Your location
Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC, Canada
Aug 13, 24 / Lib 02, 08 17:08 UTC
Bonjour, Je cherche un francophone qui puisse m’expliquer le système asgardien.
Aug 13, 24 / Lib 02, 08 17:22 UTC
minister of citizenship :
Aug 30, 23 / Lib 18, 07 19:28 UTC
My apologies for not being back for a while, it's been busy! I've written 2 published books, one on soil-crafting called Soil-Craft (the most extensive organic soil building book in the world to grow anything for agriculture or cannabis) and The Art of Regenerative Agriculture to help farmers quickly and ...
Jul 18, 24 / Vir 04, 08 05:23 UTC
Sorry …, I left a note on your page you can’t delete… . Take care… m.k. X July 17/24
Sep 23, 23 / Sco 14, 07 18:30 UTC
Also sorry for going all “jerry McGuire” on your wall.
Sep 23, 23 / Sco 14, 07 08:12 UTC
Regenerative soil: / compounds and structuring of the soil could widely be used for a majority of benefits both medicinally in its basic compound or with things like adding different ? Plants? As well as using phyto chemistry . And photosynthesis . it would leave less , of a chemical ...
Oct 15, 22 / Oph 08, 06 18:06 UTC
Im think that in the last 30 years of video games being made, there have been very interesting ideas about how humanity and society as a whole can be viewed in video games. i think we can take inspiration from these examples and use them going forward in betterment of ...
Oct 15, 22 / Oph 08, 06 21:14 UTC
Idea’s are always welcome..
Sep 4, 22 / Lib 23, 06 20:09 UTC
Now to find a house!
Mar 29, 22 / Tau 04, 06 17:30 UTC
flowers and  birds
mira las flores del mondo in costa rica !!
Mar 30, 22 / Tau 05, 06 07:41 UTC
Che meraviglia
Dec 24, 21 / Cap 22, 05 17:57 UTC
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to let you guys know I didn't let you down
Aug 4, 23 / Vir 20, 07 20:26 UTC
I’m on asgardia? tried to write message didn’t go through . Wanted to visit and coffee… trying to surprise you !! Mmm coffee? Just two likeminded people and coffee… more brains than money .. at least me … until further notice. Thx. Peace x
Oct 1, 21 / Sco 22, 05 21:15 UTC
Happy Croptober Growers.
Just grew a million dollars worth in 200 square meters across 118 plants using my supersoil recipe and adding water.. 3 times a week. Universities are asking me to teach and this council still doesn't see my value or want my help to fund us. Not sure why... Anyone want ...
Oct 3, 23 / Sco 24, 07 22:32 UTC
Gonna go do it , fir U! Just as a friend ? Miss you ? Uh ur awesome that’s all-mmm… moving !! :) chirp that’s where I’m at ? Have a good night - bought coffee? Lol whuuu night uh …buddy ?? Lol ?? —-
Oct 7, 21 / Oph 00, 05 01:37 UTC
I'd love to!
Oct 6, 21 / Sco 27, 05 10:11 UTC
Someone once said I was too hard on myself . Go up against me💭🤨?? 🧐 🌹 🌹 🥀 🥀🥀🥀 I’ve got some ideas 💡
May 21, 21 / Can 01, 05 21:28 UTC
I have germinated and sown more than 200 Legendary, Afficianado French Connection seeds.. Rosso Corsa and Pineapple Sorbet. Among the most expensive on the planet. Now, this time.. I want YOU to tell me what flavors to look for - for the 2nd Great Asgardian Champion Hun Look up the ...
May 16, 21 / Gem 24, 05 16:18 UTC
May 16, 21 / Gem 24, 05 16:18 UTC
May 16, 21 / Gem 24, 05 16:17 UTC
May 16, 21 / Gem 24, 05 16:16 UTC
May 13, 21 / Gem 21, 05 22:55 UTC
If this is something you want to sell - let me know - I'm a few years ahead - most don't know you can do some neat things with Microwaves. Their stuff still looks like a horn instrument.. chassis can be 3D printed or CNC cut. Circuitry is analog and ...
May 5, 21 / Gem 13, 05 13:01 UTC
Greetings. It looks like Asgardia hosts a crypto wallet for earthlings. If this is the case, it really should register with FinCEN and perhaps some other earthy regulators, at least until servers are space-based and outside of earthly jurisdiction. I'm not sure who to contact about this within Asgardia, but ...
