Now in order to expand the natural homosexuality in humankind as per my personal theories.
Imagine a time where humanity such as it was, was divided into tribes. Tribes with their own leaderships, desires, access to food, water and dwellings and so on and ...
Now in order to expand the natural homosexuality in humankind as per my personal theories.
Imagine a time where humanity such as it was, was divided into tribes. Tribes with their own leaderships, desires, access to food, water and dwellings and so on and so forth. Tribes with no shared identity other than similar bodies and desires. Nothing more. Not very intelligent on the whole but cunning, strength and instinct. In that level of being the most important things are self and tribal preservation through protecting what you have and getting from other tribes or nature what you do not have.
Moving on. so you needed to eat. Therefore you needed to hunt or gather. The most efficient way to go about doing that is sending your strongest (who can carry more and hurt things more). This, however, leaves behind the females and the old (females are precious, a man with many females can being back the tribe, but many men with one female are doomed). Or does it? You cannot leave behind males because they will mate against the pecking order with the females. But there is a solution you see, a very natural solution. Males who abhor women and are not interested in mating with them. So you leave behind a contingent of strong men to protect the tribe's precious commodities without any negative influence on the natural order of things (such as it was).
In this theory not only homosexuality is natural but also saved mankind from extinction. A blend of logic, efficiency and the rule of nature. Nature is single minded and has only one goal.
What about the female homosexuals then? Things get a bit more complicated here. Let's imagine us again in the same scenario as above. The men are out and away, perhaps for days hunting (at certain point science points out that we overcame our prey through tiring it out not overcoming it with bursts of speed but rather through our ability to steadily walk for long periods of time). The male guards do not care for the females as shown above.
What do we have to work with? A cave. Females. Primitive conditions. First thing's first. Are the females there weak and blushing and caring and standoffish prudes like Victorian ladies? I think not. I think they are strong and vicious filled with the same instincts as men.
Two questions come to mind.
a)Is the primitive man capable of giving an orgasm to the primitive woman?
b)Why are women multi orgasmic?
More variables are added. Let's go on. Who is the leader among the females? Every gathering has a leading figure or figures. The "wife" of the tribe's leader? The "wives"? The older ones? By older do imagine around 30 to 40 and perhaps that is going too far.
Based on all the above my theory about female homosexuality is this. Due to the necessity of having a leading figure females alone through a mixture of direct (muscles) and indirect (male companion's status) strength created a hierarchy formulated by sexual actions forced and not between the females. Extreme violence leading to death would be prohibited due to the women's inherent value and the male homosexual guarding.
That in my view that also a secondary beneficial effect. The leading women were satisfied and possibly more relaxed paving the way to easier copulation with the males which in turn increased our odds of survival.