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Apr 27, 20 / Gem 06, 04 13:51 UTC
We have a new update now live on We have implemented 'caring forms' which saves the data that you are inputting before you hit post on the blogs and profile pages. This information is stored locally on your device so if you get interrupted or the browser crashes, you ...
Apr 29, 20 / Gem 08, 04 02:56 UTC
Lost a few (before I decided to type and save outside of the form itself for safety) but good news for this upgrade!
Apr 27, 20 / Gem 06, 04 14:21 UTC
That was really needed:) thank you and keep up the good work..:)
Apr 24, 20 / Gem 03, 04 21:13 UTC
AsgardiaStayHome contest extended!
We’re extending our #AsgardiansStayHome competition. Who wants to get their hands on a cosy blanket from Asgardia? There’s still time to take part! ⠀ Show us what you’re up to in #covid19 isolation. Share your photos and videos on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and don’t forget to use the hashtag ...
Apr 23, 20 / Gem 02, 04 14:40 UTC
Video interview with Asgardia's Chairman of Parliament Lembit Öpik
We have the video interview with Asgardia's Chairman of Parliament online now! There will be an article about it going up on the website later as well.
Apr 22, 20 / Gem 01, 04 14:28 UTC
Earth Day 2020!
Happy Earth Day! Today, this worldwide event celebrates its centenary of launching a global environmental movement. It’s important to remember that Earth is our common home and we must always protect it – even when Mars is covered in blooming apple orchards!
Apr 22, 20 / Gem 01, 04 14:35 UTC
The mother of the whole world is still beautiful! Our planet is a selfless and loving mother! 整個世界的母親依然美麗! 我們的星球是一個無私和慈愛的母親! ~~~~ Recently, I liked TV shows and movies made with this phrase! "If ⋯⋯, how the world will ⋯⋯? 》 Strange idea If we put a sand named "Earth" into a ...
Apr 21, 20 / Gem 00, 04 12:10 UTC
Asgardia Profile Update: You can now add links to your About Me
We have a small quality of life update to the Asgardia profile pages, you can now add clickable links to your About Me. So if you want to add a link to a page where you're mentioned, you can do that! Link to an article you wrote, you can do ...
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 14:57 UTC
It's Lyrids time!
Got a clear sky and kids in bed? Put your Netflix away for a grander show as the Lyrids meteor shower is hitting its peak for the next few days! Some say it is the oldest recorded showers, going back to 687 B.C. in China. Meteor velocity is said to ...
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 15:28 UTC
There's a little too much light pollution in Toronto but sometimes you can catch sight of one or two streaking through the night sky!
Apr 18, 20 / Tau 25, 04 18:59 UTC
Enter the Asgardians Stay Home Contest!
Join our #AsgardiansStayHome contest to show off your self-isolation skills and win a prize! Do you cook? Dance? Clean? Play guitar or work out? Post pics or vids of your self-isolation routine. Share your photos and videos on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #AsgardiansStayHome! We’ll ...
Apr 18, 20 / Tau 25, 04 20:55 UTC
Great! I love contests!! What is the prize? Will you be sharing our submissions of us doing things indefinitely online or can we ask for it to be removed after the contest?
Apr 16, 20 / Tau 23, 04 15:23 UTC
When is your birthday on the Asgardian calendar?
When is your birthday according to the Asgardian calendar? Use our easy-to-navigate converter here
Apr 29, 20 / Gem 08, 04 21:00 UTC
I think this happens to all members who are born after February.
Apr 29, 20 / Gem 08, 04 02:58 UTC
Because I was born after February 28th :-)
Apr 27, 20 / Gem 06, 04 12:26 UTC
Every leapyear it's my birthday date +1
See all 6 comments
Apr 14, 20 / Tau 21, 04 16:35 UTC
Ask Asgardians - Community Activites anyone?
What community activities would you like to do in the First Space Nation? Would you like to join a drone racing league? Or start your own online school? Or maybe do volunteer work? Comment below, we want to hear your voice!
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 22:09 UTC
У меня давно зреет идея, можно же первым 2000 гражданам Асгардии дать под проценты определённую сумму, кредит, например 500 $ для их например в трейдерских заработках на форексе, для раскрутке и прибыли. Вот будит их первый заработок и доход в казну. Пока соларс не раскручивается, а так можно было бы ...
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 04:45 UTC
Drone races good practice for maneuvering drones thru caves and forest plus canyons
Apr 15, 20 / Tau 22, 04 20:02 UTC
I volunteer for research, security and media work. Asgaria needs to be better known especially here in Europe, people do not take seriously a space nation. Maybe developing games or online tv will help. It will also be good to create documents to distribute, and organize conferences.
