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Belgium, Zogge
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 20:08 UTC
What is the stance of the Asgardians towards this: Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 15, 20 / Can 27, 04 06:54 UTC
Hi Dirk You're right the link you posted exposes fundamental concepts. In the name of the increase in job opportunities (earnings), only the primary result was looked at by mowing the environment, the lives of entire ecosystems, mixing and contaminating them mutually (the Florida alligators victims of pythons imported as ...
Jun 15, 20 / Can 27, 04 00:09 UTC
Looks like something one should definitely not take at complete face value. And should always look for the unsaid. Like the potential down side to some projects. Or is total function.
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 16:35 UTC
A interesting video for some knowledge about mini-computers named "Pi". Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 15:08 UTC
Hi Asgardians, today i am gonna present a new theory in science for space and all. As i am going true some fundamental links in my brain as of latest it has come to me today that there is a deeper layer behind the forces in space. I am not ...
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 18:08 UTC
but also life goes on so this could have higher understanding's and greater parts of science , 3,6,9
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 17:56 UTC
Hi Dirk To answer your theory it would be necessary to write a book and the forum is not the right place. However: spin is related to particle physics and to the angular momentum (of two types) of the rotation of the particles around the nucleus and enters right into ...
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 17:53 UTC
Lo único que puedo decir de todo esto es que hay una filosofía de la ciencia que en un momento determinado se separa de la ciencia pragmática, aquella que en los hechos pone límites a los humanos para conseguir en corto plazo el objetivo, entonces lo único que queda es ...
See all 5 comments
Jun 13, 20 / Can 25, 04 11:52 UTC
A small conclusion.. Time = position. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 13, 20 / Can 25, 04 11:35 UTC
shot in the sky..
Never knew they played football in the sky's.. Double shot.. moon and sun.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 12, 20 / Can 24, 04 21:12 UTC
summer shift..
This summer will start or end with a shift from the following date... Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 03:09 UTC
How would we react if an alien species would invade earth and start polluting the air, the water, the land and kill of all life and nature. I guess we would react extremely aggressive and without mercy against the wrongdoers. Now, then how does it come that we stay parallelized ...
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 16:32 UTC
What if there already here but are interdimensional?
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 11:38 UTC
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 07:42 UTC
2017年12月19日 隨寫 —— 珠寶盒(地球) 森林裡有一群小孩在嬉戲玩耍著彼此的盒中石 卻不知似伊甸園中蛇之眼盯著小孩手中石 似伊甸園中蛇想要小孩的手中石 小孩們在似伊甸園中蛇的糖衣般的言語魅惑下 遺失了手中石也忘卻童真 等小孩們發現時 盒中石空了 身以成鉛 心以成土 魂以成煙 小孩在枯書之林中孤獨的哭了 小孩來到一個 菸樓城 在那裡看見漆黑又冰冷的大人們 大人們的心似鐵般冰冷的敲打著 大人們的嘴中談吐著一摟摟的黑煙 大人們用爪子抓起一把把的盒中石抹碎成糞土 小孩更難過了 小孩哭著對大人們說 我有一個珠寶盒 盒中裝滿了奇珍異石 黑曜岩般的宇宙 蛋白石般的天空 祖母綠般的大地 藍寶石般的海洋 從遙遠異國來的商人 他們用糖衣般的言語魅惑著我 他們似螞蟻為了甜食般爬滿我的心 等我發現時他們已離去了 等我發現時已是大人了 等我發現時盒中石已被慾望裝滿了 而每個人類從生到死都有一個珠寶盒 要讓珠寶盒裝滿奇珍異寶? 還是裝滿人人厭惡的焦如糞土?
See all 5 comments
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 06:11 UTC
meteorian day..
Today some meteors attracted by the moon.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 5, 20 / Can 17, 04 17:24 UTC
Asgardian Residence: Everything You Need to Know About it in 2020
Jun 5, 20 / Can 17, 04 16:41 UTC
big brothers..
The big ones close to each other.. Grtz, Dirk
Jun 5, 20 / Can 17, 04 05:37 UTC
An interesting video from Douglas B. Vogt about our origins of our date and science.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 4, 20 / Can 16, 04 10:17 UTC
We humans have knowledge of time on earth. But time is relevant in what amount of space you are circling. If we would live on the sun our time would be scheduled by the volume of the sun and by the speed it spins. If our clock would be based ...
