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Noordwijk, Netherlands
May 20, 20 / Can 01, 04 13:05 UTC
Good day, Alright this is my first real topic in Asgardia and it was one that got me thinking since the foundation of Asgardia. The constitution that we all agree upon when registration for this lovely space nation mentions that equality is required on various levels, various people, and cultures. ...
Jun 20, 20 / Leo 04, 04 16:54 UTC
Religion is a historical inheritance, depending on which society you are born into means which team you are supposed to belong too. I believe in the good ethics of all religions, in the end however as I am made out of stardust my god has to be our universe and ...
May 20, 20 / Can 01, 04 16:31 UTC
I see religion as another source of wisdom, commonly known as "theology". And I hope we might wanna catch an attention on a certain simple sentence from the constitution that we agreed: "New History." I believe that we don't need to emphasize the old human history from our mother earth ...
May 20, 20 / Can 01, 04 16:03 UTC
May 17, 20 / Gem 26, 04 05:52 UTC
Hello fellow Asgardians, A few days ago my number of Upvotes went from 5 to 10 , but now I don't see the Upvote counter at all. Does this mean I can now Upvote as much as I want? Stay safe! Roel
May 17, 20 / Gem 26, 04 17:17 UTC
The limit on upvotes has been removed. Enjoy! :)
May 17, 20 / Gem 26, 04 08:53 UTC
Probably, I have 0/0 but can still upvote. :)
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 08:55 UTC
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 11:34 UTC
Hello! Welcome to Asgardia! Don't forget to fill out your profile so that your fellow Asgardians can get to know you better. If you'd like to catch up on all of the Asgardia news, you can find it in this part of the news section:
Dec 13, 19 / Cap 11, 03 09:20 UTC
Hoe kan ik van Asgardia af komen ??
Dec 13, 19 / Cap 11, 03 13:30 UTC
You need to send an email to and formally ask to terminate your account. Explaining the reason (if you wish to!) would be helpful!
Nov 10, 19 / Sag 06, 03 19:00 UTC
I was born in 1986. That was the same year that Halley's Comet last passed by the inner parts of the solar system. I will be between 65 & 67 the next time it passes.
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 01:07 UTC
Well, I think the chance is very big you would be not only 65 years old but also looking better than you did now.
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 00:42 UTC
one day we gowing up ther and change in peace
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 11:11 UTC
We all want peace in space
Nov 6, 19 / Sag 02, 03 00:03 UTC
one day we gowing up ther and change in peace
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 19:27 UTC
my idea is to make asgardia a continend and planets there countries so i wanted the following: 1. all planets and there population can choose there leader(exept earth cause earth has its goverments) 2. the planet's goverment can choose to be part of asgardia 3. each planet/moon has its own ...
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 21:39 UTC
its based around the US indeed only the states have country powers(like in the EU)
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 21:29 UTC
Though we are far from having to worry about this, this setup seems similar to the United States, except on a larger scale. The United States is made up of 50 different, unique states, which can create their own laws and function partly on their own, though, must follow the ...
May 23, 19 / Can 03, 03 19:55 UTC
7. his/hers/hens ? Overall I don't think this is necessary especially since currently under U.N Law no one nation can lay claim in outer space or on any celestial body. Also the fact that all of our population is currently on earth, never mind building dyson spheres or swarms, interstellar ...
Apr 24, 19 / Gem 02, 03 22:49 UTC
1. build a flying platform 2. on that build a city make sure it drifts savely on jupiter's strong wins 3. find a way to convert jupiter's gases into O2 4. put lightning rods on top and bottom to prevent jupiter's ultrastrong lightning storms of killing us 5. make a ...
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 16:10 UTC
carbon nano tubes
Jun 20, 19 / Leo 03, 03 10:35 UTC
OK, but how would you deal with Jupiter's gravity? It is approx. 2,5 times more intense than on Earth
Feb 28, 19 / Ari 03, 03 21:46 UTC
Private Astronaut Training

Testing scenarios at the Desdemona Simulator as Astronaut Instructor! #NancyVermeulen #SpaceTrainingAcademy #PrivateAstronautTraining

Feb 28, 19 / Ari 03, 03 22:40 UTC
but my main question the mining mineral in other plant may be solution for many problem in earth what is your opinion Nancy
Feb 28, 19 / Ari 03, 03 22:38 UTC
it is very nice web nancy,really great work
Jan 28, 19 / Pis 00, 03 22:12 UTC

my dream whas to unite earth as one nation that cares for each and every person on it may asgardia make this dream i had all my life true but instead of earth we be colonizing space wich also happens to be my dream to colonise but i whas ...

