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Jul 16, 21 / Vir 01, 05 11:50 UTC
if we look at a far distance to an object we can only see the environment it is in.. if we look to close on the object we loose the context where it is in.. if we look at the right distance to the object then we see the unity ...
Jul 19, 21 / Vir 04, 05 22:55 UTC
Well said:))))
Jul 15, 21 / Vir 00, 05 16:41 UTC
i hope we will get something like this also, maybe with less power and money.. link: Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 13, 21 / Leo 26, 05 02:01 UTC
in our atmosphere on earth when an explosion happens the fastest wave is the light-wave and then comes the slower sound-wave.. but in space this is not the same.. when in space an explosion happens then the sound-wave is faster than the light wave because it has a higher energy ...
Jul 13, 21 / Leo 26, 05 08:21 UTC
Hello Dirk I allow myself to make a correction in friendship. Sound in a vacuum does not propagate, the transmission medium is missing ( any existing gas, solid or liquid is the sound propagation medium). Different case is for the energy waves caused by the explosion of supernovae ( massive ...
Jul 10, 21 / Leo 23, 05 13:50 UTC
euh, have i missed something?.. is there no vacation-period in Asgardia anymore?.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 10, 21 / Leo 23, 05 14:01 UTC
Jul 10, 21 / Leo 23, 05 08:44 UTC
instead of putting all things in orbit close to earth should it not be better to make 3 additional moons at quarter distances of the real moon. this could be done by a space-buoy that indicates the place to go to. in that way we would cover the whole earth ...
Jul 9, 21 / Leo 22, 05 13:57 UTC
what sort of buffers could Asgardians setup for Asgardia to help the future.. we could fill buffers with digital data from the analog world and from our scriptures.. that is being looked at by Carol who wants to help with a digital library together with a digital university.. we could ...
Jul 7, 21 / Leo 20, 05 15:50 UTC
does Asgardia need inventors?.. yes it does..
Jul 7, 21 / Leo 20, 05 16:41 UTC
Inventions are an very important part of progress.
Jul 4, 21 / Leo 17, 05 09:47 UTC
are there bacteria who can break down carbon?.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 5, 21 / Leo 18, 05 09:07 UTC
perhaps one can have a combination of these two options to maximize the effect of carbon dioxide uptake
Jul 5, 21 / Leo 18, 05 06:25 UTC
Perhaps it will be that with microorganisms in recent times we are fighting and therefore I am not in my sympathies , but it would be enough to reverse the mechanism of destruction of forests so that we do not have to worry about the excessive production of carbon dioxide ...
Jul 4, 21 / Leo 17, 05 19:52 UTC
See all 5 comments
Jul 2, 21 / Leo 15, 05 06:17 UTC
maybe it would be useful to "flag" a post or question to put attention to the government.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 4, 21 / Leo 17, 05 09:23 UTC
The governments are all set to be extremely vigilant at the moment! When it comes to an initial contact, everyone has to be fully prepared for it! It would be good if more is shown in the public media, more reports etc. but let's be surprised what will happen Lg ...
Jun 29, 21 / Leo 12, 05 04:38 UTC
a little idea for Asgardia.. with the emerging of thousands of analog *-nauts.. maybe we could start a new branch with diginauts, they would do online space tasks as part of a digital space training for Asgardia.. ones they have that certificate they would have easier access to go to ...
Jul 1, 21 / Leo 14, 05 17:34 UTC
Before anyone goes to space they should be trained ...even if its a bootcamp like training of 6 or 8 weeks. Focus on safety.
Jun 29, 21 / Leo 12, 05 20:33 UTC
Здраствуйте. Это конечно интересно. Можно как то по подробнее и что это такое?
Jun 29, 21 / Leo 12, 05 20:24 UTC
since I have no clue what a diginauts had to look it up. It might be something useful in the long run.
Jun 24, 21 / Leo 07, 05 10:55 UTC
Spacecraft traditionally run on chemical fuels. Therefore, the vehicle becomes heavier. The main idea is that the energy released by splitting the atom will be used to accelerate rocket fuels such as hydrogen, so that both fast and short journeys will be made.
