NAME:Bruno Figueiredo
Author's annotation
Suggestion of Insignia for ASGARDIA.

This representation shows the three concepts that are based Asgardia:

1- Fhilosophical;
2- Justice;
3- Scientific / Technological.

Description of the symbol:

1 - Central Larger Circle is the Earth.

2- The Star superimposed right hovering over central circle represents the Nation ASGARDIA.

3 - The three spheres outer whose arms extend to the planet, representing the foreground the three fundamental bases of ASGARDIA - Philosophy - Justice - Science / Technology.

- The arms that extend to the planet and involve symbolizing the essential principle of protection of our Planet, with roots that leave the three principles based ASGARDIA.

- In each of the three circles outside the field of its center is the Sacred Geometry Flower of Life is the Key Master of all creation, symbolizing the Balance of Creation Project, Harmony in its foundations and structure.

- In the sphere above it is also the Eye of Horus symbol of Strength and Protection and Long-range Vision.

My inspiration for this symbol also comes Peace Flag Roerich.

That's my suggestion to the insignia of ASGARDIA.

Best Regards.
