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Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia
Sep 26, 19 / Sco 17, 03 23:11 UTC
Hey the Episode 8 of SCN is out!!
IN THIS EPISODE 8th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Extended time! Special guest Helena Aramendia from Parliament sharing about its progress! Sharing Asgardia’s social media and Facebook presence, how to contact your AMPs, what’s the BDAR, Parliament’s space shop now open for beta testing, Interview of Asgardian Mayoral ...
Sep 26, 19 / Sco 17, 03 23:49 UTC
I definitely want that beanie haha and the wall clock!! I see a lot of stuff on there that I really want
Sep 26, 19 / Sco 17, 03 23:47 UTC
The store merchandise looks great!!
Sep 26, 19 / Sco 17, 03 23:13 UTC
You can listen to it on Spotify, ApplePodcast/iTunes, Alexa, Buzzsprout and surely your favourite podcast provider too!
Sep 26, 19 / Sco 17, 03 23:06 UTC
8th Episode is out!!

IN THIS EPISODE 8th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Extended time! Special guest Helena Aramendia from Parliament sharing about its progress! Sharing Asgardia’s social media and Facebook presence, how to contact your AMPs, what’s the BDAR, Parliament’s space shop now open for beta testing, Interview of Asgardian ...

Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 06:00 UTC
Episode 7 of the Space Citizen News podcast
Episode 007 of the Space Citizen News podcast is now available to listen! IN THIS EPISODE 7th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Since the Supreme Space Council’s 2nd meeting, who can submit amendments to the Constitution, how and where? Two interviews today: Nissem Abdeljelil from Tunisia explains why ...
Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 05:56 UTC
Episode 7 of the Space Citizen News podcast
Episode 007 of the Space Citizen News podcast is now available to listen! IN THIS EPISODE 7th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast. Since the Supreme Space Council’s 2nd meeting, who can submit amendments to the Constitution, how and where? Two interviews today: Nissem Abdeljelil from Tunisia explains why ...
Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 21:14 UTC
In advance, thank you for any feedback!
Sep 21, 19 / Sco 12, 03 20:10 UTC
Nice work, just about to listen to it now! :)
Sep 16, 19 / Sco 07, 03 19:39 UTC
How can I know if I'm an asgardian citizen and is there a passport or card? Thank you
Sep 18, 19 / Sco 09, 03 20:41 UTC
kesin olacak ))
Sep 17, 19 / Sco 08, 03 21:49 UTC
Click on your profile pic located on the top right corner, then click on "documents" within your profile. You should be able to see your certificate and resident card.
Sep 17, 19 / Sco 08, 03 07:19 UTC
Uzayda şehir olucakmı
See all 4 comments
Sep 13, 19 / Sco 04, 03 00:34 UTC

Podcast episode 6 of Space Citizen News has just been released! It reviews all the events that happened in Asgardia during the Summer, provides an interview from the Chair of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Manufacturing about the AIS Law proposal and gives some Statistics of our Nation. Check ...

Sep 13, 19 / Sco 04, 03 00:31 UTC
SCN Podcast Episode 6 is out!!
Podcast episode 6 of Space Citizen News has just been released! It reviews all the events that happened in Asgardia during the Summer, provides an interview from the Chair of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Manufacturing about the AIS Law proposal and gives some Statistics of our Nation. Check it ...
Sep 13, 19 / Sco 04, 03 00:27 UTC
SCN Podcast Episode 6 is out!!
Podcast episode 6 of Space Citizen News has just been released! It reviews all the events that happened in Asgardia during the Summer, provides an interview from the Chair of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Manufacturing about the AIS Law proposal and gives some Statistics of our Nation. Check it ...
Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 19:06 UTC
well it has been two hours since you commented to me. Is the audio good enough or would you like me to send another one through? and cant wait to hear your next podcast! keep it up dude, perhaps we could collab one day
Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 17:21 UTC
Sure! But in that case I'd need it in the next 3-4 hours before I finalise Episode 7! ;-)
Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 08:41 UTC
Ohhh and if my audio was some how not good enough, I fixed the background noise so I could just do it again if need be , I dont mind.
See all 12 comments
Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 18:55 UTC
Kuala Lumpur Meet-up

Welcome to this new Asgardian Meet-Up organised by the Asgardian Mayor-elect of Kuala Lumpur. During this Meet-up, we will discuss the place that our city of Kuala Lumpur can play in the future developments and projects of the Space Nation of Asgardia. The meeting is set to take place ...

