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78630 Orgeval, France
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:35 UTC
📡🇹🇫Et en cas de dégât par un débris spatial ?
Et en cas de dégât par un débris spatial ? En principe, les États qui lancent des objets dans l’espace ou qui accueillent sur leur sol des entités privées ayant cette activité sont responsables des dommages causés par des débris. Que ces dommages aient été causés dans l’espace, par exemple ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:40 UTC
🇷🇺А как насчет ущерба от космического мусора? В принципе, ответственность за ущерб, причиненный обломками, несут государства, запускающие объекты в космос или принимающие на своей территории частные предприятия, занимающиеся этой деятельностью. Было ли это повреждение нанесено в космосе, например на другом спутнике, или при возвращении на Землю. Эта ответственность может быть ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:39 UTC
🇺🇸What about damage from space debris? In principle, States that launch objects into space or that host private entities engaged in this activity on their soil are liable for damage caused by debris. Whether this damage was caused in space, for example on another satellite, or during a return to ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:29 UTC
🇹🇫📡Peut-on garder un débris spatial ?
Peut-on garder un débris spatial ? L’article 8 du traité de l’espace (en forme longue, traité sur les principes régissant les activités des États en matière d’exploration et d’utilisation de l’espace extra-atmosphérique, y compris la Lune et les autres corps célestes) contient des dispositions spécifiques à ce cas de figure. ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:30 UTC
🇷🇺Можем ли мы сохранить космический мусор? Статья 8 Договора по космосу (в развернутой форме — Договор о принципах деятельности государств по исследованию и использованию космического пространства, включая Луну и другие небесные тела) содержит положения, характерные для этого сценария. Короче говоря, если он упал на вас, это не значит, что он ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 14:29 UTC
🇺🇸Can we keep space debris? Article 8 of the Outer Space Treaty (in long form, Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies ) contains provisions specific to this scenario. In short, just because it ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 00:15 UTC
🛰️🇹🇫Les marques dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique :
🛰️Les marques dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique : 👉Il y a des dizaines d’années que se pose, par exemple, la question des marques dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique mais rien n’a été fait depuis le premier voyage spatial de 1957. Aujourd’hui, plusieurs pays réalisent des voyages dans l’espace et prévoient d’installer des hôtels en ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 00:16 UTC
🇷🇺🛰️Отметки в открытом космосе: 👉 Десятилетиями, например, поднимался вопрос об отметках в космосе, но с момента первого космического полета в 1957 году ничего не было сделано. Сегодня несколько стран осуществляют космические путешествия и планируют обустроить отели на околоземной орбите, с городами на Луне и Марсе. Чтобы избежать хаоса в этом ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 00:16 UTC
🇺🇸🛰️Marks in outer space: 👉 For decades, for example, the question of marks in outer space has been raised, but nothing has been done since the first space voyage in 1957. Today, several countries are carrying out space travel and plans to set up hotels in Earth orbit, with cities ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 03:16 UTC
Collection Space 👉 Saturne. Tissus hautes températures La gamme de textiles haute température de Vitcas comprend des tissus, des feutres piqués et des fils à coudre conçus pour résister à des températures exceptionnellement élevées allant de 550oC à 1260oC. Ces différents tissus ont des finitions de surface naturelles ou sont ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 16:04 UTC
We need to initiate a contest about that :-) .
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 12:04 UTC
Está buena !!
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 04:24 UTC
white or darkblue socks instead of shoes..
