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Tonbridge, UK
Jan 14, 24 / Aqu 14, 08 13:26 UTC
Island Zero - A practical first gateway to large-scale space habitats
50 years ago, plans were produced for large-scale space habitats in orbits around the Earth. One, to house 10,000 people, was designated as Island One. The design was deliberately restricted cost - no more than that of project Apollo, and also to the technology available at the time, so it ...
Oct 18, 23 / Oph 11, 07 00:51 UTC
NATO and War The only way out is with Elon. Kahlilah
Oct 18, 23 / Oph 11, 07 00:54 UTC
Oct 18, 23 / Oph 11, 07 00:35 UTC
Hi All I have 100 Solars as we need to invest in our Solar System. I present you with the new currency and I want to invest only 1 Solar. Do you think we can ask Elon about this? Thank you Kahlilah
Oct 22, 23 / Oph 15, 07 01:59 UTC
No. No quisiera a Musk de vecino. Gracias ✨️
Aug 30, 23 / Lib 18, 07 13:06 UTC
How can we be defined as a nation if we don’t have at least Identity Cards for members or residents. I know Passports is a very long shot for now.
Aug 30, 23 / Lib 18, 07 13:33 UTC
Residents can order a free ID card through the Government Services section in their profile. :)
May 19, 23 / Gem 27, 07 11:30 UTC
Hi all, I just joined the community and I am hoping to contribute to discussions relating to all things about space tech in a positive way. Nice to meet you all. Bolan
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:41 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 22, 23 / Can 02, 07 20:11 UTC
Ummmm lol
May 22, 23 / Can 02, 07 08:39 UTC
Hello from Australia !!
Apr 27, 23 / Gem 05, 07 23:20 UTC
savings are critical design considerations. When compared to traditional capacitor technologies, EVANSCAPS save weight, volume, and power to deliver a key enabling solution for applications including radar,
Jan 1, 23 / Aqu 01, 07 14:02 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I wish everyone happy new year and success in 2023. As I have mentioned before on my blog. We are the frontier and advocate to create the best civilisation for Humanity, which we will live peacefully and in harmony with the Mother Nature. We have a lot of ...
Dec 24, 22 / Cap 22, 06 09:35 UTC
We dont need a leader. We listen to the Eagle.
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 14:40 UTC
Jump around
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 09:12 UTC
Heavens from Terra
My camera isn’t the best but this as was really beautiful to see🌔
Oct 30, 22 / Oph 23, 06 12:57 UTC
I like Anime and love Japanese culture
Dec 18, 23 / Cap 16, 07 15:03 UTC
соси хуй
Sep 3, 23 / Lib 22, 07 02:09 UTC
Nov 3, 22 / Oph 27, 06 14:53 UTC
Me too!! Whats your favorite anime?
Oct 30, 22 / Oph 23, 06 12:55 UTC
Carmen: Likes Anime and jap/Korean music of Ano and Hatsune Mika etc. loves space and life of all types.
Sep 21, 22 / Sco 12, 06 12:16 UTC
Thanks to share this concept. This information is really good. Now, these days everyone wants to hire writing services. You also can improve your writing skill by using writing service. I am satisfied by this because this is a professional service. Its charges are no t so high you ...
Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 11:59 UTC
Would someone kindly update me on what is the expected date for leaving the Earth?
Aug 25, 22 / Lib 13, 06 09:22 UTC
Spaceibles 😀
Aug 24, 22 / Lib 12, 06 00:24 UTC
Dear Asgardians Please watch Kind regards :)
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 08:27 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Aug 21, 22 / Lib 09, 06 06:59 UTC
Aug 20, 22 / Lib 08, 06 21:46 UTC
Dear fellow Asgardians I am pleased to meet you. My Earth name is Kahlilah but my star name is Aphrodite. Please read this carefully before you enter our solar system. I go to Queen's University and have been learning about your species for 40 human years, We have a Galactic ...
Aug 21, 22 / Lib 09, 06 10:37 UTC
Jul 31, 22 / Vir 16, 06 13:02 UTC
Am sure this topic has been brought up before! It sure is fascinating 😎
Jul 15, 22 / Vir 00, 06 18:56 UTC
Is there any reason to be attached to Solar system or should be exploration of the further space be a main program? I do believe that ejection of as many as possible small colonial ships is the way to break ancient geopolitical systems which benefits few and makes slaves from ...
Jul 26, 22 / Vir 11, 06 09:26 UTC
The fundamental concern here seems to be one of utility. Epsilon Eridani, located more than 10 lightyears from Earth, is the closest neighboring solar system. Extrasolar exploration isn't truly feasible unless some way of traveling faster than light is discovered
Jul 21, 22 / Vir 06, 06 14:23 UTC
This seems to mainly be a practical issue. The nearest solar system outside of our own is Epsilon Eridani which is over 10 lightyears away. Until some method of faster than light travel is developed, extra-solar exploration isn't really practical.
Jul 16, 22 / Vir 01, 06 09:42 UTC
Исследование дальнего космоса на уровне текущих технологий возможно только с использованием созданных в России ядерных буксиров. Один из которых имеет реактор несколько мегаватт и уже сейчас проходит наземные испытания. На химических и ионных двигателях - исследование дальнего космоса не возможно.