Your location
Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC, Canada
Jul 24, 19 / Vir 09, 03 22:54 UTC
I am looking for work I can do technical writing and data analysis I work by contract My fares rare reasonable
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 00:42 UTC
This is my new iPhone Wallpaper i just made
Jun 23, 19 / Leo 06, 03 03:00 UTC
give me your email
Jun 21, 19 / Leo 04, 03 06:59 UTC
can u send me HD version ?
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 11:49 UTC
i get it ! thank :)
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 04:16 UTC
I'm a resident of Asgardia from Canada and proud to be Asgardian
Jul 29, 19 / Vir 14, 03 22:39 UTC
Congratulation, welcome to Asgardia residency, we have many exciting things coming so do not lose faith in us, may take some time to implement but we will get things going for our Asgardians!
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 20:47 UTC
Thank You
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 06:43 UTC
Glad to still have you onboard, Rejean!
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 04:03 UTC
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 01:10 UTC
That's so cool!
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 00:34 UTC
It's a pleasure to help Asgardians it's my third missions to Mars and i also send my name to the Sun on Parker Solar Probe
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 17:30 UTC
Thank you for sharing this! I wouldn't of found that if you hadn't! My name is now officially signed up to go to Mars :)
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 04:13 UTC
My patch i design for the commemoration of our first satellite launch
Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 12:38 UTC
Hey guys, does anybody know what means the number of free uploads which is limited to 5 and levels we have being attributed ?
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 12:03 UTC
В своём профиле, можеш ввести свой ник:
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 11:35 UTC
That are basics???? Is oxygen included to the set of basics?
Apr 26, 19 / Gem 04, 03 11:33 UTC
Opened everybody's profile. Nodoby else to upvote for me. Each of you already level 3. NOBIDY ELSE CAN EVEN REACH YOU. what sort of halifat do you create?
See all 15 comments
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 15:40 UTC


A rendering of a possible lunar habitat, featuring elements printed in 3D with lunar soil. European Space Agency/Foster + Partners


This concept involves identifying, extracting and processing ...

Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 12:10 UTC
What do you mean by stability?
Apr 21, 19 / Tau 27, 03 09:21 UTC
When mastering the moon, it is important not to harm the Earth. If we change the stability of its orbit by excessive actions, various unpleasant things can happen!
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 20:28 UTC
Yes, as long as these robots will be able to identify, extract and process their own rocket fuel :)
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 15:24 UTC

In one very small (and thus limited) but interesting study, Qing Li, a professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, measured the activity of human natural killer (NK) cells in 12 men’s ...

Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 20:22 UTC
Are animals and insects would be part of this ?
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 15:38 UTC
Could a disconnection from earth nature be destructive and harmful for human lunar colonies ?
Feb 22, 19 / Pis 25, 03 13:47 UTC

SpaceX вывела на орбиту три космических аппарата, в том числе израильский лунный аппарат, представляющий первую финансируемую из частных источников лунную миссию, сообщает CNBC.
SpaceX запустила ракету-носитель Falcon 9 в четверг в 20:45 (04:45 мск пятницы) с базы ВВС США на мысе ...

Feb 22, 19 / Pis 25, 03 14:58 UTC
now we wait for the moon landing
Feb 20, 19 / Pis 23, 03 23:26 UTC

The planets may get top billing in the solar system, but they are far outnumbered by the moons. There are hundreds, and they come in all kinds of varieties, like a cosmic tray of ...

Feb 20, 19 / Pis 23, 03 23:21 UTC

In late 2015, in the Chilean desert, astronomers pointed a telescope at a faint, nearby star known as a red dwarf. Amid the star’s dim infrared glow, they spotted periodic dips, a telltale sign that something was passing in ...

Feb 20, 19 / Pis 23, 03 23:15 UTC

Astronomers believe that most of the planets in our galaxy that have Earth-like temperatures are likely to be tidally locked. Because their ...

Feb 20, 19 / Pis 23, 03 03:30 UTC

Asgardia poses a unique opportunity to test and implement innovative approaches to evergreen problems faced by democratic regimes. Many examples of systemic, endemic corruption exist in contemporary Western societies; indeed, there are likely none which are truly free of it. Any attempt to correct these corrupt practices are unlikely ...

Feb 6, 19 / Pis 09, 03 13:39 UTC

Magnetic north has never sat still. In the last hundred years or so, the direction in which our compasses steadfastly point has lumbered ever northward, driven by Earth 's churning liquid outer core some 1,800 miles beneath the surface. Yet in ...

Feb 4, 19 / Pis 07, 03 16:56 UTC

How often are we told not to share our passwords?

Well, customers of Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX wish its founder, Gerald Cotten, had ignored this advice. Cotten, who reportedly died in December 2018, took with him a costly piece of information — the password to access the ...

Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 14:22 UTC
Dear Asgardina, I kindly ask your VOTE for the parliament of Asgardia. I will do the best for Asgardia. Thanks
Feb 6, 19 / Pis 09, 03 13:27 UTC
Да, об этом сейчас уже многие пишут. Cегодня в Твиттере прочитала, что такая практика была "необычной". Но и кто бы мог подумать, основателю было всего 30 лет!
Feb 5, 19 / Pis 08, 03 23:59 UTC
Так они и будут передоваться по наследству так сказать, умер или освободился от должности, передай пароль приемнику. Второй образец пароля должен находиться у самого доверенного хранителя.
See all 6 comments
Jan 27, 19 / Aqu 27, 03 21:41 UTC

Scientists have spotted repeated blasts of radio signals coming from deep in space.

The breakthrough is only the second time scientists have seen such a repeating radio burst. It both deepens the mystery and offers a potential opportunity to finally understand what ...

Dec 20, 18 / Cap 18, 02 23:52 UTC

I find it beautiful,

Midgard, still so young,

Blooming into Asgardia.

This is something,

I want to be a part of,

time and time again.

Dec 15, 18 / Cap 13, 02 19:05 UTC

Je suis chef analyste en sécurité de l'information à CBC / RadioCanada à Montréal

Je suis également humaniste, militant progressiste en faveur de la protection de la vie privée et de la démocratie, cofondateur d'un organisme à but non lucratif nommé Crypto.Québec, auteur du livre "On vous ...

Oct 23, 18 / Oph 16, 02 17:20 UTC

For a long time the values of United-World have been mine. I deeply believe we are in a time when Humanity is assembling, after a long period of war(s), to face common challenges. At at least we should do.

We can easily think of the energy, ressources ...