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Aug 23, 20 / Lib 12, 04 16:01 UTC
SCN Podcast Ep. 030 - New MAP! - 3 Interviews.
IN TODAY’S EPISODE 30th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Update on what has been happening in Asgardia since Unity Day; – 3 interviews: – In our segment on Nation Builders: interview with Ruckus with an update on some of the activities and ongoing projects of Nation Builders ...
Aug 15, 20 / Lib 04, 04 15:33 UTC
The key of the role of Asgardian, I would said keeping peaceful and lovely of the space and keep the beauty of the space.
May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 09:38 UTC
The new Unreal Engine 5 tech demo is the Bee's Knees!
Although I shudder at the idea of creating a game with that level of fidelity for a 30+ hour experience (as tweeted by the naughy dog creative director.) But a few thoughts that strike me, this will simplify the art pipeline greatly. The barrier to entry for the indie developer ...
May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 08:39 UTC
Hey folks, welcome to the Asgardian game dev community!
May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 23:28 UTC
Currently working with Godot/Blender. About 30 years of experience in software development. Game Dev is a WHOLE new ball game!
May 14, 20 / Gem 23, 04 21:56 UTC
World First Double Shaft / Double Armature DC/AC Motor
I would like to share with you my latest prototype, which i have done couple of months ago ;). This is World First Double Shaft / Double Armature DC/AC Motor as far as i know, this motor design can be configured to run as an AC motor Or DC motor ...
May 15, 20 / Gem 24, 04 14:48 UTC
Amazing:) Keep up the good work:)
Apr 26, 20 / Gem 05, 04 19:47 UTC
Asteroid Crush 29.4.2020
But ... don't put it as a 100% belief ... this hadith comes from a weak hadith ... but as far as the prophetic hadith is concerned ... it does not come from a fabricated hadith ... not so ... thank God ... but ... so ... remember the Messenger ...
Apr 27, 20 / Gem 06, 04 01:41 UTC
Podéis estar tranquilos ya que pasará a seis millones de kilómetros y seguramente ni lo veréis porque estará nublado jeje
Apr 26, 20 / Gem 05, 04 20:05 UTC
Asteroid 1998 OR2 poses no threat to our planet
Apr 26, 20 / Gem 05, 04 19:51 UTC
Apr 13, 20 / Tau 20, 04 10:58 UTC
SCN027: AMP Froelke shares 3D printable device for CoViD-19; AMP Gallagher on the Age for Parliament; Ross Cheeseright reads open letter to Parliament: listen to the podcast! IN TODAY’S EPISODE 27th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. 4 interviews today: – AMP Cheryl Gallagher gives an update on Parliamentary work and answers a question on the age to run in the upcoming Parliamentary by-election. – AMP Brian Froelke shares about his work and hopes around ...
May 18, 20 / Gem 27, 04 16:43 UTC
Thank you for these words of encouragement! OHOU!
May 11, 20 / Gem 20, 04 00:16 UTC
Hi there :) Just discover the show, and listening right as I write this comment. Great technic, great pronunciation for non english listeners. Thank you for your work !
Apr 14, 20 / Tau 21, 04 00:48 UTC
Wish COVID-19 patients around the world recover soon! Use various hygiene methods at home, Maintain the health of yourself and others! Let COVID-19 cannot treat people's bodies as their own home!
See all 5 comments
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 16:15 UTC
Ongoing: discussion and debate on Join us to discuss the Head of Nation's Live Stream themes!
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 18:26 UTC
Amazing meeting! Thank you for our Chair of Parliament Lembit Öpik to have joined us along with AMP Gallardo, AMP Lovette, AMP Basseri and AMP Rizzato! Insightful and encouraging discussions!
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 16:03 UTC
2 AMP interviews: listen to Podcast episode 026
IN TODAY’S EPISODE 26th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. 3 interviews today: AMP Cheryl Gallagher gives an update on the ending of the Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition 2019; the elephant in the room: she shares her perspective on how Asgardia is functioning since Ana Mercedes Diaz, ...
