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Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 16:35 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Proposals and Presentation by the Information and Communications committee
Lembit Öpik, Chair of Parliament, then reviewed the list of legal proposals currently in the early stages of development and presentations for the rest of the day. Dennis Shoemaker, Chairman of the Information and Communications committee spoke about the legislation that the committee has been contributing to such as the ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 16:12 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Domicile Act and Guest speaker from Nation Builders
Next, MPs discussed the Domicile Act, brought up by Ben Dell, which still needs to have its official reading in a parliamentary sitting. It would help clarify how Asgardian citizenship would relate to a person’s citizenship on Earth. Guest speaker, Ross Cheeseright from Nation Builders, spoke about his organization and ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 13:47 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Asgardia Business Act, Asgardia Companies Act, Asgardia Intellectual Properties Act
Chairman of the Trade and Commerce, MP John Fine, gave a presentation: A Future in Private Business. He explained what the Asgardia Business Act, Asgardia Companies Act, Asgardia Intellectual Properties Act will do for Asgardia and business people wanting to bring their business to our Nation. The Acts have been ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 12:22 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Judiciary Act
After a short ten-minute break, the next piece of legislation up for discussion was the National Judiciary Act. MP Salvos Mouzakitis, Chairman of the Justice Committee, presented changes being considered to the wording of the Act and the ongoing development of the court system of Asgardia. Like the Currency Act, ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 11:53 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - National Currency Act
The next point of discussion of the meeting was The National Currency Act, including what stage it’s on and any changes that might need to be made to it from the Banking Act by Deputy Chairman of Parliament and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Ben Dell. He helped with ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 10:56 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Opening and Codes for Criminal, Constitutional, Administrative, and Civil matters
Asgardia’s Chairman of Parliament opened the Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) with a warm welcome and thanks to the Members of Parliament who joined the all-day meeting. He reviewed the timetable and agenda of the day. Like most parliamentary meetings, the ALF is translated live in English, Spanish and Russian. The ...
Jun 27, 20 / Leo 11, 04 09:58 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum Today!
Today, parliamentarians from all around the world are coming together online to debate pending legislation and discuss topics relevant to Asgardia in preparation for their next digital sitting in August. We will be bringing you updates throughout the day about this meeting!
Jun 25, 20 / Leo 09, 04 17:09 UTC
New crisis – New opportunities
Lembit Öpik, Asgradia’s Chairman of Parliament, has written an article about how the post Covid-19 outbreak world might look like and the opportunities it may bring.
Jun 26, 20 / Leo 10, 04 06:58 UTC
Jun 25, 20 / Leo 09, 04 16:46 UTC
Asgardia 2 Years Ago Today, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli Was Inaugurated Asgardia’s First Head of Nation
Leo 8, 0002 (June 25, 2018), Dr Igor Ashurbeyli was officially inaugurated as Asgardia’s first-ever Head of Nation at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. We have retrospective look at that historic day here:
Jun 25, 20 / Leo 09, 04 16:32 UTC
6th Meeting of the Supreme Space Council
On Leo 2, 0004 (June 18, 2020), the sixth sitting of the Supreme Space Council (SSC) of Asgardia was held digitally. Find out what was discussed here:
Jun 24, 20 / Leo 08, 04 14:43 UTC
Party Like it's 2020: Asgardia's Main National Holiday Goes Fully Digital This Year
Unity Day 0004 blasted off with so many amazing memories! Even though we've come back down to Earth, let's remember the good times of the day!
Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 19:48 UTC
Asgardia Unity Day Coat of Arms relay!
In the beginning of June, our Coat of Arms visited five continents, returning to the Asgardian headquarters in Vienna. We’d like to thank everyone who welcomed it in their country. Take a look at its journey!
Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 17:45 UTC
Luca Sorriso-Valvo: Check your space weather forecast and hide from radiation
The chairman of the Science Committee, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, has been studying the solar wind for the last 20 years and shares in this article why it is crucial for humanity to understand.
Jun 23, 20 / Leo 07, 04 20:32 UTC
Dear Martin, thanks for your question. As far as I know, this is one of the possible approaches NASA (and maybe other agencies as well) is considering to shelter future Martian settlements from radiation and solar wind. The idea is to place a magnet in space, in a fixed position ...
Jun 22, 20 / Leo 06, 04 14:16 UTC
Asgardia is pleased to announce the launch of its Business Partnership Program!
Asgardia aims to provide the best conditions for business, create a whole ecosystem of services and goods and benefit Asgardians, entrepreneurs and investors. Today, we are happy to invite businesses from all around the globe to join Asgardia via our brand new Business Partnership Program! How to bring your business ...
Jun 22, 20 / Leo 06, 04 13:00 UTC
We have sent out an email to everyone who participated requesting their mailing information so we can ship out their participation reward. If you submitted a video that was used in the relay video, it is very important that you respond to it by Wednesday otherwise you will be disqualified ...
Jun 18, 20 / Leo 02, 04 13:11 UTC
Good day Asgardians! We're so happy we had so many people join in on our digital Unity Day celebrations! But now we want to know what you really think about it :) We put together a short form for you to fill out — your feedback is really appreciated! ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 17:35 UTC
And we are live Asgardia! Are you tuned in? Don't forget to participate in the chats here on Discord so you can qualify for the extra special giveaway that will be announced during the broadcast!
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 16:02 UTC
Hello Asgardians! It's Unity Day and we're so excited to bring you this special broadcast that will kick off in 60 minutes! You can find links to the languages that we are supporting below! English - Portuguese - French - Italian - Spanish - Mandarin ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 14:39 UTC
Giveaway Sneak Peak!
If you aren't already, come onto the Asgardia Discord server to join the community in this amazing celebration! We'll be giving away some amazing items like this!
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 14:12 UTC
A short message from Nation Builders!
Ross Cheeseright from the Nation Builders movement of #Asgardia's enthusiasts sends his congratulations on Unity Day to all #Asgardians and the Head of Nation! As a gift, Nation Builders made their book - A Day in the Life of a Space Citizen - available online at 12:00 GMT today. This ...