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Belgium, Zogge
Jul 16, 20 / Vir 02, 04 06:12 UTC
If we cheat and lie then the result is distrust and disbelief. If we trust and believe then the result is righteousness and truthfulness. A short conclusion.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 17, 20 / Vir 03, 04 01:40 UTC
心如夜明燈, 苦難從旁伸! 心持正念理, 行如公正路! 實相必伴真理現!
Jul 16, 20 / Vir 02, 04 12:48 UTC
A council position called "Historian", whose responsibility is to find moments in history where that particular decision had been made previously, analyze the different known circumstances, and offer past outcomes with the known differences?
Jul 16, 20 / Vir 02, 04 12:21 UTC
if we live with honesty, integrity, and accountability in all areas of our lives, we can mess up a little bit on one, but repair that mess up with the other two. Doesn't make us guilt free, but it can help repair our reputations. Even without the reputation to be ...
See all 9 comments
Jul 11, 20 / Leo 25, 04 19:03 UTC
What are the Asgardians views and theme's about culture in Asgardia? What are the things you would like to discuss about in regard to Asgardia? What are the kinds of activity's you would like to get involved? What are the things you would like to see created for our culture? ...
Jul 13, 20 / Leo 27, 04 07:49 UTC
I have dealt with various technological, environmental and futuristic themes. Two themes have aroused particular interest among our Asgardians: Hydroponic crops in space and developments on graphene-based batteries. On the blog I noticed that few are interested in or show interest in the public life of Asgardia as many subscribers ...
Jul 11, 20 / Leo 25, 04 11:33 UTC
We have produced so much garbage that we can industrialize it for the next 1000 years. What we need is living water and fresh fruits. Basic foods like grass-seeds and algae. Lots of buffers for shifts of temperature, wind, water and sun. If we want to survive a little bit ...
Jul 11, 20 / Leo 25, 04 15:06 UTC
i never understood the plain burning of garbage. We should use the garbagedumps as miningsites
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 21:25 UTC
Have been viewing some youtube's about crypto and it seems that crypto will maybe replace the plastic creditcards which are based on printed money. Now i see that the value is around 8000 euro for 1 bitcoin.. maybe that would be a good moment to launch our Solar for 1000 ...
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 23:53 UTC
To avoid negative sway from forces would definitely want to stay on the positive side (surplus in money and life sustaining resources) of the balance sheet at all times. Should not fall into the trap of the world, that det is a good thing.
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 19:55 UTC
old force..
The force of balance. Put a heavy object on a point or side and balance it against the force of gravity.. now you have the choice to let it go on a guided and controlled way down.. to tip it over and over again.. the precursor of the wheel.. Grtz, ...
Jul 9, 20 / Leo 23, 04 22:41 UTC
The good old inclined plane so dear to the Egyptians and their pyramids. Never forgetting it will always be useful
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 18:06 UTC
A good saying for a digital service could be: Drop you're ego and pickup an E-go.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 14:14 UTC
space waste?..
Ok, so we have prove of waste in space.. why do we not auction non working satellites and other pieces of space vehicles.. The world is in dept so in fact these should come back to the people of the earth.. the buyers can get them in space to use ...
Jul 8, 20 / Leo 22, 04 18:29 UTC
Chasing scrap in space will certainly be expensive, I have some doubts that they are truly reusable for pollution by atrazine (used in the preparation of missile propellants) and for the absorption of cosmic radiation. However, it is necessary to transform this dangerous garbage into a resource. An idea must ...
Jul 3, 20 / Leo 17, 04 18:13 UTC
We need asap references to the community's in the blogs. Our AMP Ariadne has posted a message which is posted in Asgardia community but i can not find a reference in the post-table on the dashboard page. It would be far more interesting to have a link in the form ...