Jan 30, 19 / Pis 02, 03 19:52 UTC
dlslexi si ok
Jan 28, 19 / Pis 00, 03 22:12 UTC
sorry for my english i have dislexia :(
May 6, 18 / Gem 14, 02 21:43 UTC

One of the seven wise; i will strive to my greatest ability to sacrifice my selfish needs to aid and prosper human kind. For this I shall build only one legacy, one that forgives all, one that peers into the soul and origin of being.

Crash through ...

Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 10:29 UTC
Very Good! l see 😍
Feb 11, 18 / Pis 14, 02 21:31 UTC

We all have a dream but unlike any other dream, Asgardia will be the place where our dreams come true

Dec 24, 17 / Cap 22, 01 14:38 UTC
More plants in Space

This beautiful picture of Azuma Makoto's project to bring flowers into space is the best description of my Platform for my parliamentary candidateship.

As your representative I see it as my duty to strive for the ...

Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 22:56 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. See my platform. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms.
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 21:08 UTC
I liked your ideas and I vote for you. Please see my platform for parliamentary elections and vote for me. I believe that together we can make dreams come true.
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 15:24 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!!
See all 6 comments
Dec 24, 17 / Cap 22, 01 14:31 UTC
Introducing Myself

Hub Urlings

Candidate for the Asgardian Parliament

What I bring to Asgardia ?

In ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 18:44 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Jan 21, 18 / Aqu 21, 02 20:46 UTC
Reinoud thanks for that. I don't understand really how people can abuse it. But will take it off anyway. :)
Jan 10, 18 / Aqu 10, 02 19:03 UTC
You could better remove your Asgardia ID, it is for private correspondence and identification only. Knowing it ppl could abuse it be masquerading you.
Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 18:15 UTC
Greatness is achieved in small steps

Dear fellow asgardians, as a candidate member of parliament I would like to be able to reach as many people in our community as possible. Every one of you can help me achieve this and as such you can help me become a voice of more asgardians.

Mar 3, 18 / Ari 06, 02 15:46 UTC
I voted for you because I believe you have a good platform and will be an amazing leader. Please check out my platform: Vote for me!!!
Nov 20, 17 / Sag 16, 01 18:46 UTC
Greatness is achieved in small steps

Dear fellow asgardians, as a candidate member of parliament I would like to be able to reach as many people in our community as possible. Every one of you can help me achieve this and as such you can help me become a voice of more asgardians.

May 25, 18 / Can 05, 02 14:23 UTC
It's taken notice that Asgardia needs good parliamentarians , as a space nation, our main job will be making a final pilgrimage for mankind, free of war and enimity as well as Asgardians must give up earthly rivalry.
Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 23:58 UTC

Hi all,

I love the idea behind Asgardia and I want to examine for myself what it is and if it is something for me. A nation without a history is like a newborn. A tabula rasa. It has the potential to become anything. I would not ...

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 08:28 UTC
Arrival to asgadia

Hello Friends,

I have just arrived to Asgardia and am please to finally be together with all of you. I am looking forward to share our technology with your nation for the common good of all beings.

Peace be with you,


Nov 14, 17 / Sag 10, 01 22:36 UTC
News from the moon:
 'Alien UFO' found in NASA images 'orbiting the Moon'

An "alien satellite", that is said to have orbited Earth for nearly 13,000 years, has been caught on camera in NASA images orbiting the Moon. Viewers have suggested it could be the mysterious Black Knight satellite, also known as the "Dark Knight". But I don't believe: they are there. ...

Jan 19, 18 / Aqu 19, 02 18:40 UTC
If nothing else is known about it, how does it get dated as nearly 13000 years?