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Noordwijk, Netherlands
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 23:05 UTC
Transparency is the first step to unity
Good day fellow Asgardians, I've been quite active on the boards and you might have seen a few posts from me here and there. Giving ideas and potential brain tinkers to think about stuff that are needed for a nation. I am grateful for the wonderful feedback thus far, but ...
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 13:20 UTC
The national memory is a form of collective memory defined by shared experiences and culture. It is an integral part of national identity. It is a collective collection of what we have seen, what we will witness, and what we wish to tell our future generations. The reality check is ...
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 15:16 UTC
De hecho estos blogs forman parte de nuestro paso por Asgardia y lo que hemos subido al satélite
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 15:05 UTC
Im full of ideas MP Gallardo :D thanks for the compliment :D I do hope to see a storage of sort what we can visit and see our history.
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 14:48 UTC
Definitivamente, este espacio forma parte de la Nación digital que ya estamos formando, el futuro de las generaciones que ahora son pequeños, podrán leer el paso de nuestro andar por Asgardia y sentirse orgullosos de los pasos certeros y algunos difíciles y tal vez re-pensados para ser mejorados que haremos ...
See all 4 comments
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:12 UTC
Hey all, I posted a very important petition that would give the chance for people to be able to participate in our parliament election :D Check it out!
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 11:50 UTC
The idea is valid, we do consider ourselves the space nation after all. But do we have a valid idea or vision on what to do with it? However you might look at it, the passion is there and where NASA, ESO and many other space agencies are already looking ...
Jul 10, 20 / Leo 24, 04 17:34 UTC
I just did I missed the link on the bottom of the page the first time all good now 😂
Jul 10, 20 / Leo 24, 04 17:33 UTC
You already joined it? Or what do you mean?
Jul 10, 20 / Leo 24, 04 17:29 UTC
How do i join this community?
See all 5 comments
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 06:58 UTC
Safety first
Off to the university and using the new protection rules 💪
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 18:45 UTC
I was listening to the podcast of Ivan in Asgardia Space News and heard about the age requirement of signing up for Parliament being based on experience. Thought while I can understand the reasoning behind this and it can apply in the reelection of this election. I do wonder if ...
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 19:00 UTC
Gracias Dirk por señalar el sitio
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 21:58 UTC
Yes, maybe open committees could work in the benefit of such set up to harvest the knowledge we require.
Jun 1, 20 / Can 13, 04 21:57 UTC
Thank you for your reply :) That does raise a question, how does a resident send in a proposal to the Parliament? Is there a format?
See all 4 comments
May 30, 20 / Can 11, 04 19:03 UTC
Hey All! T-minus 20 minutes for launch :D Join us at the discord server with our parliament members joining us looking at the launch! -
May 28, 20 / Can 09, 04 11:02 UTC
While this is future music, it is good to think about the possibilities that are on the table or could be on the table. Creating a moonbase is not something easy to do, there are various things to consider, housing, technology, work, safety and more. So what would the ideal ...
Dec 8, 20 / Cap 07, 04 12:30 UTC
According to some concept I`ve seen NASA is going tobuild the base on the Moon surface which will include a nuclear plant. It will be built to fuel spacecraft which will travel to Mars.
Jul 11, 20 / Leo 25, 04 03:43 UTC
Underground mainly because of the massive radiation bombarding the moon.
Jul 11, 20 / Leo 25, 04 03:42 UTC
The money needed and the Technology needed it above our human capacity for now but its sort of creeping up there now that China/India ect are joining the space race.
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May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 20:23 UTC
A shame, but safety comes first and hopefully the next launch will be clear weather with a beautiful sun to guide the Falcon 9 to space! :D
May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 23:00 UTC
nothing is perfect all the time
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 20:33 UTC
Ever since I took my steps to rejoin this nation and open society, I started to post more topics, topics that concern you and me. Things that can be shelved for later, but should be thought about right now. While we have great examples of the title, we should be ...
May 30, 20 / Can 11, 04 11:11 UTC
Sana tamamen katılıyorum !👍🏻
May 27, 20 / Can 08, 04 11:55 UTC
Bence iyi
May 26, 20 / Can 07, 04 20:55 UTC
Oh please sign me up, I dont need much to live and be happy :)
May 25, 20 / Can 06, 04 14:48 UTC
China is targeting a July launch for its ambitious plans for a Mars mission which will include landing a remote-controlled robot on the surface of the red planet, the company in charge of the project has said.... More about the topic can be found at
May 25, 20 / Can 06, 04 05:21 UTC
Its an interesting TikTok I saw online and when looking it up I did find the article that many scientist are standing actually behind it. The concept that the sol system is not in one place, but that the sun actually moves as a comet through space with its planets ...
