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Berlin, Germany
Mar 13, 21 / Ari 16, 05 15:03 UTC
Record number of asteroids seen whizzing past Earth in 2020
Despite pandemic disruption, astronomers detected thousands of previously unknown near-Earth asteroids last year.
Mar 10, 21 / Ari 13, 05 17:54 UTC
BBC - China and Russia have announced plans to build a lunar space station.
Russian space agency Roscosmos says it has signed an agreement with China's National Space Administration to develop research facilities on the surface of the moon, in orbit or both. A statement from both countries' space agencies says it will be available for use by other nations.
Mar 5, 21 / Ari 08, 05 23:04 UTC
Warp Drive Is No Longer Science Fiction. The Physics of Faster-Than-Light Travel
A warp drive that doesn't break the laws of physics is possible. Warp drives may be on the road to reality. Previous ideas about how to make these hypothetical devices have required exotic forms of matter and energy that may not exist, but a new idea for a warp drive ...
Mar 5, 21 / Ari 08, 05 10:49 UTC
Organic matter and water from asteroid Itokawa
For The First Time, Organic Matter Crucial For Life Has Been Found on an Asteroid's Surface. Follow the twisted limbs of your family tree all the way back to its primordial origins billions of years in the past and you'll find that we all originated from dust rich in organic ...
Feb 24, 21 / Pis 27, 05 10:46 UTC
The Golden Record
Pioneers 10 and 11, which preceded Voyager, both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. With this example before them, NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2, ...
Feb 23, 21 / Pis 26, 05 12:38 UTC
Apophis Asteroid and Earth at Closest Approach
This animation shows the distance between the Apophis asteroid and Earth at the time of the asteroid’s closest approach. The blue dots are the many man-made satellites that orbit our planet, and the pink represents the International Space Station. On March 5, wave hello to the most infamous asteroid that ...
Feb 23, 21 / Pis 26, 05 07:26 UTC
Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)
NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover safely touched down on the Red Planet on Feb. 18. So what will the robotic scientist "see" on her descent and what will she do next? Join mission experts for update about the rover – the biggest, heaviest, cleanest, and most sophisticated six-wheeled robot ever launched ...
Feb 23, 21 / Pis 26, 05 23:33 UTC
Fantastic. I am fascinated by this kind of videos.
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 08:36 UTC
Perseverance Rover's First Image from Mars
February 18, 2021 This is the first image NASA’s Perseverance rover sent back after touching down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. The view, from one of Perseverance’s Hazard Cameras, is partially obscured by a dust cover.
Feb 18, 21 / Pis 21, 05 21:05 UTC
Mars 2020
Alea iacta est!
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 04:15 UTC
Nice, my name is on it to!
Feb 18, 21 / Pis 21, 05 06:40 UTC
Safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma in elderly COVID-19 patients: the RESCUE trial
To assess the safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma (CP) transfusion in elderly people with moderate to severe COVID-19 living in a long-term care facility (LTCF).
Feb 14, 21 / Pis 17, 05 15:23 UTC
من ارتفاع ٢٥ ألف كم عن سطح الكوكب الأحمر .. أول صورة للمريخ بأول مسبار عربي في التاريخ
The first picture of Mars captured by the first-ever Arab probe in history, 25,000 km above the Red Planet's surface
Feb 13, 21 / Pis 16, 05 01:16 UTC
NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Landing
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 16:18 UTC
Jan 2, 21 / Aqu 02, 05 07:10 UTC
Happy new year ❤️🎈 0005
Dec 23, 20 / Cap 22, 04 14:09 UTC
Merry Christmas
May the Spirit of the Season Fill the Hearts of One and All.
Dec 24, 20 / Cap 23, 04 21:51 UTC
Buon Natale da Asgardia the new world 👍🎄👋😂
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 14:08 UTC
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all Asgardians!
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 01:27 UTC
Fraunhofer IME: OrbiPlant™
Die zunehmende Urbanisierung führt zu einem steigenden Bedarf an frischen und vor allem konstant verfügbaren pflanzlichen Agrarprodukten. Idealerweise würde eine räumlich nahe, wetterunabhängige, ressourcenschonende, pestizidfreie und automatisierte Produktion nachhaltig zur Versorgungssicherheit und Produktqualität beitragen. In dem Projekt OrbiPlant® wurde ein neuartiges Pflanzenanzuchtsystem entwickelt, welches im Vergleich zu bestehenden Systemen alle ...
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 01:23 UTC
Trailer Molecular Farming Seminar
Mit Pflanzen Corona bekämpfen? „Molecular Farming“ macht Pflanzen zu grünen Bioreaktoren für Antikörpertests. Traier zum Live Onlinevent vom 03. November 2020 - 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr Ein Online-Seminar von im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsjahres Bioökonomie und der Berlin Science Week.
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 01:09 UTC
Vertical farming and Circular City
A depiction of the city of Babylon, the largest city in the world during 1770 BC to 1670 BC and 612 BC to 320 BC has an amazing feature; the Hanging Gardens of Babylonia. One of the first vertical planting concept in human civilisation.
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 00:53 UTC
Reflections on the Life & Work of Jacque Fresco
Joel Holt, with the help of Roxanne Meadows and Nate Dinwiddie’s archiving, created a video “Reflections on the Life & Work of Jacque Fresco”. The video presents snippets from Jacque's life, events, and appearances throughout his prolific and active life. A Resource Based Economy as proposed by Jacque inspires us ...
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 00:36 UTC
The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. The Venus Project is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. See
Dec 5, 20 / Cap 04, 04 01:40 UTC
That's the future I see.