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 03:13 UTC
Collection Space 👉 Jupiter Tissus hautes températures La gamme de textiles haute température de Vitcas comprend des tissus, des feutres piqués et des fils à coudre conçus pour résister à des températures exceptionnellement élevées allant de 550oC à 1260oC. Ces différents tissus ont des finitions de surface naturelles ou sont ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 03:06 UTC
Collection Space 👉Pluton Tissus hautes températures La gamme de textiles haute température de Vitcas comprend des tissus, des feutres piqués et des fils à coudre conçus pour résister à des températures exceptionnellement élevées allant de 550oC à 1260oC. Ces différents tissus ont des finitions de surface naturelles ou sont enduits ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 03:03 UTC
Collection Space 👉 Mercure Tissus hautes températures La gamme de textiles haute température de Vitcas comprend des tissus, des feutres piqués et des fils à coudre conçus pour résister à des températures exceptionnellement élevées allant de 550oC à 1260oC. Ces différents tissus ont des finitions de surface naturelles ou sont ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:56 UTC
Collection Lune Tissu Fibre de verre Tissus hautes températures La gamme de textiles haute température de Vitcas comprend des tissus, des feutres piqués et des fils à coudre conçus pour résister à des températures exceptionnellement élevées allant de 550oC à 1260oC. Ces différents tissus ont des finitions de surface naturelles ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:48 UTC
🇫🇷Que diriez-vous de découvrir ce que nos créations mode Spatial peuvent offrir ? #parisasgardiensspace #spatial #SpatialNews #Asgardia #asgardiens #asgardians #satellite #orbite #spacesuit #spacefashion Tissus de silice Ces tissus, composés de fibres de silice, sont des matériaux résistants à des hautes températures. Ils répondent à la plupart des exigences industrielles en ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:50 UTC
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:49 UTC
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:39 UTC
🪐✨Que diriez-vous de découvrir ce que nos créations mode Spatial peuvent offrir ? #parisasgardiensspace #spatial #SpatialNews #Asgardia #asgardiens #asgardians #satellite #orbite #spacesuit #spacefashion Les tissus de verre sont fabriqués à partir d’une fibre de verre qui résiste à des températures allant jusqu’à 800 °C. De même, non incombustible . Matériau ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:43 UTC
Of course, it should be taken into account that there is microgravity in the orbit and it is not possible to walk so easily.
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:41 UTC
🇺🇲🪐✨ How about discovering what our Spatial fashion creations can offer? #parisasgardiensspace #spatial #SpatialNews #Asgardia #asgardians #asgardians #satellite #orbit #spacesuit #spacefashion Glass fabrics are made from a fiberglass that withstands temperatures up to 800°C. Also, not incombustible. natural material Ecologically pure and non-harmful to human health, pleasant, fluid, oxygenation. Non-combustible ...
Jul 3, 23 / Leo 16, 07 02:40 UTC
🇷🇺🪐✨ Как насчет того, чтобы узнать, что могут предложить наши модные творения Spatial? #parisasgardiensspace #spatial #SpatialNews #асгардия #асгардианцы #асгардианцы #спутник #орбита #скафандр #космическаямода Стеклоткани изготавливаются из стекловолокна, выдерживающего температуру до 800°С. К тому же не негорючий. натуральный материал Экологически чистый и безвредный для здоровья человека, приятный, текучий, насыщенный кислородом. негорючий ...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 15:15 UTC
L'exploration spatiale a bien servi l'humanité, offrant un moyen de prévision météorologique et une capacité à étudier le cosmos lointain. Cependant, notre passion pour la science a créé d'importantes quantités de déchets spatiaux. Les débris spatiaux désignent tous les débris laissés dans l'espace par les humains. Il est généralement composé ...
Jul 2, 23 / Leo 15, 07 01:37 UTC
This is something we should worry about as we become a multi planetary species. While some planets have rings made of rock and space debris, we will have rings made of junk. How uninviting is that to any potential aliens, assuming they even want to speak to us to begin ...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 15:16 UTC
🇷🇺Исследование космоса хорошо послужило человечеству, предоставив средства прогнозирования погоды и возможность изучать далекий космос. Однако наша страсть к науке привела к созданию большого количества космического мусора. Космический мусор относится ко всему мусору, оставленному в космосе людьми. Обычно он состоит из вышедших из строя или вышедших из строя спутников и остатков ...
Jul 1, 23 / Leo 14, 07 15:15 UTC
🇺🇲Space exploration has served mankind well, providing a means of weather forecasting and an ability to study the distant cosmos. However, our passion for science has created large amounts of space junk. Space debris refers to all debris left in space by humans. It is usually made up of failed ...
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 12:10 UTC
My warm regards After several unsuccessful attempts on my social media accounts before the parliamentary elections, I would first like to thank all those who supported me and who believed in me until the last minute, that I just had to leave. Working in a team, a complex exercise that ...
Jul 5, 23 / Leo 18, 07 00:02 UTC
Hello Sir, Thank you for your discussions on my future projects, I would like to follow your progress and your future projects by adding you to my network. You will also be able to discover ours more and, if necessary, contact us by these means of communication. I think that ...
Jul 4, 23 / Leo 17, 07 11:43 UTC
I understand the importance of finding a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of space mining. I agree that we should prioritize scarce resources on Earth. An example of this is the water you mentioned, which is present on the Moon. It would be advantageous to learn how to extract ...
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 20:07 UTC
A windfall to mine The metallic asteroid Psyche (about 200 km wide) is estimated to contain about 50% metal, a total amount equivalent to millions of years of our annual global production of iron and nickel. And these metals are not the only ones that arouse the greed of future ...
