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Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 13:07 UTC
Let’s celebrate Asgardian Unity Day together!
Join the virtual Discord party at 16:00 GMT and don't forget to tune in to our YouTube channel at 17:00 GMT. Discord: YouTube: Come together with your Asgardia compatriots to celebrate and watch the a live broadcast with the Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, as well as ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 23:59 UTC
Joyeuse fête de l'unité !!!
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 15:10 UTC
Happy Unity Day!
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 13:36 UTC
Buona Festa dell'Unità
See all 4 comments
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 12:48 UTC
Happy Unity Day!
Asgardia has united over 1 million people of different genders, races and nationalities from more than 230 countries. Take a look back at the journey we’ve been on together so far! The Asgardian Constitution was adopted exactly 3 years ago today. In 10 chapters and 50 articles, the document outlines ...
Jun 17, 20 / Leo 01, 04 12:56 UTC
What a beautifull video.
Jun 16, 20 / Leo 00, 04 14:34 UTC
Asgardia's Unity Day Party!
You're invited to attend Asgardia's Virtual Unity Day party on Discord! Festivities will officially kick off at 16:00 UTC and run until 19:00 UTC. We'll be giving away some Asgardia merchandise to random active members of the chat and holding a 'watch party' for the official Unity Day broadcast ...
Jun 16, 20 / Leo 00, 04 16:56 UTC
Unissons-nous pour qu'Asgardia grandisse !!!
Jun 15, 20 / Can 27, 04 16:02 UTC
This year, the world is more divided than ever, many international borders are still closed, but Asgardia stands united! Join us online from wherever you are, and be a part of the grand celebration! Don’t miss Asgardia’s special Unity Day broadcast June 17 at 17:00 GMT on YouTube — subscribe ...
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 18:37 UTC
Instagram Milestone Reached!
We did it, we now have 50,000 followers on Instagram! If you're not following you're missing out of some great content! Visit our Instagram today!
Jun 14, 20 / Can 26, 04 14:02 UTC
Hello Asgardians! Send in your entry to the Unity Day Asgardia Coat of Arms relay and have a chance at winning exclusive Asgardia merch that no one has yet! You can find out more details here:
Jun 12, 20 / Can 24, 04 17:32 UTC
We’re launching a new challenge! To celebrate Asgardia’s Unity Day, we’re sending our coat of arms on a world tour. Give it a warm welcome in your own country and pass it on! ⠀ It’s easy to take part. Simply print out or draw the coat of arms, film a ...
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 14:01 UTC
Participate in the Asgardia’s Coat of Arms relay video!
Unity Day is coming soon and we believe it’s important to connect with all the Asgardians from different countries and continents on this special day. We invite you to participate in our virtual Coat of Arms relay. Print Asgardia’s Coat of Arms on the paper. The file is attached. Roll ...
Jun 9, 20 / Can 21, 04 18:14 UTC
2020 New Momentum of the Space Age, Humanity, and Asgardia
'Asgardians, we are on the right path. Let's keep giving our best and keep writing history.' - an inspirational message from Asgardia's former Prime Minister, Ana Mercedes Diaz, about Asgardia and it's future.
Jun 9, 20 / Can 21, 04 16:21 UTC
Space Stamps and Asgardia
From Sputnik-1 to Crew Dragon - the entire history of space exploration in postmarks and postage stamps! Astrophilately brings together thousands of people who collect their own mini-universe with planets, rockets and space crews in miniature images. The most popular portrait stamps are those picturing Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. ...
Jun 11, 20 / Can 23, 04 13:09 UTC
a depiction of the first birth of a child in space would be great to see on everyday post letters.
Jun 10, 20 / Can 22, 04 12:49 UTC
For all Asgardians interested in Philately (stamp collecting), you can join the "community" that was created around that hobby:
Jun 8, 20 / Can 20, 04 13:09 UTC
Live Q&A in Honor of Asgardia’s Unity Day!
Head of Nation Dr Igor Ashurbeyli will congratulate Asgardians on their national holiday and also answer your questions about the Space Nation. Watch the broadcast on Asgardia’s YouTube Channel, with simultaneous translation into all the nation’s official languages. You can ask your question during the broadcast, or before it starts ...
Jun 7, 20 / Can 19, 04 19:59 UTC
Day 3 of the 8th sitting of Asgardia Parliament
Day three of the 8th sitting of parliament has begun! On the agenda of the day, a continuation of reports from the Committees. summation of voting, review of the event calendar for the remainder of the year, and announcements. It's been an amazing weekend!
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 23:26 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Reports from Committees
The last items of the day were the reports on work plans from the Committees of Asgardia. Parliament heard reports from the following committees: Foreign affairs - presented by Ben Dell Culture - presented by Cheryl Gallagher Manufacturing - Fernando Jimenez Motte Some discussions occupied more time so the remaining ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 22:34 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Disqualification procedures for Members of Parliament
Chairman of Parliament Lembit Opik presented the document outlining the procedures for disqualification from Parliament. After receiving input and approval from MPs, the document will go to the Supreme Space Council for review. After the SSC meeting, the accepted document will be published on These procedures were created in ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 21:37 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - National Bank of Asgardia

Member of Parliament and executive secretary of the Trade and Commerce committee, Ismail Sengul, presented the Nation Bank Act to parliament for parliamentary debate. This was the first time this legislative document was discussed by Asgardia's Parliament. The purpose of the Act expands on Article 13 Point 4 ...

Jun 11, 20 / Can 23, 04 08:27 UTC
National Bank of Asgardia is the bank of all of us.
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 17:40 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - National Currency Act
Benjamin Dell, Deputy Chair Parliament and Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, presented this act to parliament for its first official reading. This Act was first presented for discussion in the last Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) which helps to determine the rules, regulations, and defining principles related to Asgardia's currency, SOLAR. ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 16:12 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Judiciary Act
Asgardia MP and Chairman of the Justice Committee, Salvos Mouzakitis, presented the Judiciary Act for a second reading to Parliament. He highlighted some of the important changes made to each chapter of the Act in response to feedback by Parliament from the first reading. He explained what wording had been ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 16:11 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two - Reformation of the Government
Head of Administration to the Head of Nation, Lena De Winne, presented the proposal of the Administration on formation of the Government of Asgardia to Parliament. It is planned to declare an open selection for the positions of Ministers of the government and its Chair. Lena De Winne outlined the ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 11:14 UTC
Parliament 8th Digital Sitting - Day Two By-Elections discussion
Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik, spoke about the by-elections that will run from July 1 - Oct 31. After the presentation, the floor opened to questions from MPs to ensure all information is covered so that Asgardia Residents can take part in this event. Questions included the need for the ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 10:25 UTC
Day Two of the digital sitting begins!
Parliament has begun it's second day of the sitting that will run from 10:00-18:00 UTC. Head of Administration to the Head of Nation Lena De Winne will speak about the reformation of government and Supreme Justice Yun Zhao will be involved in the presentation of the Judiciary Act to parliament. ...