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Noordwijk, Netherlands
Feb 8, 21 / Pis 11, 05 16:18 UTC
How do I need to see Asgardia. Is it a crazy idea that earth is bad? Or is it trying to create a life in space?
Feb 8, 21 / Pis 11, 05 19:36 UTC
Asgardia has it's aims for the future, at the moment, Asgardia is in it's infant building fase, meaning it's accumilating finances, in order to go to the next step, and it's aim is to have a maximum of 150 million Asgardian Citizens. In order to get there. I think we ...
Feb 8, 21 / Pis 11, 05 14:29 UTC
Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 49)
WiKi The Rosette Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49) is an H II region located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The open cluster NGC 2244 (Caldwell 50) is closely associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster ...
Jan 26, 21 / Aqu 26, 05 10:15 UTC
I think LoRa and Lorawan might be suited for an kind of Space extension of IoT as it has an range of 700~ KM at max this means it can easly be used to beam back to earth or maybe to beam to other planets also this 700~ KM limit ...
Jan 30, 21 / Pis 02, 05 20:02 UTC
Jan 15, 21 / Aqu 15, 05 15:59 UTC
When filling out international forms, we should say yes to the question of whether there is citizenship other than the citizenship of the country you are in.
Jan 21, 21 / Aqu 21, 05 21:27 UTC
на данный момент,мы граждане цифровой страны ,мы мечтатели у которых есть будущее,а по земным законам мечтать не запрещенно) так что мы не нарушаем закон.
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 04:56 UTC
We must first be recognized by the UN as a country. I think. But it would be great to be able to put it on International documents that we are citizens of asgardia
Jan 17, 21 / Aqu 17, 05 01:34 UTC
Cant agree enough!
See all 4 comments
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 12:11 UTC
Link -
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 12:08 UTC
Jan 2, 21 / Aqu 02, 05 07:11 UTC
Happy new year ❤️💐 0005
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 13:33 UTC
Happy Year Day Everyone!
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 11:47 UTC
Happy Year Day! I wish you and your loved ones good health and all the best - both on Earth and in Space!
Jan 16, 21 / Aqu 16, 05 23:03 UTC
abi buraya gelmek için ne kadar çaba sarf ettin
Jan 2, 21 / Aqu 02, 05 07:12 UTC
Happy new year ❤️❤️ 0005
Dec 13, 20 / Cap 12, 04 16:38 UTC
democracy and freedom are indispensable If you send me to the parliament, my supporters will have no problem. democracy and freedom are indispensable
Dec 2, 20 / Cap 01, 04 21:09 UTC
As the asgardia community, we must deliver the vaccine to all humanity. We can take action together with our Asgardian residents who are experts in the field of medicine within. We can be a say in the field of health and we can develop alternative treatment methods.
Dec 16, 20 / Cap 15, 04 22:17 UTC
Imho is the vaccine far away from being safe and useful.
Oct 14, 20 / Oph 08, 04 06:43 UTC
We must create a new world so that there is no violence against women and children. Because the violence in this cruel soulless world disgust me
Jul 25, 22 / Vir 10, 06 21:42 UTC
Thanks dear brother
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 13:07 UTC
Thank are very kind
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 07:26 UTC
You have my Vote Brother
See all 5 comments
Sep 25, 20 / Sco 17, 04 11:53 UTC
With my first Blog. Can't wait to start wandering through this community. Eager to learn, hoping to connect and learn. Hoping to find what i've been missing in society. Hoping to make a bigger difference for the world. Cause for know I feel bounded. I do throw stones in the ...
Oct 2, 20 / Sco 24, 04 22:37 UTC
OHOU and Welcome to Asgardia Cindy!
Sep 9, 20 / Sco 01, 04 09:10 UTC

Congrats to Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli with his birthday today! I hope he has a great and wonderful day with friends and family, and that he has many more years to come and stays to lead Asgardia into the greatness :D

Sep 4, 20 / Lib 24, 04 11:14 UTC
University starts again
Beginning with the study life 💪
Sep 4, 20 / Lib 24, 04 18:06 UTC
I study Safety and Security Environments and currently doing a minor study into Cyber Security and Privacy
Sep 4, 20 / Lib 24, 04 13:30 UTC
All the best to you Patrick! What studies have you chosen to delve into?
Aug 24, 20 / Lib 13, 04 16:43 UTC
On the latest podcast of Space Citizen News, I was a bit surprised by all the things that were spoken about and announced. I will sum them up here... The latest version is still not correct of "A day in the life of a space citizen" Shameful to see that ...
Sep 4, 20 / Lib 24, 04 15:32 UTC
Spam must keep going xd
Aug 31, 20 / Lib 20, 04 18:34 UTC
I had to take a minute to sit back and let your reply sink in Ross. Basically the whole chit chat is coming down to basically you avoiding to give answers towards my questions and choose to challenge my language and so it seems my position? For a random check, ...
Aug 31, 20 / Lib 20, 04 09:28 UTC
Well, you're wrong there, Patrick. I did comment that you made fair remarks that that I didn't feel the need to challenge them. Not sure if you missed that part. I decided to comment on the language that you used and discuss your position because like you, I have free ...
See all 12 comments
Aug 22, 20 / Lib 11, 04 20:22 UTC
I am not sitting still, but doing my best to be creative :D I am not yet sure about the intro as of yet, but some prework can be shown ;)
Aug 22, 20 / Lib 11, 04 21:28 UTC
No video I have zero experience in that. But i’m exploring the possibilities of what is possible
Aug 21, 20 / Lib 10, 04 22:28 UTC
Podcast name is chosen
Thanks to all input the name for my previous concept is chosen. It shall be known as Space Society, now comes the preparation work to get things rolling :) Keep you all up to date!
Aug 22, 20 / Lib 11, 04 16:12 UTC
More information can be found : :)
Aug 22, 20 / Lib 11, 04 14:24 UTC
what is the podcast gonna be about?
Aug 15, 20 / Lib 04, 04 21:06 UTC
To add to the previous post I posted about the Interactive Podcast, I wanted to suggest some ideas for names. Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but I wanted this to be a community thing, so you choose :D
Aug 21, 20 / Lib 10, 04 04:51 UTC
Yup 😅
Aug 14, 20 / Lib 03, 04 17:36 UTC
Alright so I am going to throw out an idea for a Community Project, it has been on my mind for quite some time but I couldn't figure out the content that would relate to it that would profile Asgardia in the right light. But as most of you know ...
Aug 15, 20 / Lib 04, 04 21:54 UTC
Thanks for the mention, Patrick! Latest episode (to date!) of the Space Citizen News podcast can be found here: And also on Spotify, Stitcher, Buzzsprout, etc. Join the community here:
Aug 10, 20 / Vir 27, 04 15:08 UTC
-Position: Volunteer Designer -Available: 3 hours per week minimal -Summary: Accepts tasks for graphic designing of art that will be used at Asgardia Volunteer Center or other projects. Being the Volunteer Designer is being involved in various art-related tasks or projects that will be used by the Volunteer Center. This ...
Aug 10, 20 / Vir 27, 04 16:28 UTC
Патрик, ты делаешь великое Дело! Удачи тебе!
Aug 10, 20 / Vir 27, 04 14:06 UTC
-Position : Volunteer Translator -Specifically: We do not seek Hindi or Spanish translators -Available: 3 hours per week minimal -Summary: Serve as the liaison with volunteer translation and administrative teams to ensure accurate localization of multimedia documents. Translator works under the Head of Community Affairs and Volunteer Coordinator. Works closely ...