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Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 04:14 UTC
Episode 017 of Space Citizen News is out! IN THIS EPISODE 17th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Asgardia-1: Asgardia’s first territory in Space launched 2 years ago today; Tallinn meeting is next week: bringing Asgardia’s leadership together for the first time in Asgardia’s History; “Asgardia’s Parliamentary Space Art Competition”: exclusive interview with AMP Cheryl Gallagher ...
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 04:07 UTC
Exclusive interview with Cheryl Gallagher, Culture Committee
Come and listen to Episode 017 of the Space Citizen News podcast and my interview with the Executive Secretary of the Culture Committee of Asgardia's Parliament Cheryl Gallagher, District 13 and hear her presentation of the Asgardian Parliamentary Space Art Competition. IN THIS EPISODE 17th episode of the Space ...
Nov 16, 19 / Sag 12, 03 12:12 UTC
👍🏻 good job
Nov 15, 19 / Sag 11, 03 02:23 UTC
Wonderful is good to spread in many places this important notice
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 04:01 UTC
How did we lose 16,000 Asgardian Residents?
We had almost 19,000 Asgardian Residents on Monday and now... there are only 2000+ Asgardian Residents? What happened? Check Episode 017 of the Space Citizen News podcast: IN THIS EPISODE 17th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Asgardia-1: Asgardia’s first territory in Space launched 2 years ago today; ...
Nov 19, 19 / Sag 15, 03 08:10 UTC
I personally reckon that residency and citizenship should be inalienable rights. There are a lot of problems attached to being able to retract someone's residency/citizenship, and a lot of potential corruption issues. (I'm thinking far future on this one, I'm not calling the current government or administration corrupt XD). I ...
Nov 19, 19 / Sag 15, 03 07:45 UTC
Well your are right, not everyone has 100 eu, but for the western world 100 eu is not so much. Unless if you got financials problems. Maybe asgardia can lower the fee for poor country's if there can proof there living there. Or maybe asgardia can build something that people ...
Nov 19, 19 / Sag 15, 03 04:00 UTC
A reminder that there's also plenty of people who simply cannot afford 100 Euros a year. For the poorer people of society, it's a lot of money. It's easy for people with a lot of money to go "Ah, yes, here, have some pocket change and we'll see how it ...
See all 16 comments
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 19:17 UTC
Episode 016 Space Citizen News published! IN THIS EPISODE 16th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Parliamentary update from Helena Aramendia, website update, new Booklet pages 1, 2 and 3 reviewed, interview with Asgardian Mayoral Candidate Nurdin Mohamed for Nairobi in Kenya, national statistics and upcoming events in Asgardia.
Nov 8, 19 / Sag 04, 03 02:16 UTC
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 12:11 UTC
Keep the podcasts coming!
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 19:10 UTC
Episode 016 published! IN THIS EPISODE 16th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Parliamentary update from Helena Aramendia, website update, new Booklet pages 1, 2 and 3 reviewed, interview with Asgardian Mayoral Candidate Nurdin Mohamed for Nairobi in Kenya, national statistics and upcoming events in Asgardia.
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 03:52 UTC
Oct 30, 19 / Oph 23, 03 00:22 UTC
Podcast Episode 015 online! IN THIS EPISODE 15th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Helena Aramendia from Parliament PR subcommittee shares current work and projects of Parliament, interview with Asgardian Mayoral Candidate Michael Aluxhim for Jakarta in Indonesia, current population statistics and presentation of the upcoming events for Asgardia.
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 14:25 UTC
Don't miss out on Episode 016 that was just released yesterday!!
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 14:16 UTC
Nov 7, 19 / Sag 03, 03 09:39 UTC
Amazing, it looks so beautiful, I love it. kiss novel
Oct 22, 19 / Oph 15, 03 21:52 UTC
Podcast Episode 014 of Space Citizen News IN THIS EPISODE 14th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Back to our usual format, receiving Helena Aramendia from Parliament PR subcommittee who comments on ASIC2019, personal impressions about the Darmstadt Congress, going back on the London Meetup at the occasion of Asgardia’s Third Birthday with Chair person ...
Oct 24, 19 / Oph 17, 03 03:50 UTC
Today it is working fine :)
Oct 23, 19 / Oph 16, 03 22:52 UTC
You are the second person mentioning that... On my end everything works fine. Can you send me a screenshot of the incident if it is still "site cannot be reached"?
Oct 23, 19 / Oph 16, 03 12:13 UTC
Is it only for me the site doesn't work? For me it says the site can't be rached or it's maybe moved or temporary down
Oct 22, 19 / Oph 15, 03 21:48 UTC
Podcast Episode 014 of Space Citizen News is out! IN THIS EPISODE 14th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Back to our usual format, receiving Helena Aramendia from Parliament PR subcommittee who comments on ASIC2019, personal impressions about the Darmstadt Congress, going back on the London Meetup at the occasion of Asgardia’s Third Birthday with Chair person ...