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 06:37 UTC
Dears, I am looking for pieces of information about Asgardian's economical company setup process ? It is already planned ? Regards, Thibaut.
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 11:54 UTC
The website proposed looks unstable. I have posted my company details but not sure it has arrived. For elements in the top green menu a few elements return an error page :-/
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 09:04 UTC
You can apply to register your already existing company or business idea on the official website of the Ministry of Trade and Commerce here:
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 06:48 UTC
Hello and welcome! If you have any questions or interested in what's going on with Asgardia lately, we suggest you taking a look at our FAQ and News section above!
Jun 19, 21 / Leo 02, 05 02:14 UTC
a try out with peace health and prosperity.. do i see a sign language here.. ala predator signs..
Jul 4, 21 / Leo 17, 05 20:17 UTC
I Love PHP!
Jun 19, 21 / Leo 02, 05 07:19 UTC
Super 👍🏼
Jun 10, 21 / Can 21, 05 05:55 UTC
what would happen if we would aim a negative or electron beam at a positive or radioactive mass? Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 16, 21 / Can 27, 05 18:25 UTC
A photon is neutral. A photon can be produced by acceleration of an electron (eg visible light) or a proton (eg gamma rays), but these charged particles retain their electric charge, and the neutral photon carries away some energy released in the event. Copied:))
Jun 16, 21 / Can 27, 05 15:18 UTC
thank you for the friend request Dirk.
Jun 1, 21 / Can 12, 05 05:04 UTC
something for Asgardia? link:
Jun 11, 21 / Can 22, 05 08:46 UTC
Very interesting Dirk thank you.
May 27, 21 / Can 07, 05 08:41 UTC
just a small thought in between.. light is a wave, we only see the spikes at a certain frequency, the other dark light from the lower part of the spike we skip otherwise we would have flickering in our view. the telescopes of today can focus on the bottom of ...
Jun 11, 21 / Can 22, 05 08:55 UTC
Hi does the wave of light actually sporn from sound frequencies?
May 22, 21 / Can 02, 05 21:24 UTC
lets remind ourself that earth is in fact a ball of lava with a thin crust on top with water and land and nature and our even thinner atmosphere.. life began with bacteria and is still in the works.. they are the foundation of every life-cycle from plants, insects to ...
May 23, 21 / Can 03, 05 18:59 UTC
Hello Dirk I completely agree with your vision. Think of that already today the damage that we have created the environment we come against; born gia children with microparticolati plastic part of their body and not to forget that the pandemic that we are experiencing is already the third down ...
May 19, 21 / Gem 27, 05 20:02 UTC
just read Dennis's interview and i must say this is a very motivating interview. plenty of things that match my views and feelings. link: now, there is something about going in cabins on earth like some sort of space city. i just want to add that, that is a ...
May 18, 21 / Gem 26, 05 08:32 UTC
what is causing heat.. it is movement in atoms.. by waves.. so if we want a cooldown we just let it rest without any form of waves that can interact with the atoms to move them. if the source is on itself active like radiation material then you need extra ...
May 19, 21 / Gem 27, 05 02:27 UTC
This is still just flipping the same pillow over and proclaiming its the cold side. This is not the truth. Adding an electron will produce a positively charged radiative energy wave. This will cool nothing. Positive charge attracts all charge including negative charge, cascading a heat spike. You need to ...
May 18, 21 / Gem 26, 05 22:56 UTC
Hey Dirk! The heat given by electromagnetic waves is in relation to the frequency, that is, the oscillation of two periods one positive and the other negative: the more cycles follow each other closely ( lambda) and the higher the frequency rises (Hertz), the higher the energy of the waves. ...
May 18, 21 / Gem 26, 05 22:04 UTC
And that's what happens when science only tells civilians there's only radiative forms of energy. There is a cold, generative, condensive, gravitational form that moves 10^6 times faster than the supposed movement of light..which isn't movement but a polarization from source - therefore the real speed of radiative light isn't ...
See all 5 comments
May 14, 21 / Gem 22, 05 11:21 UTC
lets imagine that there was a previous universe where an accident happened with a test on a carbon1000 element. the test made the element explode and created the universe we are in now. the carbon1000 element was dispersed into smaller carbon elements which created the different scales in our universe. ...