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Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC, Canada
Oct 16, 18 / Oph 09, 02 18:33 UTC

Hello All,

I find this Voting Survey on the Asgardia Blog :

I believe 16 is old enough ;) if you do too ( and even if you do not ), go raise your opinion

Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 18:20 UTC


If you have ideas, or questions, about Asgardia in Montreal, you can contact me at :


Si vous avez des idées, ou des questions, pour Asgardia sur Montreal, contactez moi a ...

Jan 9, 19 / Aqu 09, 03 21:18 UTC
Félicitation Nicolas
Nov 12, 18 / Sag 08, 02 20:18 UTC
Sounds good. Please let me know if Asgardia needs legal advice on payments or currency. I am a leader in that field on Earth.
Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 22:40 UTC
Thanks, likewise you can contact me at Congratulations and keep in touch.
Sep 18, 18 / Sco 09, 02 12:58 UTC

We must never allow the US to weaponized space. If they have stop it.

Sep 2, 18 / Lib 21, 02 16:33 UTC

Dernière semaine des elections !!! Votez pour moi ;)

Sep 8, 18 / Lib 27, 02 21:03 UTC
I'm confident that you will do great and you will be successful, best of luck!
Sep 4, 18 / Lib 23, 02 11:46 UTC
Please also donate for my mayorship! To build a strong nation together!
Aug 24, 18 / Lib 12, 02 04:42 UTC

Hello fellow Asgardian,

Another week, another weekend to prepare ! I hope you'll enjoy the great summer we have in Montreal ;)

Good Weekend !


Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 04:30 UTC

I love my humanity 💞

Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 04:24 UTC
Education power

Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela

Jul 4, 18 / Leo 17, 02 18:38 UTC

We humans are growing beings and everyday we go over our expectations. I believe we can achieve anything we put our mind to.

Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 12:54 UTC
First parliamentary work /
 Premier travail parlementaire

Hello dear Asgardians,

Our first parliamentary work will begin soon.

If you remember, my platform was all about citizens, to do politics differently than actual nations. So here's your chance to assist us promulgating laws of our nation.

For our first work, each ...

Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 18:10 UTC
Oh and for the civil management, I do believe that once government is processed, that laws are in place, it's probably embassies that will rely on the ministry for this duty... anyway, wea re not there yet, but for sure, it's coming :)
Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 18:01 UTC
Thank you Nissem :) I will take note of that. I know there are committee for each ministry and parliament members have to choose at least one (1) committee. It may be part of the future science committee. I will check that and include it on the list :) Again, ...
Apr 22, 18 / Gem 00, 02 13:36 UTC
Thank you Patrice for asking for our participation <3 I appreciate it a lot :) From the things that should be discussed I guess that the national administrative structure is from the important ones. How will we be managing our world wide spread population ? For this, we will need ...
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 12:38 UTC
Thank you !!! // Merci !!!

Dear Asgardians,

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this election, from citizens to the volunteers who are behind all of this organization and worked hard to make it happens.

Only 2 days to go before the voting close, I can only encourage ...

Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 23:39 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms. See my platform.
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 08:54 UTC
Hello Dear Sir, Time is finished, Only last our remaining, I am so far away to elected, please vote for me Thanks, Md. Yousuf Ali SEO Expert
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 01:25 UTC
C'est sur que c'est mieux après, mais il va quand même y avoir une entrevue avec tous les gagnants de l’élection... Donc, juste au cas, je préfère remercier tous les Asgardiens qui ont participé a l’élection...j'ai hâte de voir le taux de participation... :)
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 18:58 UTC
La construction de la station spatiale.

Bonjour chers concitoyens d'Asgardia.

Voici un blog sur la construction d'une station spatiale et ce qui peut être fait dans les 5 prochaines années pour atteindre cet objectif. C'est en fait conforme à notre vision de construire une station. Au cours des cinq prochaines ...

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 13:13 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!!
Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 18:46 UTC
A space station construction

Hello fellow citizens of Asgardia.

Here's a post about a space station construction and what can be done in the next 5 years toward this goal. It's actually in line with our vision to build a station. In the next five years, there's a lot to think ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 21:56 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 00:31 UTC
Congratulations on the clean and honest campaign, worthy of an Asgardian. In the days leading up to the parliamentary elections in Asgardia, I met people highly qualified to hold a post in Parliament, but for some reason failed to achieve this goal. What I have to say to these extraordinary ...
Jan 27, 18 / Aqu 27, 02 05:55 UTC

Hi everyone!
I am truly proud to be a new Asgardian.
This is me when I was young well... a glitchy and colorful version.
I can't wait to explore and ...

Jan 27, 18 / Aqu 27, 02 05:29 UTC
To the stars

This is the dream we all dreamed of

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 21:44 UTC

I'm excited to be a brand-new part of this free and open society. It gives me great pleasure to explore the development of this nation as our race expands the boundaries of its community. I look forward to being a part of this new nation!

Dec 17, 17 / Cap 15, 01 21:03 UTC

Thanks man!

Dec 13, 17 / Cap 11, 01 01:01 UTC

Welcome to Asgardia brother :)

Nov 4, 17 / Sag 00, 01 19:13 UTC
I am a VISIONARY / Je suis un Visionnaire

I have so many ideas and energy to share to these goals. I was not born in the right Time!

Je ne suis pas née dans la bonne époque.

Dec 13, 17 / Cap 11, 01 01:02 UTC

Heureusement tu es née à la bonne époque :) nous avons besoins de gens comme toi

Nov 9, 17 / Sag 05, 01 02:04 UTC

welcome visionary, share away ;)

Nov 4, 17 / Sag 00, 01 19:04 UTC
I have a Dream!

Maybe not in the life but I'll be a Captain of my ship one day!

Peut-être pas dans cette vie mais je serai Capitaine de mon vaisseau un jour!

Nov 4, 17 / Sag 00, 01 19:00 UTC
Let's get to start to build this Station!

Before the Star Expedition

Avant l'Exploration Spatiale

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 23:23 UTC

I am working for these dream to realize for a long time now in this life!
I won't stop now!