Your location
Noordwijk, Netherlands
Aug 30, 24 / Lib 19, 08 15:41 UTC
Netherlands,Emmen . Lithuanian, english, russian
Jun 4, 23 / Can 15, 07 21:23 UTC
Which mayor events are predicted for the future of our planet, global civilization and human species in this century, within 10, 20, 30 years?
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:27 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jun 4, 23 / Can 15, 07 21:21 UTC
Which are the human competencies that artificial intelligence can not displace?
Jun 9, 23 / Can 20, 07 19:11 UTC
I don't believe there is such a competency. A "true" artificial intelligence would have all the capabilities of a human. It would probably operate at a speed that greatly surpasses our biological limits - and therefore would be able to complete tasks in a far shorter time. We do not ...
Jun 4, 23 / Can 15, 07 21:20 UTC
Expeditions to explore ancient cultures and civilizations sites? Do you know any?
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 10:32 UTC
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 14:37 UTC
Very interesting Rene
Dec 12, 22 / Cap 10, 06 09:11 UTC
I wonder if this initiative/organization has anything to do with Asgardia. If it doesn't, it could. "Vast is developing artificial gravity space stations to expand humanity across the solar system. Our mission is to enable large populations to live and work in space permanently."
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 17:42 UTC
Thank you! Nice to meet you
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 15:42 UTC
Nice to meet you and welcome to Asgardia.
Dec 12, 22 / Cap 10, 06 11:09 UTC
is a common factor, good to make contact.. hmm, maybe we should work more together with other organizations..
Sep 9, 22 / Sco 00, 06 09:53 UTC
Creser y tecnología
Sep 9, 22 / Sco 00, 06 14:30 UTC
Estoy en Lisboa
Aug 17, 22 / Lib 05, 06 13:51 UTC
Hey everybody, Not sure if this has been discussed in the past, is any Asgardian working on the broad Web3 scene? Is this kind of tech something that's interesting this community?
Dec 6, 22 / Cap 04, 06 09:15 UTC
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 05:55 UTC
Does Asgardia have any shelters for the residents?? Or any plans on surviving the Polar Reversal??
Jul 16, 22 / Vir 01, 06 09:50 UTC
Jun 20, 22 / Leo 03, 06 17:27 UTC
Dear head off Asgardia, thank you for the opportunity off being a resident. I have faith that one day we all become citizens.
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 17:00 UTC
The email about Unity day, refreshed my mind and reminded me that there are people who look forward with good intentions. I will explore asgardia more and see how i can contribute.
Jun 20, 22 / Leo 03, 06 17:36 UTC
Thx you 2
Jun 20, 22 / Leo 03, 06 17:35 UTC
Thx you as well
Jul 1, 21 / Leo 14, 05 09:33 UTC
Not a passport (yet?!), but here is my resident card
It was an exciting wait with the changing updates from Austria Post, but today I received my Asgardia Resident Identification Card!
Jul 1, 21 / Leo 14, 05 19:26 UTC
Congratulations! this is a very pleasant and important event!
Jun 24, 21 / Leo 07, 05 10:55 UTC
Spacecraft traditionally run on chemical fuels. Therefore, the vehicle becomes heavier. The main idea is that the energy released by splitting the atom will be used to accelerate rocket fuels such as hydrogen, so that both fast and short journeys will be made.
Jun 24, 21 / Leo 07, 05 09:45 UTC
My Asgardian Card has been produced and is on its way!
And now we wait (from Austria to the Netherlands should not take long)
Jul 1, 21 / Leo 14, 05 09:31 UTC
I've just received my Asgardia Resident Identification Card!
Jun 28, 21 / Leo 11, 05 12:21 UTC
One step closer, this is today's status: 'Sendung für Auslandtransport bereit', so it's ready to be sent from Austria to another country (hopefully where I live :-) )
Jun 28, 21 / Leo 11, 05 09:01 UTC
I still have "No data could be found for your query." I'll be patient :-)
See all 5 comments
Jun 1, 21 / Can 12, 05 15:15 UTC
I've noticed that during the process to become a resident, you don't get any information about the costs, which appears to be 100 Euro; but this is only indicated in the last step. The actual fee is built into the payment form as a number you can not adjust. Before ...
Jun 2, 21 / Can 13, 05 14:49 UTC
I remember being able to find out that it cost 100E earlier, but yes, I think a more transparent system would be good. Especially since, as someone outside of a region that uses the Euro, the upcharge on the currency exchange is hefty. I think it will feel better once ...
Mar 18, 21 / Ari 21, 05 18:20 UTC
Are Solars going to be on exchanges like binance and coinbase? I like crypto.
Mar 18, 21 / Ari 21, 05 18:26 UTC
Hi! All of the information we have currently is in the recent article and in the FAQ.
Mar 5, 21 / Ari 08, 05 07:16 UTC
Maybe others have posted about this hotel already, I stumbled upon this article from CNN about the Voyager Space Hotel that they plan to open in 2027:
Mar 1, 21 / Ari 04, 05 07:57 UTC
Hello all, When I read notifications from people with another default language, the whole menu changes to their language. I would like to keep English as my default. Is there an option for that, or is this an omission in the way notifications are shown?
Mar 2, 21 / Ari 05, 05 06:53 UTC
Hadn't thought of that, have send them an email. Thank you! Reveived this reply: Hi Roel, Thank you for your email. We will fix this bug. Sincerely, Asgardia Support Team
Mar 1, 21 / Ari 04, 05 11:17 UTC
copy paste the text and translate by Google
Mar 1, 21 / Ari 04, 05 08:44 UTC
Send an email to they will help you. (ᚦ)
Feb 10, 21 / Pis 13, 05 12:28 UTC
Rosette Nebula, as seen from my balcony last week!
For more details about this picture, please check this post:
Apr 4, 21 / Tau 10, 05 13:56 UTC
nice picture
Feb 8, 21 / Pis 11, 05 20:45 UTC
If you are an Asgardian and you have a passion for taking (or looking at) images of The Moon, The Sun, Planets or any object in the Deep Sky, the new Astrophotography Amateurs of Asgardia community is the right place for sharing, enjoying and discussing them. A small description of ...