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Slovakia, Bratislava I
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 13:20 UTC
Lembit Opik, the Chairman of Parliament, Lena De Winne, the Head of Government, and Yun Zhao, the Supreme Justice of Asgardia congratulated Asgardians on the National holiday - the Year Day.
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 13:16 UTC
Asgardia’s founder and Head of Nation, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, wishes Asgardia a Happy Year Day. Year Day is one of three National Holidays in Asgardia. During the celebration, the Head of Nation addressed every Resident via email. Read his full message here:
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 13:06 UTC
Cheryl Gallagher, Asgardian Member of Parliament and Chair of the Culture Committee talks in this interview about the work of Asgardian Parliament in 0004 (2020), plans for the future, and an adaptation of Asgardia’s National Anthem.
Dec 29, 20 / Cap 28, 04 14:23 UTC
As of today, with the approval of Parliament, the two new ministers officially began their work together with the Head of Government. Read about who they are and their responsibilities in this article in the news section:
Dec 28, 20 / Cap 27, 04 17:04 UTC
Busy during the holidays? Catch up on some of the recent news about Asgardia! ~ Lena De Winne Appointed as Prime Minister of Asgardia ~ On 24 Capricornus, 0004 (December 25, 2020) the Head of the Space Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli signed Decree No. 49 On Appointment of Prime Minister ...
Dec 22, 20 / Cap 21, 04 16:46 UTC
The Eighth Digital Sitting of the Asgardia Parliament Completed
This past weekend, Asgardia's Parliament held their eighth official digital sitting. Read the full report of the weekend in the news section here:
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 21:51 UTC
Slovak ferrata
Do you like mountaineering hiking?
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 21:41 UTC
Hockey team in Slovakia
We help children develop in hockey
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 21:27 UTC
Movement and sport
What do you think is important? do you do sports ? This is good for internal stabilization system
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 20:57 UTC
My hockey team
I like children and educate them in what they love.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 18:02 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Closing of the session of the Day
Chairman Opik closed the session of the day after reviewing the work that was completed today as well as the agenda for tomorrow. Full in-depth details of today's work will be coming in a full-length article soon.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 19:33 UTC
Congratulations on a very constructive day for all involved.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 17:45 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Part 3
After a midday break, they moved onto the next voting point in the agenda which was the government structure. Chairman Opik reviewed the structure and explained how it would work. Head of Administration to the Head of Nation, Lena De Winne, reviewed the budget of Asgardia for 0004 which is ...
Dec 26, 20 / Cap 25, 04 13:25 UTC
A little more information would be great “ Dr De Winne also spoke about the status of the Resident Cards that are currently under development”
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 17:24 UTC
A new article outlining what happened on the first day of the current digital sitting of Parliament.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 16:16 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Part 2
The Supreme Justice of Asgardia Yun Zhao was called on to present the candidates for court Justices to Parliament. Dr Tom Kabau Dr Ana Maria Moure Pino Ms Carrie Shu Shang Dr Firew Tiba Listed here in Protocol 6 from the sixth Supreme Space Council meeting. Parliament then debated ...
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 16:05 UTC
The Chairman of Parliament read this address to Parliament by the Head of Nation of Asgardia.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 12:41 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Part 1
Today the tenth session of Asgardia's Parliament began with opening remarks and procedural explanation from Chairman Lembit Opik. After reviewing the events of the short meeting on Friday, the agenda of the day was reviewed. The agenda includes: Reading of decree 48 and it's attached Annex's Parliament approving Dr Lena ...
Dec 17, 20 / Cap 16, 04 20:43 UTC
Another important step in the process, the Head of Nation has issued Decree 48.
Dec 17, 20 / Cap 16, 04 20:42 UTC
The voting is done and the results are in!
Dec 15, 20 / Cap 14, 04 15:26 UTC
Asgardia's Chairman of Parliament commented in a recent article on the smooth process of voting in the by-elections.
Dec 18, 20 / Cap 17, 04 03:06 UTC
I want one time residents fee for Life time
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 21:32 UTC
Meet Your Candidates Final Post!
FINAL REMINDER to all Asgardians! Official voting begins this Friday and ends on Sunday! Don't forget to vote! Go to the webpage to find more info, including the candidates' agenda.