See all 5 comments
Apr 12, 20 / Tau 19, 04 16:25 UTC
3.5 years, we've accomplished a lot!
Happy International Day of Human Space Flight and happy 3.5 anniversary, dear Asgardians! Take a look at the timeline of the First Space Nation!
Apr 12, 20 / Tau 19, 04 13:45 UTC
Congratulations to Asgardia Member of Parliament Dumitru Dorin Prunariu!
Congratulations to Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Asgardian Member of Parliament, who became the first Romanian cosmonaut in 1981! Thank you for the amazing job you are doing!
Apr 12, 20 / Tau 19, 04 15:20 UTC
Felicitări D-nu Dumitru cu Ziua Cosmonauților, sănătate și bunăvoința! Sunt din Moldova, vă mulțumim pentru tot ce faceți. Sălutare!
Apr 12, 20 / Tau 19, 04 13:37 UTC
International Day of Human Space Flight
Today we are celebrating International Day of Human Space Flight dedicated of the first manned space flight made on 12 April 1961!
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 15:08 UTC
Asgardia Poll of the Week - Where should we go next?
Nasa is planning to go to Saturn's moon Titan, but some scientists argue it should be Enceladus since it has a subsurface ocean and organic molecules in it.
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 19:42 UTC
In the small jars the best ointments
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 18:18 UTC
Just to add it, because there is only information about Enceladus but not about Titan included in the question: Titan has big seas and rivers out of organic material and there are also signs, that there is water on titan. So the odds are even to find life on both ...
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 18:02 UTC
That and life brings funding. This should not be a great debate for NASA since they live off funds.
See all 4 comments
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 14:00 UTC
Why are you an Asgardian?
What brought you to the First Space Nation? Share your story below and maybe we'll share your story with the world!
Apr 9, 20 / Tau 16, 04 20:12 UTC
Реальные исторические события и интерес к реальной правде , а не мифов.
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 19:11 UTC
To find a way to speed up the acces to space for the many. To be a part of this new era of mankind. And to if it can be possible to do something better, different with the dream of an unity of worlwide people.
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 14:47 UTC
For the development of humanity and to allow the evolution of the human species in peace and to allow the evolution of science, of technology. Continue the discovery of the universe. A new era together.
See all 5 comments
Apr 6, 20 / Tau 13, 04 18:40 UTC
Hello everyone! I am a new Asgardian and wanted to introduce myself here. Being a music lover since early ages, I am also on earth currently working in music business as a booking agent and would love to know who of my fellow Asgardians are musicians and would like to ...
Apr 18, 20 / Tau 25, 04 14:35 UTC
Thanks Ross for informing me about your page/group and development, it sounds absolutely great and I am gladly part of it. Feel free to get in touch for whatever information, support you might need. I would be more than happy to be part of your vision and to found the ...
Apr 17, 20 / Tau 24, 04 18:34 UTC
Hello every one I am a new asgardian
Apr 8, 20 / Tau 15, 04 11:26 UTC
Hey there Isabelle :) I am not a musician, but I do love music and I'm really interested to see how Asgardian culture will develop - we have people from all over the world, so it will be interesting to see what 'sound' Asgardia develops. I am the founder of ...
Apr 6, 20 / Tau 13, 04 17:59 UTC
Head of Nation has issued Decree 44
Decree 44 will make the process of legislation faster and more efficient!
Apr 6, 20 / Tau 13, 04 13:57 UTC
Last Week in Asgardia - April 6, 2020
A lot of news last week and even more are coming. Stay tuned!
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 14:06 UTC
Head of Nation on Present and Future of Asgardia
Dr Igor Ashurbeyli about education, funding and most wanted professions in Asgardia
Apr 2, 20 / Tau 09, 04 17:26 UTC
Weekly Asgardia Poll - April 2, 2020
Let's try this again! The pandemic is affecting every country on Earth, we'll be feeling the effects for the remainder of the year if not for years to come. So, let's maybe try to do things better?
Apr 4, 20 / Tau 11, 04 12:06 UTC
Sad truth...
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 20:03 UTC
We must build a better world for all creatures.
Apr 3, 20 / Tau 10, 04 00:03 UTC
A bit of both. The u.s. seems to be going back to the dark ages gutting the epa(environmental protection agency). Then on the other side mabey places like Vinesse, Italy might change with seeing the difference in front of them.
See all 4 comments
Apr 2, 20 / Tau 09, 04 16:09 UTC
The national budget for 0004 has been approved!
The national budget of Asgardia is yet another essential document. Take a look!