(good night, my name is Haerul Muhammad Ammar. I from indonesia. nice to meet you. this is my family Photo. i wear glasses.)
I want to start a peacen Asgardia. Hope it could happen.
who i am? you tell me.
why i wanted to be asgardian? it's a nice idea to rebuild the world with a new generation, new place, and new system. hope our sins in the earth never happen again.
Nice to hear a hopeful point of view. I do hope that Asgardia doesn't make the same mistakes that we've all made here on earth and that our mission of peace can make a difference.
note: I'm currently running for the position of strategist, please ...
Hope for a better life in a better & peaceful society, where all can live harmoniously
technology will never die as long as AN ENGINEER STILL EXIST :D LOL
ASGARDIA = PERFECT (Peace, Equality, Relationship, Friendly, Entertain, Comfort, and Tolerance)
Hi Asgardians, How Are You?
Let me introduce my self
i'm calvin from indonesia
For the first time I would tell you about my achievements in technology ...
Kami bersatu menjadi yang lebih baik, kami berevolusi bersama-sama untuk Asgardia yang sejahtera tanpa ada kekerasan dan paksaan. Mengenal satu sama lain, wajah-wajah baru suku ras yang berbeda dan kami bersatu untuk masa depan.
We are united to be better, we evolved together for ...
Let's make the great Planet and make peace for better place .
Humanity for human
In the present age of the earth where the sense of humanity diminishes, mutual respect has disappeared, mutual appreciation and helplessness has diminished to the point of causing conflict, a growing sense of hatred and the most terrible is the sense of killing between fellow human beings.
My name is Ping, and I am from jakarta.
I am running my own company which is based on technology business.
I wish I can share and get to direct involve on this Argardia system
Hail Asgardians, peace on earth and peace in the sky
Some of us must have heard of a garden where man named Adam and Eve was created and placed at the beginning of the earth there, it is true the name of the garden is Eden. A ...
I am a businessman, I have interest in Cosmology ,Philosophy , Social Sciences , Humanities ( Psychology, History, Anthropology, International Politic, etc). I like reading Futurism and I like Alvin Tofller's books. I love Nature and animals. I believe in Science.
I speak Indonesian, a little Japanese ...
Kehidupan modern yang menciptakan dunia tanpa perang dan kejahatan semua kehidupan sejahtera tidak mengenal ras atau asal mula asgardia masa depan.
I have background in Information Technology especially in the Networking area, General Engineering & General Science.
Fast learner. I absorbed information & knowledge like a sponge.
Natural problem solver
Not your typical geek.
Passion in driving & racing
A house should be a convenient location to live in and have an element of comfort, therefore by giving priority to the comfort and environment of which is the space, then made interior design elements that should describe the comfort in living in Space Doom Asgardia.
In ...