Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 03:08 UTC
On amendments to the terminology of the Constitution

To resolve contradictions in the text of the Constitution of Asgardia it is proposed to replace the term "Kingdom" for the neutral term "State" as follows: "The Space State of Asgardia".

Adopted in the current Constitution the definition of "The Space Kingdom of Asgardia" contains an obvious contradiction with the subsequent text of the Constitution defining political system of Asgardia rather as a strong presidential republic than as a hereditary dynastic monarchy, corresponding to the concept of "Kingdom" (suggesting the presence of irremovable "king" inherits the status of its predecessor, usually a close relative).

Indeed, in archaic Russian term " государство" defines national-territorial entity, which was ruled by "государь" (monarch), and adequately translated as "Kingdom". But currently, the term "государство" means "state," regardless of the specific forms of political organization.

It should be noted that on the Earth the current of the kingdoms is a small and rather marginal group of states whose contribution to space exploration is very small. States, speaking in the mid-twentieth century by the pioneers of space exploration, the Soviet Union and the United States of America –at  the stages of formation rejected this form of organization as "Kingdom", in enough strong form.

The concept of "Space State" is quite broad and exhaustive for any possible future variants of the organisation, including integration with public entities of Land or other natural or artificial objects (by analogy with the status of "state" in the United States of America).

It is also proposed to change the text of the Constitution the name of the position of a head of state "Head of Nation" to "Operator".

The concept of "Head of Nation" contains no descriptive functions, duties and rights, and this is similar to the formal and informal titles of leaders autocratic or dictatorial regimes (such as the Father of Nations, the Great Helmsman, Turkmenbashi etc.).

The term "Operator" sufficiently defines the extent of the rights and responsibilities of the head of the state (by analogy with the functions of operator of complex and responsible technological systems).

It is possible to note the precedent of the artificial creation of another state – the United States of America, what had not at the time the historical tradition of statehood. Its creators are not borrowed them of modern forms of organization of the state, but introduced a new status of the head of state "President", later recognized as successful and widely borrowed.

After you resolve these terminological inconsistencies the Constitution of Asgardia will be more adequate to define her goals and objectives.

Для устранения противоречий в тексте Конституции Асгардии предлагается заменить термин «королевство» на нейтральный термин «государство» в редакции: «Космическое государство Асгардия».

Принятое в действующей Конституции определение «Космическое королевство Асгардия» содержит явное противоречие с последующим текстом Конституции, определяющей политическую систему Асгардии скорее как сильную президентскую республику, чем как наследственную династическую монархию, соответствующую понятию «королевство» (предполагающему наличие несменяемого «короля», наследующего статус у предшественника, как правило, близкого родственника).

Действительно, в архаичном русском языке термин «государство» определял национально-территориальное образование, которым управлял «государь» (монарх), и адекватно переводился как « kingdom ». Но в настоящее время термин «государство» переводится  как «state», независимо от конкретных форм политической организации.

Следует отметить, что на современной Земле действующие королевства составляют незначительную и достаточно маргинальную группу государств, вклад которых в освоение космоса весьма невелик. Государства, выступившие в середине XX века инициаторами освоения космоса – СССР и США – на этапах формирования отвергли такую форму организации, как «королевство», в достаточно жесткой форме.
Понятие «космическое государство» является достаточно широким и исчерпывающим для любых возможных в последующем вариантов организации, в т.ч. интеграции с государственными образованиями Земли или других естественных или искусственных объектов (по аналогии со статусом «штата» в составе Соединенных Штатов Америки).

Также предлагается изменить в тексте Конституции наименование должности высшего руководителя государства с «Глава Нации» на «Оператор».

Понятие «Глава Нации» не содержит описательных функций должностных обязанностей и прав, и в этом является подобным формальным и неформальным титулам лидеров автократических или диктаторских режимов (таким, как Отец народов, Великий Кормчий, Туркменбаши и т.п.).

Термин «Оператор» в достаточной степени определяет степень прав и ответственности руководителя государства (по аналогии с функциями оператора сложных и ответственных техногенных систем).
Можно отметить прецедент искусственного создания другого государственного образования – Соединенных Штатов Америки, также не имевшего на тот момент исторических традиций государственности. Его создатели не заимствовали современные им формы организации государственности, но ввели новый статус главы государства – «Президент», в дальнейшем признанный удачным и широко заимствованный.

После устранения данных терминологических несоответствий Конституция Асгардии станет более адекватной определяемым ей целям и задачам.

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 14:31 UTC

I support your idea. The concept of Kingdom for me cames to mind the figure of Kings and Despotism.

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 15:18 UTC

This has to be clarified by leaders of Asgardia.