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 13:17 UTC
Kochi, India: First Asgardian get together (non-official)!

This Saturday 26th of October, from 1pm to 9pm, the first non-official meet-up in Kochi, Kerala, India, will be taking place at the Hill Palace near Tripunithura. Come and join us to this unique first get-together in the History of Asgardia in India! Program: – get together, chatting, brainstorming, ...

Oct 26, 19 / Oph 19, 03 02:35 UTC
August 1st was the first meetup in Delhi and August 13th was the first meetup in Kolkata... It looks like you've missed both of them... You can check the two events in the event section "load more"...
Oct 25, 19 / Oph 18, 03 19:08 UTC
Yes, it's too far to make it this time. Hope for an event in Delhi or Kolkata. My best regards for this Summit, keep us posted! Thank you
Oct 22, 19 / Oph 15, 03 20:46 UTC
Excellent! I am looking forward to meeting him in person this weekend!
See all 7 comments
Oct 16, 19 / Oph 09, 03 10:58 UTC
ASIC2019: Special podcast episode 2/3
Reporting from Darmstadt, listen to podcast episode 12 of the Space Citizen News podcast to connect with what happened during the second day (October 15th 2019) of the Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress (ASIC2019) in Darmstadt, Germany.
Oct 17, 19 / Oph 10, 03 03:06 UTC
Oct 15, 19 / Oph 08, 03 10:17 UTC
ASIC2019: Special podcast episode 1/3
Reporting from Darmstadt, listen to podcast episode 11 to learn what happened during the first day of the Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress (ASIC2019) in Darmstadt, Germany.
Oct 15, 19 / Oph 08, 03 12:41 UTC
Good job
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 03:36 UTC
Hi I wanted to know who from kl at this community.. just wanted to say hi...
Nov 14, 19 / Sag 10, 03 16:35 UTC
Hi,I am Rodzman from Bangi
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 11:04 UTC
London Celebration of Asgardia's 3rd Birthday
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 16:16 UTC
wonderful gathering, a great times,keep it up .!
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 12:16 UTC
Nice! Glad you got to celebrate the anniversary with other Asgardians!
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 21:28 UTC
I will! We'll be missing you in Darmstadt...! Are you coming to Tallinn?
See all 7 comments
Oct 13, 19 / Oph 06, 03 11:01 UTC
London Celebration of Asgardia's Third Birthday
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 18:32 UTC
Youtube videos
Does anyone got a problem with the youtube videos does not open do to this error, if you open them on youtube they work fine but here they do not,!!
Nov 24, 19 / Sag 20, 03 17:59 UTC
oh, didn't know that!! ok, thanks, ;)
Oct 15, 19 / Oph 08, 03 04:42 UTC
Hi! This is the most common error comes out with YouTube on devices.
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 16:18 UTC
... I am still promoting our city! Happy Founding Day everyone! (watch and give me an upvote if you like the video!) 🙂
Oct 11, 19 / Oph 04, 03 18:19 UTC
Happy Founding Day .....;)
Oct 4, 19 / Sco 25, 03 19:03 UTC
“Biomimicry”- sharks sixth Sense - The Ampullae of Lorenzini/electroreceptors !!
Hey, Dear members, it's been so long, here is my latest project ;) This is a first prototype with first ever real time testing, the project is an attempt to Biomimic / “Biomimicry” The ampullae of Lorenzini, an electroreception superpower that sharks and other animals have, For the time being ...
Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 12:14 UTC
Asgardian News Podcast EPISODE 009
This is the 9th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Helena Aramendia from Parliament returns and shares about its progress. AMP Eliyahu Muñoz, District 13, talks to us before he attends as an Asgardian Official an important Congress in Bogota, Colombia. Check it out! We'll learn about the ...
Oct 3, 19 / Sco 24, 03 11:55 UTC
News Podcast on Asgardia – Episode 9
In this episode, 9th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast, Helena Aramendia from Parliament returns and shares more about its progress. AMP Eliyahu Muñoz, District 13, talks to us before he attends as an Asgardian Official an important Congress in Bogota, Colombia. We learn more about the official contest ...
Oct 1, 19 / Sco 22, 03 23:24 UTC
Setup physical or semi-physical Asgardia information centres in each representative Earth country. It can also just be a shelf of brochures or a small kiosk / touchscreen kiosk. Does not need to take up too much space. Interested persons can go up there and find out about Asgardia.