Jun 4, 20 / Can 16, 04 14:50 UTC
The time as we detect it is linked to two constant values ​​of speed and distance. In fact, our planet turns on itself with a constant speed traveling 40,000 kilometers before a point is facing the sun at the same point the day before. Conventionally, therefore a human choice, the ...
Jun 4, 20 / Can 16, 04 11:38 UTC
Using the mind to harness time is the first step into TIME TRAVEL, and harnessing time through meditation or spiritual grow is what is needed to live on a fast planetary spin.
Jun 4, 20 / Can 16, 04 11:32 UTC
One example is our conscious and our molecular structure as we change in body and mind our perception changes, but can also be harnessed by using the mind.
See all 4 comments
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 13:18 UTC
Lets imagine that previous civilizations knew about the CME's and bursts from the sun. They could have build pyramids along the equator of earth for several reasons. Maybe to deflect lightnings and ray's from the sun. Maybe also to preserve water sources during these catastrophic hot and dry times. Maybe ...
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 22:45 UTC
Brian Forrester from Peru does research on ancient megalithic structures. Through his travels has found evidence of a possible past solar event that could have decimated the planet. There is another researcher phonomial travel videos that mainly studies structures in India. Plus with a South African project called the ubunto ...
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 18:23 UTC
Hi Dirk We certainly don't know everything about the ancients or we are probably just beginning to understand that they knew a lot. Without disturbing various interpretations, I can tell you, for example, that the pyramids are not only the Egyptian and Aztec or Mayan ones, there are very large ...
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 10:20 UTC
a day to remember..
The most strong forces will be around 21/7/2020 12h. Ironically this is the national feast-day of belgium... mostly this day is known as the national rain-day.. I suspect serious activity from the sun due to the many alignments of the planets which will pull on the hotter and lighter plasma ...
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 09:15 UTC
The sun is awakening true the pull from saturn-mars-sun. .. and a few days later.. the next one.. Grtz, Dirk.
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 10:11 UTC
A nice Asgardia clock, we could make it digital and adoptable to each region in the solar-system and even add different backdrops for example moon, space and mars.. Link: Grtz, Dirk.
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 13:07 UTC
you could join, if you gave time. even with nation builders
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 10:30 UTC
Around Europe there are companies that produce personalized watches both in design and in the clock face. These are: 1) Identify a watch manufacturer that is interested 2) check availability for purchase by collecting reservations on a model agreed with the Authorities (let's not forget that we treat the symbol ...
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 10:25 UTC
Hi Dirk, are you in the ascord app aswell?
May 25, 20 / Can 06, 04 05:17 UTC
in some hours..
The moon will be a guide of cold energy from the big cold planets in a few hours span: 8/6/20 19:30u jupiter-moon 8/6/20 22:00u between 9/6/20 01:00u saturn-moon Grtz, Dirk.
May 24, 20 / Can 05, 04 05:45 UTC
If we want to give an example for removing space debris we should first look at our-self's. Lets make a drone that searches for the Asgardia-1, attaches it-self to it, and brings it to a higher orbit. While doing so we could add new features like for example a space-webcam. ...
Jul 23, 20 / Vir 09, 04 10:23 UTC
One other solution will be to have addittive manufacturing in space, so debris can be recycled in orbit. Drone has the duty to collect debris for manufacturing directly in space. The debris can be used as fuel for special design engine like this chinese study: It will not only ...
May 24, 20 / Can 05, 04 18:52 UTC
Considered how the world of electronics is evolving When a drone will be available for relocation jobs in higher orbits, but within the wan halen bands Asgardia 1 will be of obsolete technology. Personally I would study a new type of satellite equipped with maneuvering motors capable of recovering the ...
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 16:31 UTC
Rectangles in space.. geometric forms in space stay attractive.
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 00:45 UTC
Waking up in the middle of the night with the following idea.. What if the solar min. and max. are actually the heartbeat of the center of our milkyway. We could see it as the pulse rate. As it originates from gravitational waves we should be able to follow it ...
May 24, 20 / Can 05, 04 18:41 UTC
A little risky but surely the "background noise" from the galaxies exists intended as an electromagnetic signal generated by the celestial bodies that compose them. Pulsars are already an example of the "beat" of the universe.