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Lyon, France
Mar 20, 23 / Ari 23, 07 09:06 UTC
What are you doing for Asgardia this week? I will continue to translate english news from official website in french. I will think about Asgardia-2 satellite. I continue to discuss about Asgardia around me. Have a nice week, OHOU!
Mar 8, 23 / Ari 11, 07 22:09 UTC
Special mention today on a special international day
Tahirih, also known as Qurrat al-Ayn, was a prominent poetess and scholar in 19th-century Iran. She was a fearless advocate for women's rights and a vocal critic of the oppressive patriarchy that dominated Iranian society at the time. Her assassination in 1852 by religious zealots was a tragic event that ...
Aug 26, 24 / Lib 15, 08 12:15 UTC
Besides her religious activities, Tahirih (The Pure One) was a pioneer advocate of women's rights in Iran. Reportedly, her last words were "You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women.”
Dec 18, 23 / Cap 16, 07 14:36 UTC
отвёртка в жопе
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:13 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
See all 4 comments
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 11:02 UTC
OHOU fellow Asgardians, it is my turn to propose my candidacy for the French district at the Parliament of Asgardia. I hope to have the chance to discuss your thoughts about Asgardia and your ideas with you. Don't hesitate to discuss with me here or in Private messages. My ...
Mar 7, 23 / Ari 10, 07 19:00 UTC
Excellent, it will be wonderful that you are part of the process and the parliament, a cordial greeting to you
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 13:36 UTC
Taking in account Asgardians ideas and matching them with the main objectives of the nation can be a good start Dirk. A specific committee will help. Thank you
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 11:13 UTC
a minister of brainstorming with an civilian thinktank..
Mar 2, 23 / Ari 05, 07 20:49 UTC
Application done!
Feb 15, 23 / Pis 18, 07 16:22 UTC
Asgardia, for a new pool of space employees?
The evolution of professions and jobs is a constant process, and the pursuit of space exploration has led to the emergence of new jobs and the transformation of existing roles. In the context of Asgardia, the creation of an autonomous space nation necessitates the development of technical, organizational, and personnel ...
Feb 16, 23 / Pis 19, 07 13:42 UTC
First full digital. Later, we will need physical centers when the market grow. So we will be ready.
Feb 15, 23 / Pis 18, 07 18:08 UTC
very good.. now the question is.. can it be achieved digitally or do we need local training centers.. i suppose that by now every advanced country or region has at least one training center.. a center of our own would be ideally.. grtz,dirk
Jan 23, 23 / Aqu 23, 07 15:54 UTC
Bonjour la commu française, Les articles du site officiel disponible en français sur le lien ci dessous. OHOU!
Jan 23, 23 / Aqu 23, 07 16:06 UTC
Hey! This is great! If you want to have your translations added to the website, please email and they will be able to work with you on this.
Dec 7, 22 / Cap 05, 06 18:31 UTC
The Blue Marble shot
OHOU fellow Asgardians! 50 years today, human beings for the first time in their history got to see the Earth in whole realizing we all live on the same spaceship, spaceship Earth. Let's celebrate a minute this amazing shot taken by the Apollo 17 mission, a picture that came to ...
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 00:00 UTC
muito bom
Dec 8, 22 / Cap 06, 06 23:09 UTC
Beautiful. Africa and Madagascar, wonderful places. So much beauty there.
Dec 8, 22 / Cap 06, 06 21:05 UTC
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Jul 14, 22 / Leo 27, 06 18:13 UTC
Become a Resident for free!
OHOU dear fellow Asgardians, OHOU! For a limited time, our Head of Nation, Dr. Ashurbeyli has decided to sponsor 5,000 Asgardians to become Residents of Asgardia. As of today, 14th of July 2022 - (27 of Leo 0006), there are still a few hundred spots left to benefit from this ...
May 23, 23 / Can 03, 07 16:14 UTC
Howdy! How are you ?
Oct 22, 22 / Oph 15, 06 21:56 UTC
OHOU Tarun, the special offer from the now reelected Head of Nation has ended. You can still get your 1-year residency through the 100 solar payment on your profile (1€=1solar).
Oct 21, 22 / Oph 14, 06 00:15 UTC
Is this sponsorship still available? Is the paid resident is for lifetime or one year?
See all 22 comments
May 29, 22 / Can 09, 06 15:34 UTC
Asgardia ring ...
Asgardian jusqu'au bout des doigts
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 13:17 UTC
May 31, 22 / Can 11, 06 02:59 UTC
Cómo lo obtengo
Mar 20, 21 / Ari 23, 05 22:03 UTC
Hi everybody ! I noticed an error in the French version of our constitution. Chapter 1, after the 12th article, in the final chapter : (...) notre nouvelle nation spatiale créée par nous-même (...) A 's' is missing. The correct orthography is : (...) notre nouvelle nation spatiale créée par ...
