Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 21:32 UTC
Training in the ways of force & ENERGY

For a better understanding of humankind's, all livings' and non-livings' relationship to universe and the presence of life itself, there might be online trainings/courses/agreed-upon-doctrines on how the "force" or "energy" works throughout our lives.

This shouldn't be limited to some sort of Star Wars phenomenon nor taken as a fraud/misleading/abusive subject/tool. With respect to all organized religions on planet Earth and the personal choices of beliefs of people in Asgardia, there can be an entity-free and greater idea/concept of "energy" to be studied in many aspects.

In this manner, people and citizens of Asgardia can be encouraged to study "meaning of life" with a broader POV. This can, later on, inspire the new generations to work on creating new forms of art or to develop today's already existing artistic approaches furthermore.

The one and only rule to define the boundaries of this training/course or compilation of ideas might be to respect each other's contributions/thoughts. Being polite to each other is a MUST. For an idea or thought to be become a "common-sense", people can vote for arguments and thesis and those claims can be held true until the opposite is proven. This would also encourage people to improve their debating skills which is a crucial part of a nation built on modern & futuristic ideas such as Asgardia.

All this subject of "studying energy" in its purest form can be an open-to-discussion department where scientific knowledge and philosophy would interact and even clash with each other in a positive way.

Best Regards to all fellow Asgardians,

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 16:03 UTC

This petition sounds more like an advert for your personal religion than a proposition for government.

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 21:03 UTC

While I'm a strong believer of DEISM, I do not need any adverts for my own benefits. It can be my mistake to create such a petition while I thought that those petitions are being brought up to build the society's foundations in all aspects. I wasn't aware these ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 21:07 UTC

Also, I've tried to express my ideas especially on creating a research system over life and presence which is "entity-free" as much as possible. Probably, I wasn't clear enough but this is not about religion at all.

Aug 13, 17 / Lib 01, 01 11:40 UTC


Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 11:04 UTC

Science is in its infancy. It cannot reliably be used to determine Force, aka ship matter or other philosophies. I believe the religious freedom of Asgardia will bring those philosophies with humanity and that eventually Science will examine them accurately. Like cryogenics, the people frozen will awaken when science ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 18:13 UTC

I strongly agree with this petition.

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 21:10 UTC

Thanks pal!

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 03:54 UTC

Yes i will support this petition.

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 16:10 UTC

My trouble with this concept is that "meaning" is highly subjective. If Asgardia was to start publishing lessons on the meaning of life, it would require actual knowledge of what that meaning is. Wouldn't it make more sense for Asgardia to simply offer lessons in Philosophy?

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 09:05 UTC

Agreed. This seems merely a subsection of philosophy, and such things shouldnt be under the purview of any governmental body

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 03:56 UTC

I didn't get a new Religion or Philosophy from this Petition, as some have posted, above. I would like to Quote Symbolic as he stated .... "entity-free and greater idea/concept of "energy" to be studied in many aspects." I agree.

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 17:57 UTC

You said it yourself. "Personal choice of belief". As in, it should not be mandated or covered under the education provided by the state at all. It is a personal choice for you to pursue of your own volition.

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 19:25 UTC


Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 04:36 UTC

Well since the human body is made up of 7 chakras and 12 main meridian lines there is much that could be taught in the ways of energy.

The human body is one massive EMF antenna, we're a bio-electrical system full of water, which can ...

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 19:19 UTC

What is the end goal of this petition specifically? What are the actions you are asking our government to take/ implement? Are you looking for a training course to be added to curriculum? Who would teach it? How would we know they are qualified? What steps do you propose ...

Sep 2, 17 / Lib 21, 01 04:22 UTC

I see this idea has also a scientific, and pseudoscientific tone . Copernicus, Galileo,Kepler ,Einstein you name it were not mainstream ,so -called DAMN FACTS . We are entering the Post Materialistic Science after all . ( Manifesto for a Post -Materialist Science)

Dec 14, 17 / Cap 12, 01 22:13 UTC

todo es imposible hasta que alguien lo resuelve y crea...asi fue toda la historia...fotografia teléfonos radio tv transporte, todo fue imposible y científicamente comprobado hasta que alguien probo lo contrario