May 5, 21 / Gem 13, 05 21:25 UTC
Y eso por qué?
May 5, 21 / Gem 13, 05 17:28 UTC
Correct - it is a token on a blockchain system, not a crypto currency.
May 5, 21 / Gem 13, 05 15:33 UTC
Why? What would be the advantage? In a lot of ways - FinCEN, particularly - these "regulators" only have their own interests at heart. Whose laws are we breaking? Remember that, rhetoric aside, Asgardia is at best an Austrian corporation. Why would we register with a US regulator? Further, space-based ...
See all 4 comments
Apr 25, 21 / Gem 03, 05 01:29 UTC
Who do I talk to about applying for security clearance?
I have Canadian security clearance, I'd like to apply for Asgardian security clearance.. perhaps then we could get some things moving forward.. unless you want the general public having access to systems civilians, gangs and terrorists from 100+ countries having full access to energy systems capable of powering, shredding, melting, ...
Apr 27, 21 / Gem 05, 05 16:37 UTC
It does work, you're scared to build it because it would invalidate your classical education.
Apr 27, 21 / Gem 05, 05 16:21 UTC
Good luck with your theories of thermodynamics.. You so called electrical scientists ignore an entire other form of energy that balances the radiative, moves ten to the six times faster not to mention the roughly fifty errors in your EM theories declared as laws, absence of radiant energy, scalar potentials ...
Apr 27, 21 / Gem 05, 05 15:24 UTC
You're a tin foil wearing kook. Got it. Long story short you need a classical education, it sounds like. "Free energy circuit" that could power your home? What happens when the 12V batteries run out? Or do you think the voltage transformer replenishes the batteries? There is nothing dangerous in ...
See all 7 comments
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 02:11 UTC
Any of you masterminds figure out that you can redirect gravity at more than 90 degrees by using a reverse cyclotron system using ferrofluid within a toroidal structure by accelerating it past the fluids material resonance? Think of maybe injecting some mercury in there? How about some osmium? Nope... still ...
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 14:39 UTC
Publication was deleted... neat timing haha
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 01:52 UTC
Anti-gravity space propulsion :
Mar 9, 21 / Ari 12, 05 01:58 UTC
Space Hotel
Space is getting develop
Nov 20, 20 / Sag 17, 04 18:42 UTC
Hello everyone, some of you might not remember me. I'm John Skieswanne, one of the first to join Asgardia in 2016 (I am amongst the first thousand that joined). I am known, in Asgardia, as the veteran Constitution Volunteer, I took part in the first team to create a constitution, ...
Nov 22, 20 / Sag 19, 04 20:20 UTC
OHOU and welcome back, John!
Oct 7, 20 / Oph 01, 04 19:51 UTC
Fusion nucléaire : le MIT veut une injection dans le réseau dès 2033 On attend beaucoup de la fusion nucléaire, une méthode de production d'énergie reproduisant le comportement du soleil et promettant une énergie propre et pratiquement illimitée. Actuellement, les yeux sont tournés vers Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (Bouches-du-Rhône) et le projet ITER, qui doit produire son premier plasma expérimental en 2025 et prouver la ...
Sep 24, 20 / Sco 16, 04 03:18 UTC
Propulsion Systems
Evolution is still going on. Gas, Ion, or even Electromagnetic propulsion System I would like to hear your opinion on this subject.
Sep 24, 20 / Sco 16, 04 22:29 UTC
The power to manipulate particles, the basic units of energy and matter. Sub-power of Physics Manipulation. Also Called Particle Contol Partikinesis Capabilities The user can create, shape and manipulate particles, the basic units of energy and matter (such as molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, gravitons, tachyons, photons, etc). With ...
Sep 24, 20 / Sco 16, 04 22:25 UTC
I think whats needed for this without the thrust of the plasma which in fact should not be necessary, but in which is needed the particle manipulator from that to repell positive to positive particle fields, so in that the plasma is obsolete. You now have E=Mc2.
Sep 24, 20 / Sco 16, 04 17:05 UTC
Only electric thrusters like Emdrive have not yet worked, so I believe that a ship or Asgardia itself must be built connected to a source of matter, such as an asteroid, to be expelled, generating thrust, by an electric thruster.