Jul 3, 20 / Leo 17, 04 19:45 UTC
Exactamente no tienes que hacerlo desde tu propio blog en directo, puedes ir a la comunidad a la cual perteneces y se identifica con tu post, así es
Jul 3, 20 / Leo 17, 04 19:44 UTC
En realidad decidí colocarla en Asgardia, ya que es la comunidad con mayor número de miembros, agradezco el apunte de ambos , saludos
Jul 3, 20 / Leo 17, 04 04:15 UTC
the basement..
We the Asgardians are the basement or foundation of the Asgardian Nation. It is true the basic layers that the nation is build. We are the enrichment of the nation and we are the future of the nation. Everything will come forward from within the community of the Asgardian nation ...
Jun 30, 20 / Leo 14, 04 09:51 UTC
Today is asteroid-day.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 30, 20 / Leo 14, 04 15:02 UTC
I think we should have made something special for that occasion... Too bad! Next year maybe?
Jun 26, 20 / Leo 10, 04 10:05 UTC
west powers..
From the sun to the planets..
Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 22:17 UTC
dark times..
The 2 big cold planets together with a dark moon are a contrast with what we usual see during the early hours.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 21:26 UTC
If it is difficult to support Asgardia with the 100 euro residence fee then maybe you could buy a print or digital version of ROOM to support Asgardia. The ROOM space magazine is now part of Asgardia as our main journal for space and Asgardia articles and should be a ...
Jun 25, 20 / Leo 09, 04 16:24 UTC
Good thing this idea of magazine. A first step to build our economy 😎
Jun 21, 20 / Leo 05, 04 22:04 UTC
I noticed today that we have 2 major cycles in our solar system from the big brothers. Jupiter and Saturn have returning cycles in their orbits. The first one i noticed was one of approx 60 years when saturn, jupiter and the sun meet. The next one is one of ...
Jun 22, 20 / Leo 06, 04 18:29 UTC
It would be interesting to see if the Chinese Lunar calendar (12 animal signs alternated with 5 elements) is aligned with your theory of 60 year cycles :-)
Jun 20, 20 / Leo 04, 04 09:57 UTC
Some info about it on wiki..,_2020 Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 19, 20 / Leo 03, 04 11:38 UTC
We need a space 3D location standard. One that can be used in a digital way. Maybe some sort of quadrant for universal use and which can be layered with other layers of 3D-data. Starting like a radar-screen for airplanes but then in 3D. Gradually we can do updates with ...
Jun 19, 20 / Leo 03, 04 23:29 UTC
Hi Dirk Modern aircraft radars already use a 3D technology. It is based on a station installed on board the aircraft and radar pulses coming from the ground stations. The tracks showing the flight ID, the flight altitude and the route they follow appear on the operators' screens. It is ...
Jun 19, 20 / Leo 03, 04 07:08 UTC
family picture..
Another reunion of the family.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 20, 20 / Leo 04, 04 09:07 UTC
Thanks Dirk! Very meaningful words.
Jun 18, 20 / Leo 02, 04 08:38 UTC
meteor gatherings..
Here we have the moon between jupiter and saturn in a monthly meeting with the highest meteor gathering on this date.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 18, 20 / Leo 02, 04 09:49 UTC
Took a second but I understand now. Klever
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 09:00 UTC
What if there would be aliens who's sensors would be build on other basics. Daniel gave me an idea of beings that would see or feel electricity and/or magnetism. Something like fish and birds. These beings would literally be able to see the spiritual world. And maybe not our reflecting ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 12:41 UTC
Hi Dirk Starting from the animal population of the planet we know that ducks from Canada, and all migrants base their navigation on "sensors" referable to the magnetic field of our planet. It is demonstrated that pets perceive the presence of the reference "human" at a great distance and assume ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 10:17 UTC
That would probably make it easier for them to find and use the interstellar super highway.(The magnetic field line's linking planet's. )
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 01:26 UTC
Ali gave me just a nice idea for building space-arcs. If we would base everything on standard space-cabins then we could build a globe of space-cabins. The ones that need most protection could be placed at the center and least important ones could be placed towards the outside for replacement ...