Sep 20, 19 / Sco 11, 03 08:41 UTC
yessssss love the flag
Sep 5, 19 / Lib 24, 03 07:43 UTC
Thanks for asking! It was very productive! In fact, there have been several meetings that sprouted from that one to get some local activities going.
Sep 3, 19 / Lib 22, 03 03:50 UTC
I wish I was able to go to this meetup!
See all 6 comments
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 01:25 UTC
First Asgardian Meet-Up in Kolkata, India!
Come and join the first non official meeting between Asgardians organised in Kolkata!! Programme: – get together, chatting, brainstorming, networking between Asgardians; – help your friends and family to get to know the First Space Nation; – get some news from what's happening in Asgardia! DATE OF THE EVENT: Monday ...
Sep 3, 19 / Lib 22, 03 03:49 UTC
How did this meeting go?
Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 18:13 UTC
Maybe possible! When would it be possible for you to meet up?
Aug 12, 19 / Lib 00, 03 10:02 UTC
any meet up at chennai, tamil nadu india?
See all 5 comments
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 00:56 UTC
First Asgardian Meet-Up in Srinagar, India!
Come and join the first non official meeting between Asgardians organised in Srinagar!! Programme: – get together, chatting, brainstorming, networking between Asgardians; – help your friends and family to get to know the First Space Nation; – get some news from what's happening in Asgardia! DATE OF THE EVENT: Saturday ...
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 01:27 UTC
Link to join the event:
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 00:36 UTC
First Asgardian Meet-Up in New Delhi, India!
Come and join the first non official meeting between Asgardians organised in New Delhi!! Programme: – get together, chatting, brainstorming, networking between Asgardians; – help your friends and family to get to know the First Space Nation; – get some news from what's happening in Asgardia! DATE OF THE EVENT: ...
Aug 5, 19 / Vir 21, 03 12:23 UTC
Certainly it was really amazing experience, Thanks a lot to everyone.
Aug 1, 19 / Vir 17, 03 16:58 UTC
It was nice meeting with you again a year after Vienna in you city in New Delhi! Thank you for sharing this time with us, Sanat!
Aug 1, 19 / Vir 17, 03 13:46 UTC
Met up with Asgardian Ivan and Karen from Kuala Lumpur in Delhi. IVAN is the Mayor at KL. Also present was Nikhil Chaudhry from Kanpur, India. We had a nice lunch at India International Centre in Delhi and interesting discussion on Asgardia. Ivan and Karen are off for a 10 ...
See all 5 comments
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 12:31 UTC
5th Podcast Episode of Space Citizen News is on air!
The fifth Episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast is on air! Go and check it out!
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 01:29 UTC
Thanks Ayame!
Jun 27, 19 / Leo 10, 03 20:58 UTC
Thank you!
Jun 27, 19 / Leo 10, 03 16:38 UTC
Congrats on the winning Ivan.
See all 5 comments
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 12:27 UTC
5th Podcast Episode of Space Citizen News is on air!
The fifth Episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast is on air! Go and check it out!
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 16:33 UTC
Do you remember when Asgardia first came to being? the main goals were, 1. Peaceful use of space, 2. To protect the Earth from space hazards and 3. To create a demilitarized and free scientific base of knowledge in space. Nothing was ever mentioned about having a baby in space. ...
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 15:40 UTC
Thanks for your comment, David. I hear you and understand your thinking. I say, let's wait for this upcoming Sciences and Investment Congress event in Germany to see what it brings to Asgardia in terms of technological/engineering business partnerships and contact with the Academia going along these lines... Space Radiation ...
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 13:51 UTC
I honestly love your podcast. I dont agree with the Goal of the First Birth of a Baby in Space. I feel other countries are far ahead of Asgardia in this respect. Asgardia should focus on Radiation shielding, Medical technology and some sort of artificial gravity. A baby will happen ...
See all 4 comments
Jun 21, 19 / Leo 04, 03 12:33 UTC
Robotallic : a locomotive robot using smart-materials as actuators
A micro robot that uses Smart material as actuators, named Robotallic, that locomotes and can be controlled with a computer to enable practical applications. I used an inexpensive, commercially available Smart material instead of specially prepared one that are not easily accessible to most robotic engineers enjoy. The article ...
Jun 29, 19 / Leo 12, 03 00:12 UTC
Well done!
Jun 22, 19 / Leo 05, 03 10:29 UTC
Awesome experiment !
Jun 21, 19 / Leo 04, 03 12:34 UTC
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 05:01 UTC
Podcast episode #4 of Space Citizen News is live!
The Space Citizen News Podcast episode#4 is live! Go and check it out!!
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 20:28 UTC
Thank you for this feedback!
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 20:28 UTC
Thank you for the encouragements!
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 08:14 UTC
Great podcast as always. Always love tuning in and hearing the interviews you manage to arrange.
See all 5 comments
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 04:32 UTC
4th Podcast Episode of Space Citizen News is out!!
Jun 21, 19 / Leo 04, 03 01:35 UTC
Good stuff here! I was wondering when someone was going to make a news source - needed and great. Keep it up.
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 04:54 UTC
If you're having difficulties to copy-paste the link, here it is reposted: Happy Unity Day!!
Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 11:23 UTC
Asgardia Unity Day: Mayor Ivan Rosel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asgardia Unity Day is here! What’s your way of celebrating it? On this beautiful occasion, we are holding a Mayor and Mayoral candidate contest for the best Unity Day celebration idea. The winner will win an invite to the 1st ever Asgardia Science and Investment Congress this fall! Check ...

Dec 11, 23 / Cap 09, 07 07:57 UTC
Hey Ivan, hope you’re doing well. Haven’t seen you around the community in a while. Ohou :)
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 06:22 UTC
I like it.
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 11:43 UTC
Happy Unity Day! the First Space Kingdom
See all 18 comments
Jun 17, 19 / Leo 00, 03 11:20 UTC
asgardian landmark
can we build at our asgardia
Jun 13, 19 / Can 24, 03 18:46 UTC
The 3rd Podcast Episode of Space Citizen News is out!!
The 3rd Podcast Episode of Space Citizen News is out!!