Apr 13, 20 / Tau 20, 04 18:14 UTC
Nunca se predice un principio, se hace el camino al andar y tendremos tropiezos y no por ello debemos desalentarnos, este proyecto este para décadas adelante, revisar y reanudar es el gran reto
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 15:03 UTC
Смотрел прямой эфир Игоря Ашурбейли, и многое стало понятно в причинах его грустного настроения: пара бывших ключевых задач Асгардии теперь даже не обсуждается. Видимо, неудачно прогнозировали в начале . Бывает...
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 08:32 UTC
2 AMP interviews: listen to Podcast episode 026
IN TODAY’S EPISODE 26th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. 3 interviews today: AMP Cheryl Gallagher gives an update on the ending of the Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition 2019; the elephant in the room: she shares her perspective on how Asgardia is functioning since Ana Mercedes Diaz, former ...
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 08:27 UTC
2 AMP interviews: listen to the Podcast
IN TODAY’S EPISODE 26th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. 3 interviews today: AMP Cheryl Gallagher gives an update on the ending of the Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition 2019; the elephant in the room: she shares her perspective on how Asgardia is functioning since Ana Mercedes Diaz, ...
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 07:38 UTC
Mar 22, 20 / Ari 26, 04 05:16 UTC
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 16:59 UTC
Watch Party!
Join the event here! –>
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 16:53 UTC
Watch Party for Head of Nation's Live Stream!
Ohou Asgardians and other Earthlings! This Tuesday March 24th at 3pm UTC, for the first time in the History of the Space Kingdom, Asgardia’s Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli will be giving his first live stream interview! For this occasion, Nation Builders is organizing a watch party on their ...
Mar 27, 20 / Tau 03, 04 21:27 UTC
I agree!
Mar 25, 20 / Tau 01, 04 02:45 UTC
Asherbeyli did a good job
Mar 24, 20 / Tau 00, 04 16:14 UTC
See all 15 comments
Mar 17, 20 / Ari 21, 04 05:24 UTC
Covid 19 cause the whole world trembling and who to blame?
Mar 17, 20 / Ari 21, 04 06:19 UTC
This may or may not help, depending up on one's current worldview, but I offer it for consideration, based on 25+ years of looking at the global condition and spiritual evolution of humanity.
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 08:59 UTC
NB's launch successful!
Ross Cheeseright's 'Nation Builders' Community has launched successfully a few hours ago!! Check his video and join the community page here to stay updated!! Let's get to work!
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 13:41 UTC
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 20:14 UTC
Breaking News: Prime Minister has resigned along with cabinet. Check this SCN podcast episode 025.
Ana Mercedes Diaz has resigned from her position of Prime Minister along with her whole cabinet. Ross Cheeseright is creating a new Community called Nation Builders. Listen to this episode of the Space Citizen News podcast:
Jan 29, 20 / Pis 01, 04 07:12 UTC
Episode 024: 5th April 1986 Guinness World Record Concert in Houston dedicated to Challenger Disaster Astronauts
1.5 million people showed up at Jean-Michel Jarre's 5th April 1986 Houston Texas concert dedicated to the Astronauts of the Space Shuttle Challenger! Learn who was Ron McNair in this new episode of the Space Citizen News podcast! Economics from Davos 2019 with Minister of Finances Leon Shpilsky! Booklet study ...
Jan 29, 20 / Pis 01, 04 07:05 UTC
Episode 024: 5th April 1986 Guinness World Record Concert in Houston dedicated to Challenger Disaster Astronauts
1.5 million people showed up at Jean-Michel Jarre's 5th April 1986 Houston Texas concert dedicated to the Astronauts of the Space Shuttle Challenger! Learn who was Ron McNair in this new episode of the Space Citizen News podcast! Economics from Davos 2019 with Minister of Finances Leon Shpilsky! Booklet study ...