Are you right, or there is another explanation ?

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 10:27 UTC

I agree!!

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 12:46 UTC

I agree that the constitution of Asgardia does not seem like a Kingdom. There is no King. There should not be a King.

The supreme values of Asgardia specifically 4b, 4e and 4l are not well served if Asgardia is a Kingdom.

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 23:35 UTC

I totally agree!

My idea of a kingdom doesn't fit my definition of democracy.

I agree to give the title of life president to the founder IGOR ASHURBEYLI, but in my opinion we must be a presidential republic.

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 12:25 UTC


Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 09:03 UTC

Agreed, 'kingdom' should be replaced with something more fitting, but Republic has the same issue in that it forces a certain governmental type. State works in that it does cover monarchies, republics, theocracies and potentially other forms.

'Head of Nation' as a title (Head of ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 19:50 UTC

Fully agree to change from Kingdom to State (or Nation), otherwise if we call it Kingdom, there must be someone claiming for inharitance from birthright and so on..

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 01:19 UTC

Agree. Please replace "kingdom" with "state" or (preferably) "nation," which has the beauty of being derived from "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci).

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 12:31 UTC

I totally agree with you. We must be a presidential Republic, and the original "Kingdom" implies the meaning of monarchy. As everyone knows, the constitution is the parent law, if there are loopholes in the constitution, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate, so we should not be the monarchy ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 12:35 UTC
I totally agree with you. We must be a presidential Republic, and the original "Kingdom" implies the meaning of monarchy. As everyone knows, the constitution is the parent law, if there are loopholes in the constitution, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate, so we should not be the monarchy but ...
Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 13:49 UTC

Agreed on "State", but unsure of "Operator". E.g., Mr. Ashurbeyli meets with another head of state and is introduced as "Operator Ashurbeyli"...! The Constitution sounds quite like a presidential system, so why not the straightforward "President" (who presides over the Government)? Of course, then, the "Ministers" will need to ...

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 16:28 UTC

I suggested the name "Operator" with a specific meaning. First, essentially responsibilities. The operator on duty (for example, at a nuclear power plant) can have a very great power, but only within the limits of their authority and only for the period of duty.

"Operator of Asgardia ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 18:20 UTC

I don`t understand the Russian, and the meanings in the constitution are totally different in different languages. Many ideas could not clearly showed up. In my personal view, Asgardia is likely a international community rather than a country, since it is impossible for Asgardia to be recognized by the ...

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 23:44 UTC

一人专权的弊端有目共睹。历史的车轮又怎么能倒转!Machine translation in English, maybe lied, please forgive me! One obvious to people authoritarian abuses. How can the wheel of history be reversed?!

Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 18:54 UTC

No estoy de acuerdo con ustedes, hoy día los reinos estan mejor constituidos, mejor controlados y más democráticos que la misma república, como bien ha explicado Asgardía los sistemas monárquicos como el de Reino Unido y a su vez los países que están bajo la supervisión de la corona ...

Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 04:25 UTC

Agreed, I support the amendment to State or Nation. Kingdom implies ruler rather than a leader.

I am happy to be a citizen, but I am not prepared to be a servant, for which the inhabitants of a kingdom are servants of the monarchy.


Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 18:45 UTC

It will continue to strike me as odd that they promote Asgardia as a democracy publicly, but a Kingdom in and only in its constitution. The constitution states that Asgardia is a kingdom but the head of nation, Igor, is to be replaced in 5 years after the official ...

Jul 20, 17 / Vir 05, 01 16:18 UTC

Абсолютно правилно.

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 16:40 UTC

The language of the constitution translates poorly into English. This is not so much because the word for word translation is wrong, it is because words like "supreme leader" and "kingdom carry heavy, unpleasant connotations in the West and other places. Right or wrong, the Supreme Leader needs ...

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 17:45 UTC

I agree (but shucks, there goes my hope of elected Kingship, had all the speeches and do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do edicts ready too!).

Joking aside, it's Democracy (proper, unadulterated, unleavened, and unsalted) for me thank you very much :)

Aug 23, 17 / Lib 11, 01 15:23 UTC


I think the content of the king and dictatorship discussed at this stage does not make much sense. The world is developing. Maybe the future is different Were we creating another country, creating a whole new system, and using current words to illustrate the future?

Sep 18, 17 / Sco 09, 01 22:11 UTC

I would prefer the Term, "Space Nation". I do not care for the term "Space Kingdom"

Sep 22, 17 / Sco 13, 01 02:21 UTC
I support this although my vote is not counted by the system due to have become a "2nd class citizen" after I have chosen not to support this autocratic constitution.
Oct 8, 17 / Oph 01, 01 01:20 UTC