Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 20:35 UTC
Force Field Technology

A force field , sometimes known as an energy shield , force shield , defense shield or deflector shield , is a barrier made of energy or particles. It protects a person, area, or object from attacks or intrusions from outside threats of any kind.

This Tech is created as a field of energy without mass that acts as a wall, so that objects affected by the particular force relating to the field are unable to pass through the field and reach the other side, And to protect against radiation.

As you can see, this patent has many uses:

-A barrier allowing workers to function in areas exposed to the vacuum of space. The atmosphere inside would be habitable by humans, while at the same time allowing permissible objects to pass through the barrier.

-A walkable surface between two points without the necessity of building a bridge.

-An emergency quarantine area to service those afflicted by harmful biological or chemical agents.

  • -A fire extinguisher where oxygen is exhausted by the use of a space confined by a force field thereby starving the fire.
  • -As a shield to protect against damage from natural forces or an enemy attack.
  • -A temporary habitable space in an area otherwise unsuitable for sustaining life.
  • -As a security apparatus used to confine or contain a captive
  • -Can act as a barrier for warp drive or wormhole travel.
  • -And a force field body armor for future missions

  • The capabilities and functionality of force fields vary, It functions primarily as a defensive measure against weapons fired from other spacecraft. Force fields as a possibility, would also generally prevent transporting.

There are two kind of Force fields postulated, one in which energy is projected as a flat plane from emitters around the edges of a space craft, and another where energy surrounds a ship like a bubble.

This may indeed provide Asgardia with much Defense and Protection it needs from radiation and Mass Coronal Ejections from the sun.

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 06:20 UTC

while this tech is under study with magnetism and quantum mechanics, we might not be able to see this technology without making a large generator that holds x3 the power that is used on the earth in a month for the shield to work for a day.

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 10:39 UTC

This is not "tech under study", it's pure science fiction.

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 05:04 UTC

Really? Don't you think DARPA has been working on this in the deep black USAPs? They will research it and then bury it because it serves their purpose to let tanks blow-up so the Military Industrial Complex can make more tanks and make more $$$.

The ...

Aug 17, 17 / Lib 05, 01 17:19 UTC

The Earth's electric and magnetic fields are a product of massive geological processes. Quite impractical for our purposes and also quite weak despite that.

The electrical armour is little more sophisticated than the anti corrosive field employed by oil rigs. Nothing special here.

Dec 12, 17 / Cap 10, 01 11:17 UTC

yeah but maybe something with electrostatics should work well.. also with magnetism.. a missile it's a metallic objects that can be rejected with a magnetism or deviated by electrostatic. on the Earth, under the atmosphere it's hard to use it, but in the space it's so much easy.

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 10:43 UTC

Because Asgardia will also be an economically driven society it's wise to look into this StarTrek like technology and keep on spending a WISE amount of our Time and Resources into this field of study.
Many things were SciFi in the past Richard Howell, but people are dreamers ...

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 16:05 UTC

Consider, though, this proposal for the government to begin to develop an energy shield. The petition already makes claims about what the shield does. It prevents "transporters" from working? It acts as a barrier for warp and worm hole travel? These are fictional functions of a fictional device that ...

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 06:16 UTC

I value the person who thinks and dreams and attempts to understand something, rather than a person who is cynically closed minded thinking they know everything. His ideas might not make 100% sense, but he's trying and he understands the importance of developing this technology. The ...

Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 05:14 UTC


You took the words right out my's good to know that I'm not the only one who knows that the technology we need is already out there hidden from the masses in plain sight that could benefit Asgardia in no time

Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 05:16 UTC

Not only Asgardia but the world

Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 07:03 UTC

Asgadia, unfortunately, is a dying project, even before it's got off the ground. I do hope that you continue to share your thoughts, feeling and research with others in the world. Ignore the conspiracy comments, wear it like a badge of honour, not before long the cat will get ...

Aug 17, 17 / Lib 05, 01 17:38 UTC

I read the email about zero point energy from WikiLeaks. It was from one Ufologist to another. Hardly surprising that they would believe that aliens might be in contact with us, but not proof of anything.

I'm quite aware of cold war star wars. It's -very- old ...

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 18:14 UTC


Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 11:07 UTC

Someday very far away.

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 11:08 UTC

Someday very far away.

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 22:39 UTC

Anything is possible

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 22:39 UTC

Anything is possible

Jul 17, 17 / Vir 02, 01 13:37 UTC

The idea is not bad but the effect that you have mentionated are purely teorical and in other cases are definitely part of sci-fi or, in this moment a not possibile to done project because the actually humanity has more of difficulty to progreed in space's sciences ,furthermore the ...

Jul 25, 17 / Vir 10, 01 10:04 UTC

Research is it's own reward. If the technology already exists, we just reinvent it. No one said this would be easy.

Aug 1, 17 / Vir 17, 01 01:24 UTC

Il ya tellement de technologie avec les effets électromagnétiques un exemple n'a pas étudié le son sur toutes les applications qui nous donnerait la possibilité de traverser les murs comme les tollans dans stargate et aussi fabriquer des navettes Spatiales jeu mass Effect. ...

Aug 15, 17 / Lib 03, 01 14:13 UTC

I know of a way to do this, however it would require alot of energy, be extremely loud, and only used to the direction of the incoming threat. Obviously, I'm not going to go into detail here, as that's information pertaining to defense that is easily accessible if I'd ...

Aug 15, 17 / Lib 03, 01 14:17 UTC

I know of a way to do this, however it would require alot of energy, be extremely loud, and only used to the direction of the incoming threat. Obviously, I'm not going to go into detail here, as that's information pertaining to defense that is easily accessible if I'd ...

Aug 15, 17 / Lib 03, 01 14:17 UTC

I know of a way to do this, however it would require alot of energy, be extremely loud, and only used to the direction of the incoming threat. Obviously, I'm not going to go into detail here, as that's information pertaining to defense that is easily accessible if I'd ...

Aug 16, 17 / Lib 04, 01 01:10 UTC

Ignore the duplicates. Website bug I guess.

Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 06:54 UTC

This technique is difficult to implement.

Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 06:55 UTC

This technique is difficult to implement.

Aug 30, 17 / Lib 18, 01 06:37 UTC

While it would be nice to have, I think we've got many more near-term needs to address and resources should be conserved for more closely attainable goals.

Sep 2, 17 / Lib 21, 01 03:55 UTC

Dreaming ! Science , practical sciences,applicable sciences originate from dreams. It was Carl Gustav Jung put forward the evocative theory that " We are dreaming all the time "

Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 03:27 UTC

I need urgent help, i lost my original account.

Please a need help, i don't know how to get it again, y try to watch the email message, but it don't appers.

Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 03:27 UTC

I need urgent help, i lost my original account.

Please a need help, i don't know how to get it again, y try to watch the email message, but it don't appers.

Nov 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 20:20 UTC

I can't agree and support this petition without real proof, sorry.