See all 5 comments
Jun 3, 23 / Can 14, 07 12:20 UTC
📒📒COMMUNICATION #asgardia#
✍️The methodological approach Participatory development communication supports a process of participatory development or research for development. .FIGURE 1: The outer circle of the participatory research process or participatory development. Such a process is usually represented by four main interrelated phases to each other: problem definition, planning, intervention (or, in the ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:28 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 3, 23 / Can 14, 07 12:31 UTC
🇹🇷✍️Metodik yaklaşım Katılımcı geliştirme iletişimi bir süreci destekler katılımcı geliştirme veya gelişim için araştırma. .ŞEKİL 1: Katılımcı araştırma sürecinin dış halkası veya katılımcı geliştirme. Böyle bir süreç genellikle birbiriyle ilişkili dört ana aşama ile temsil edilir. birbirlerine: problem tanımı, planlama, müdahale (veya araştırma, deney durumu) ve değerlendirme. İkincisinden sonra, ya ...
Jun 3, 23 / Can 14, 07 12:27 UTC
🇸🇪✍️Det metodologiska förhållningssättet Deltagande utvecklingskommunikation stödjer en process av deltagande utveckling eller forskning för utveckling. .FIGUR 1: Den yttre cirkeln av den deltagande forskningsprocessen eller deltagande utveckling. En sådan process representeras vanligtvis av fyra huvudsakliga inbördes relaterade faser till varandra: problemdefinition, planering, intervention (eller, i forskning, experiment) och utvärdering. Efter ...
See all 9 comments
Jun 3, 23 / Can 14, 07 12:06 UTC
✍️It's a share and an opinion Communication and participation community Development Communication The methodological approach Steps Establish a relationship with a community and deepen its understanding of the context Engage the community: identify a problem; find some potential solutions; decide on the establishment of an initiative concrete Identify community groups ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:28 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 7, 23 / Can 18, 07 04:30 UTC
I would enhance on the importance of stakeholders. They hold a lot of sway, whether it be in direct power, or in, indirect power, such as personal relationships.
Jun 3, 23 / Can 14, 07 12:14 UTC
🇸🇪✍️Det är en dela och en åsikt Kommunikation och engagemang gemenskap Utvecklingskommunikation Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet steg Etablera en relation med en gemenskap och fördjupa dess förståelse av sammanhanget Engagera samhället: identifiera ett problem; hitta några potentiella lösningar; besluta om inrättandet av ett initiativ betong Identifiera samhällsgrupper och andra intressenter berörs ...
See all 10 comments
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 23:47 UTC
🪐Nebula type of stellar object A nebula (from the Latin nebulosus, "blur", from nebula, "cloud") is, in astronomy, a celestial object composed of rarefied gas, plasma, or interstellar dust. Prior to the 1920s, the term referred to any diffuse-looking object in the sky. Studied by astrophysicists specializing in the study ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:29 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 23:41 UTC
🛸🛸Benevolent and malevolent aliens exist. It will always be a reality. Research the topic. Thousands of people living on Earth are already aware, but in a few years everyone will see that we are not alone. Never been alone in the universe. Don't be shocked when you see thousands of ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:29 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 23:11 UTC
WHAT IS A MEDICAL BED? 1. Medical beds. They use technology to transform your body into optimal health using the original codes of your DNA. This technology has been tested. With this technology, our society will focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field. There will be no ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:29 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 22:41 UTC
🛸ɾꖎⅰ!⍑ɾ⦣ᒷ⅂ ˧ɾꖎɾᶖ⅂¦ᑑ⚍ᒷ
ɾꖎⅰ!⍑ɾ⦣ᒷ⅂ ˧ɾꖎɾᶖ⅂¦ᑑ⚍ᒷ
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:30 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 15:49 UTC
🌌Open Sky School on Atmospheric Space is an intervention by space, at school, whose objective is to promote mental health and well-being, favored by the stars and the stars.🌠
Jun 11, 23 / Can 22, 07 01:07 UTC
Je n'arrive pas à récupérer mon compte , j'ai transmis deux mails à Asgardia. Si quelqu'un peut les contacter pour qu'ils vérifient leurs mails s'il vous plaît. J'ai expliqué tout le problème lié à la tentative de piratage de dimanche dernier. Merci.
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:30 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 18:38 UTC
gracias Señor
See all 11 comments
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 15:29 UTC
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:30 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 2, 23 / Can 13, 07 18:05 UTC
Si pudiera tener un hijo lo mandaria a este escuela