Mar 27, 21 / Tau 02, 05 21:10 UTC
OHOU Jean-Nico ! Oui, il y a quelques erreurs de frappe dans la Constitution version française et même dans la version anglaise. J'avais fait une liste il y a quelques années mais il faut ouvrir un référendum pour pouvoir modifier la Constitution donc il faut attendre que les conditions soient ...
Mar 24, 21 / Ari 27, 05 01:19 UTC
I am Ahmad Khabrani, a cybersecurity expert. I live in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Jizan
Mar 21, 21 / Ari 24, 05 16:11 UTC
the title also has a typo : it's "La Constitution du Royaume Spatial d'Asgardia"
See all 4 comments
Jul 20, 20 / Vir 06, 04 15:43 UTC
Application for parliament done. And you? #AsgardiaByelections0004
Jul 21, 20 / Vir 07, 04 15:56 UTC
1/1981 my self
Apr 25, 20 / Gem 04, 04 09:15 UTC
Mega rocket
Is this possible? Usefull?
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 07:25 UTC
Hi Patrick. Only Residents are able to vote. But you already did it with this message ;-).
Jul 22, 20 / Vir 08, 04 18:36 UTC
How can i votefor u
Jun 24, 20 / Leo 08, 04 19:10 UTC
Bonjour, j'aimerai bien avoir le lien du discord français s'il vous plait
See all 4 comments
Apr 15, 20 / Tau 22, 04 15:52 UTC
Asgardia Tower
Starting to create a digital world. Before we know where to use it for virtual meeting of Asdgardians.
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 04:54 UTC
That would be a great building as a headquarters on the moon so as one approaches from Earth everyone would see the Asgardian's Symbol like a beaken in the night greeting arrivals. The top could be a emergency excavation pod
Apr 15, 20 / Tau 22, 04 19:54 UTC
Magnifique ! Très réussi, tu est doué !
Apr 15, 20 / Tau 22, 04 19:34 UTC
Merci Henri!
See all 7 comments
Mar 25, 20 / Tau 01, 04 14:13 UTC
Salut aux Asgardiens de France. Un channel de discussion francais existe sur Discord. N'hésitez pas a me demander le lien. Des projets actifs, des idées à faire murir... A bientot sur le channel.
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 16:17 UTC
OHOU les ami-e-s asgardien-ne-s ! Voici le lien pour rejoindre la communauté officielle Discord d'Asgardia où rejoindre les autres francophones : À bientôt de vous y voir ! :-)
Nov 8, 20 / Sag 05, 04 19:03 UTC
Amis francophones bonjour. Je serais ravi de pouvoir rejoindre votre communauté.
Jul 21, 20 / Vir 07, 04 13:01 UTC
Bonjour, je voulais vous envoyer un message pour vous demander l'adresse du discord mais je n'ai pas trouvé comment, alors je poste un commentaire ici. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider je lui en serais reconnaissant...
See all 5 comments
Mar 25, 20 / Tau 01, 04 14:11 UTC
Mar 12, 20 / Ari 16, 04 11:03 UTC
According to you, what are the first things to do except what is going on in ASGARDIA parliament to construct the space nation?
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 09:36 UTC
Get to space
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 14:56 UTC
I invite you to read the brochure, is very clear to understand this issue
Mar 13, 20 / Ari 17, 04 21:38 UTC
Action from the side of its followers!
Mar 11, 20 / Ari 15, 04 13:48 UTC Will you help him?
Mar 13, 20 / Ari 17, 04 21:40 UTC
Wahou, bon courage à lui ! Prometteur !
Mar 11, 20 / Ari 15, 04 14:16 UTC I have done it.
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 07:34 UTC
After our first satellite, will we plan to have a space module for Asgardia? When? 2030? Space mining refueling in space live tips ...
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 16:10 UTC
10 or 15 years for the first arches
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 13:01 UTC
This is a very interesting question. Everything will depend on the activity of people who are ready to develop Asgardia. At the moment there are 1,100 people out of 1 million followers who help Asgardia in becoming a state structure. Once Asgardia becomes a partially recognized state, we will be ...
Mar 10, 20 / Ari 14, 04 13:01 UTC
Space mining need AI-powered probe and robotic-miners to extract resources in microgravity conditions... a lot of R&D will be needed
Feb 28, 20 / Ari 03, 04 07:50 UTC
If you have any idea about Asgardian 3D stuff to print. Don't hesitate to share with a sketch or other. I will manage to design it.
Mar 5, 20 / Ari 09, 04 22:19 UTC
for sure
Mar 4, 20 / Ari 08, 04 03:40 UTC
Can you help me 3-D print Asgardia flag,🙏
Mar 3, 20 / Ari 07, 04 23:07 UTC
See all 4 comments
Aug 30, 18 / Lib 18, 02 15:54 UTC
Promoting space flights

My idea is that it's to early to think about an functionnal, "low cost", space structure now. In my opinion, we need 1 or 2 steps more before.

Once that says, what about promoting the space tourism by making event's. Like lotery, contests or ...

Sep 2, 18 / Lib 21, 02 04:45 UTC
Bienvenue sur Asgardia, Benyprof ! Belles idées à partager avec plus d'audience ! Je te propose de rejoindre les groupes sur Facebook si tu le souhaites : Au plaisir de t'y voir !