May 25, 20 / Can 06, 04 12:51 UTC
Yes, it's logical. The Solar system moves with the Galaxy, and the Galaxy moves with the Universe. Also, not even the Sun is totally static, because giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are orbiting it, there is a little rotation on the Sun itself.
May 25, 20 / Can 06, 04 05:14 UTC
In the field of security, this is very interesting subject when it comes to telecommunication encryption. The RCS is seen as the successor of the SMS protocol that is being used for years.
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 14:19 UTC
Scientists of various universities in Australia published their results. They manage to send 44,2 Tbit/s on a distance of 75 km using the telecommunications C-band at 1550 nm with spectral efficiency of 10.4 bits! That's just bloody amazing! For more check out the article :D
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 13:40 UTC
Awesome news to see that NASA has approved to use SpaceX for the transportation of its astronauts :D
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 13:31 UTC
Good day! I saw an interesting topic being proposed on the discord, and I think it should receive some attention. The consideration to keep in mind is called space junk, we got quite some trash up there in orbit of our planet. Its considered not to be a problem due ...
Dec 4, 20 / Cap 03, 04 15:15 UTC
First, always a good idea to check on Wikipedia, which has a nice page on Space Debris. The summary is that even tiny bits of space debris can cause damage because their relative speeds tend to be so high. But…collisions are still relatively rare. A lot of people are concerned ...
May 22, 20 / Can 03, 04 09:26 UTC
Good day all! I've been puzzling about the possibility of the science behind cloning. Now I placed this in here as I don't want to put an in-depth discussion about what it is or how it works. More the idea behind it, many nations have expressed their belief in the ...
May 23, 20 / Can 04, 04 11:21 UTC
Excellent be part of this proyect!
May 22, 20 / Can 03, 04 13:26 UTC
I would advice you to reread my text. I have not mentioned anything about harvesting their organs, I clearly state that I personally am against full sized human cloning :)
May 22, 20 / Can 03, 04 13:19 UTC
you are essentially creating a slave. This is common sense.
See all 6 comments
May 21, 20 / Can 02, 04 07:53 UTC
Hey all, On the discord, we were talking about the sustainable areas to live. Space, the Moon, or beyond. But then I thought... let's go back a few steps. What about Earth? We already looked at unclaimed land (Antarctica) or the sea (oil platforms that are abandoned). But did we ...
Jul 3, 20 / Leo 17, 04 00:32 UTC
Have you played Bioshock? Lol! I only bring up a game, and a famous one at that, for the exact reason it was made in the 1st place. This exact scenario. Building a new society on the ocean floor that functions as a standalone community. They’re freed from the shackles ...
Jun 19, 20 / Leo 03, 04 23:20 UTC
Sounds intriguing, we could also do floating cities (entire cities on massive ships)
Jun 19, 20 / Leo 03, 04 20:50 UTC
living in outside planets in space I believe that if technology is to develop, cities will develop underwater and above water as well in the future. Life on Earth is a market that continues. As for life on other planets, in my view, it is possible, and its difficulty is ...
See all 14 comments
May 20, 20 / Can 01, 04 21:10 UTC
An Idea, might have been discussed on different forums, so apology in advance if I am doubling this. I was conflicted to post it either here or in Asgardia. But anyway, the idea is related to the actual passport that is at this moment future music. I study in security ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 14:32 UTC
I am interested for languistic stadies like phonemes and phonology science I thinking if you want global planets future sharing with asgardian people you must doing this by mixed all languages in the world... Delete Reply Edit
May 20, 20 / Can 01, 04 13:20 UTC
I would like to provide the idea and if not already considered that the website and other exclusive services to Asgardian and Resident people are being secured more. Using a better inlog system security to be able to activate two-way-authentication would be something that needs to get attention. What does ...
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 16:29 UTC
Asgardia should create a locals or Patreon. Use our residency as a support account. That way we can have an app interface to cut out having to login from a web browser. Atleast for now until a better secure solution can be made.
Feb 10, 21 / Pis 13, 05 01:25 UTC
I very much like the Idea of better security, but probably not on a website honestly, the Website should just be there for some information, and for people to apply for citizenship. It should also be the place wherein people download a software that handles everything and much more then ...
Feb 10, 21 / Pis 13, 05 01:19 UTC
I would like a whole other approach, YubiKey security, and a whole ecosystem application that is subscription based, as part of the residents fee, I would also like there to be an Inauguration package, where in 1 YubiKey and 1 USB Storage device with an Asgardian Password Manager and this ...
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