Your location
Sampaloc, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
May 21, 23 / Can 01, 07 03:55 UTC
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 08:34 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 04:09 UTC
Happy to see you in the race hope you win
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:40 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Apr 3, 23 / Tau 09, 07 14:28 UTC
Mar 17, 23 / Ari 20, 07 08:04 UTC
You Have Chosen Wisely
Yes, you have...
Nov 24, 22 / Sag 20, 06 12:59 UTC
Certificate of Everlasting Life
Please fill in the blanks & print! Thank you! <3 O:) * (Y)
Nov 27, 22 / Sag 23, 06 15:40 UTC
Nov 2, 22 / Oph 26, 06 15:54 UTC
Caring, Safe & Excellent
Have a great safe day always! <3 O:) * (Y)
Sep 21, 22 / Sco 12, 06 08:14 UTC
Happily Ever After
Faithful and True!
Nov 2, 22 / Oph 26, 06 15:49 UTC
Thank you, Sam Well!
Sep 22, 22 / Sco 13, 06 01:01 UTC
Faithful & True ! ⭐⭐⭐
Aug 24, 22 / Lib 12, 06 06:35 UTC
The Lord Bless You!
Faithful and True!
Aug 6, 22 / Vir 22, 06 14:47 UTC
Jul 26, 22 / Vir 11, 06 10:47 UTC
Jul 9, 22 / Leo 22, 06 12:28 UTC
Agreeable Space Nations are Good Amusing Righteous Delightful Ideal Immortal Intelligent Angels of The New Jerusalem who are Successful
Jul 9, 22 / Leo 22, 06 12:29 UTC
Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)
Jul 7, 22 / Leo 20, 06 14:42 UTC
The Good Force Be With You!
The Good Force be with forever & prosper!
Jul 7, 22 / Leo 20, 06 14:05 UTC
This is FUSION Fluorine F Uranium U Silicon Si Oxygen O Nitrogen N From the Periodic Table of the Elements
Aug 28, 22 / Lib 16, 06 06:19 UTC
What do you suppose would happen if these elements were introduced to one another? The Uranium is a wild card!
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 17:54 UTC
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 19:05 UTC
Life is great, life is everything, live intensely!
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 17:49 UTC
May 3, 22 / Gem 11, 06 09:07 UTC
The Good Force Be With You!
Hi, how are you? I'm glad we're here now!
Feb 28, 22 / Ari 03, 06 13:32 UTC
Mar 1, 22 / Ari 04, 06 08:40 UTC
Hello! Here is all the current information on Asgardia's Solar:
Jul 13, 21 / Leo 26, 05 07:00 UTC
I received my Resident ID card yesterday..Thanks a lot! Greetings to all Asgardians.
Jul 10, 22 / Leo 23, 06 09:55 UTC
plz, may I ask: how long did it take from order 'til delivery?
Jul 14, 21 / Leo 27, 05 10:20 UTC
Where you can use it Asgardia Resident ID card ?
Apr 27, 21 / Gem 05, 05 07:04 UTC
Thanks Asgardia I got my Resident ID it's beautiful.
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:08 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Apr 28, 21 / Gem 06, 05 20:44 UTC
Olá, gostaria de saber se existe algum modo para que eu solicite minha ID de residente de graça.
Apr 27, 21 / Gem 05, 05 13:35 UTC
We're glad you like it!
Mar 6, 21 / Ari 09, 05 18:12 UTC
Sorry I did not notice. Hello to all friends in Asgardia. May the force be with you.!
Nov 22, 21 / Sag 18, 05 02:25 UTC
Ohou!!!! friend!!!
Mar 9, 21 / Ari 12, 05 15:54 UTC
Mar 9, 21 / Ari 12, 05 03:29 UTC
OHOU Ferdinand! Greetings from Kuala Lumpur! This is the way! :-)
See all 5 comments
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 13:21 UTC
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 17:35 UTC
This group and all its paying members are participating in an international criminal organization with intent to violate the Outer Space Treaty. Everyone who pays into this will be held accountable by space based governments on Earth.