first ones make heat and the second ones make ...
Jul 25, 21 / Vir 10, 05 22:08 UTC
so far as i know are civilizations on earth cyclic and driven by earthly catastrophes.. today we appear to be approaching a new chapter of the end.. humans go two ways.. the ones that want to hold-on onto power and richness's on earth.. and the ones that foresee the end ...
Jul 25, 21 / Vir 10, 05 09:54 UTC
ones we are in space we do not need money, we can serve humanity and make buffers for the future.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 25, 21 / Vir 10, 05 15:57 UTC
What kind of economy do you propose we form? People will want an incentive for their work. Sadly, most wont do that without some kind of self serving intent. I'd love to hear what incentives you would put in motion to keep the citizens of Asgardia working in space. A ...
Jul 24, 21 / Vir 09, 05 14:59 UTC
i want to discuss a bit about working hours.. as we are a global organization our clock turns 24hours around.. some great people among us are doing inhuman things to makes things possible in Asgardia.. to avoid that we should break down the work hours per person and divide them ...
Jul 24, 21 / Vir 09, 05 15:10 UTC
Get well
Jul 24, 21 / Vir 09, 05 10:17 UTC
Jul 24, 21 / Vir 09, 05 09:51 UTC
like many are writing training books about there internal code system, sort of internal bible to follow their make up world, i was thinking about that we could also write such a book as an extension to our simplified constitution.. it would be a book about our internal laws but ...
Jul 26, 21 / Vir 11, 05 13:41 UTC
Hello Dirk what you are talking about is a code of laws in force or applicable for Asgardia. Slowly, but not too much, the values are increased, they must be covered, disclosed and applied.
Jul 24, 21 / Vir 09, 05 04:09 UTC
Jul 22, 21 / Vir 07, 05 20:41 UTC
nasa predicts a g4-flare for tomorrow 23e at 18h to 00h utc.. time to wear your white or silver heat tomorrow.. the sunlight will go white.. hot weather for the west-sub-zone.. stay in your caves.. Grtz, Dirk
Jul 22, 21 / Vir 07, 05 15:53 UTC
i was just thinking about expanding our profile menu with more interactive things.. what could we add to our personal menu to get more interactivity.. any one idea's?.. hmm, maybe to far fetched but what if we would have a personal VR-room where we can arrange things like we would ...
Jul 21, 21 / Vir 06, 05 07:31 UTC
experiment idea..
CO2 = carbon and oxygen.. it requires energy to separate oxygen from the carbon.. i have here a very simple idea from a ball that is half transparent and half mirror.. it works with the heat from sunlight like a parabolic mirror.. maybe this can lead to some better idea's.. ...
Jul 21, 21 / Vir 06, 05 22:33 UTC
We can use residual heat from engines to accomplish that. It provides us sustainable environment
Jul 21, 21 / Vir 06, 05 06:15 UTC
we need to start with space-industry, preferable on the moon or in space.. lets take some 3D printers up there and start printing.. also fossil have to be replaced by mining on the moon.. lets start with placing as much robots on the moon to make buffers.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 21, 21 / Vir 06, 05 20:09 UTC
Colonizing the resources of certain asteroids using drones can be useful
Jul 21, 21 / Vir 06, 05 06:04 UTC
we need a lot of bio-domes in space, moon and mars.. we have to foresee buffers for the future and to help earth with the too large footprint of humanity.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 20, 21 / Vir 05, 05 17:04 UTC
as been seen on youtube via various channels there is serious activity on the sun in form of new sunspots.. to my own conclusion that could have been caused by meteors/asteroid impact on the other side of the sun.. it looks a lot like the impact on jupiter some time ...