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Noordwijk, Netherlands
Jul 30, 17 / Vir 15, 01 19:01 UTC

Accepteer me

Ik ben ik

probeer me niet te veranderen.

Veroordeel me niet, of ...

Jul 30, 17 / Vir 15, 01 19:00 UTC






Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 16:31 UTC


Jul 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 19:01 UTC

Asgardia council and or leader,

I suggest to consider this:

In order to elect our government and other positions.

Reacting and ...

Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 19:48 UTC

I aim to represent all the distinguished members of this new nation, Asgardia, ensuring independence, comprehensive and fair representation of the nation.

Jul 17, 17 / Vir 02, 01 14:46 UTC

You can visit my blog at

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 13:24 UTC
Graphic Design, Sci-Fi & German Expressionism

Hi, I'm fascinated with graphic design, photography, German expressionism and Sci-Fi movies & books. In the future I write books and also I make covers for books of other sci-fi writers. What I like in Asgardia is new possibilities for making interesting friendships, I'm not interested in politics or ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 21:47 UTC


Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 00:13 UTC

As I gaze up in the sky, it always makes me wonder..

How it would be to leave this world full of cruelty,

And just be somewhere serene, where nature is still honoured.

Somewhere we can live in peace, so our childeren have ...

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 05:53 UTC
Asgardian Nation Matrix-Q

An advanced civilization needs of a conscious collective effort towards the development of an advanced human potential .

Matrix-Q Intelligence is the next step for human evolution.

Matrix-Q means the ability to solve challenges by approaching them from several perspectives simultaneously.

Primordial technology ...

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 21:35 UTC
good post
Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 05:50 UTC

An advanced civilization needs of a conscious collective effort towards the development of an advanced human potential .

Matrix-Q Intelligence is the next step for human evolution.

Matrix-Q means the ability to solve challenges by approaching them from several perspectives simultaneously.

Primordial technology ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 11:59 UTC

One race , one vision

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 14:00 UTC

If earth is our inheritance, we messed up pretty bad. We must look for new frontiers. I am proud to be part of Asgardia and will do anything to promote its targets and help where ever I can.

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:49 UTC

Zullen we elkaar stemmen?

Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 19:46 UTC
Hello fellow Asgardians

Just a first post to say hello.

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 22:51 UTC


Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:45 UTC

Zullen we elkaar stemmen?

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 20:55 UTC

I want to take care that every citizen of Asgardia, no matter what race, religion, sexual preference, etc, can live in peace with each other. If you vote for me as your representative, i will not let you down.

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:46 UTC

Zullen we elkaar stemmen?

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 18:28 UTC
Achieving Nutrition (Food & Water) security for all

Regardless who you are or not and what you do in life, you eat and drink regularly or else you will have difficulties remaining alive. The quality & quantity of the nourishment you consume, absorb, utilise or store for later can make all the difference ...

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 16:26 UTC
Space nation of earth

We, all Asgardians, will make this space nation great and we all will live in peace, all together and there will be no fights or whatever. I believe that we will make even more of these space ships in the future and that when the earth will ever be ...

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:48 UTC

Zullen we elkaar stemmen?

Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 14:47 UTC

I would like to start out by saying... awesome innitative.
I am eager to find out how far we can go.

It will be a lot of work and red tape, but if we stay focussed and "Dont Panic" .. we'll get there!


Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 12:13 UTC
Its me

Hello fellow Asgardians, My name is Richard van Blitterswijk.

It is time for the world to change and i need your help to do that!

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:43 UTC

Zullen we elkaar stemmen?