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To the Head of Nation President Ashurbeyli and to the Supreme Space Council:
I am Gianuario Cioffi, Asgardian Citizen from San Felice a Cancello, Italy.
I chose to be an Asgardian Citizen because I believe in Values like Unity of Mankind, Supremacy of Peace, Equality of all Human People, and I think only a Planetarian Nation as a Space Nation could defend these Values, and since I want to make something useful for Asgardians, I decided to candidate myself as Trendsetter.
We know how many categories of Humans are been harassed only for what they were : the Women, the non-white People, not-christians ones , and Homosexual and/or Transgender People.
We are very lucky to have a such Wisdom Head of Nation, because thank you we have a Constitution that protect Human Rights in Its Declaretion and in Articles 4, 9.4, 18 and many others.
But I think that a more explicit reference to the former mentioned categories would be more incisive in protecting certain rights.
In fact, we have the Constitutional Article 18.4 that explicitly prohibit Nazism, and so prohibit Homophobia, Transphobia, Antisemitism.
On the Earth, when a Constitution does'nt explicity protect LGBT people, we are harrassed by politicians themselves !
Probably now we need a Current Legislation to protect the LGBT citizens of Asgardia from Hate Speech and Work Place discrimination, and to guarantee Transgender People gender identification on Documents, and to Guarantee Same-sex Couples Family Rights Equality, just like Marriage Equality and Equal Parenting Rights.
Of course LGBT issues have to run in common with legislations againist racism, sexism etc.
I'm sure You The Head of Nation, The Supreme Space Council and the Others Our Rulers will demonstrate Sensitiveness about our rights.
Yours faithfully and sincerely,
Gianuario Cioffi.
I believe you are right when you say that all differences should be respected and protected, but i also am aware that when you start to create laws to protect segments of a society you won't be able to stop, because another segment will rise to ask for protection ...
I believe you are right when you say that all differences should be respected and protected, but i also am aware that when you start to create laws to protect segments of a society you won't be able to stop, because another segment will rise to ask for protection too. I believe that the constitution is pretty clear that all citizens are equal and prejudice of any kind won't be tolerated, of ANY kind i enphasize. So if we want to supress that kind of behavior, we need to punish exemplary people who commit that kind of illegal act. The Constituion of Asgardia is more based on Common Law and i am used to work with Roman Law, but i believe we can be more explicit with the punishments on that cases. In that sense i'll not support your petition for now, because that are some aspects of your proposal that should be reviewed.
As a Bisexual, I could not agree more. Constitution clearly says that All are equal, I truly believe that it was written in the sense of thinking about all varieties of traits in mind. Including the spectrum of different sexualities. Surely we can discuss about these and raise awarness ...
As a Bisexual, I could not agree more. Constitution clearly says that All are equal, I truly believe that it was written in the sense of thinking about all varieties of traits in mind. Including the spectrum of different sexualities. Surely we can discuss about these and raise awarness if needed, but at the moment I dont see any "loopholes" those would allow hars treatment of LGBT people.
Hate like what we have here on earth, would not only stop the progress of Asgardia. It would straightly annahilate it and concept would evently be destroyed, since we are to protect All Life on earth.
An Asgardian will be treated as any other Asgardian. LGBT is an earth thing that does not belong in space.
Even if LGBT does not belong in space. It's an human right , and people with diffrent sexuality should be respected , have the ability to make own choices in life. Probably the LGBT culture and flag won't be brought into space , but the freedom of love and ...
Even if LGBT does not belong in space. It's an human right , and people with diffrent sexuality should be respected , have the ability to make own choices in life. Probably the LGBT culture and flag won't be brought into space , but the freedom of love and to be ''myself''should join the party.
As i have the right to be heterosexual :) .
There is no difference in Asgardia.
Please let it be LGBTH and not "LGBT" + "H"
Identifying as Gay i believe that labels should be non existent in the future. We should freely be able to love and live our life with without being stuck in a box.
Even if LGBT does not belong in space, it's a human right. People with diffrent sexuality should be respected and make own choices in life. The LGBT culture and flag may not be brought into outer space but the freedom of love and to be ''myself'' should join the ...
Even if LGBT does not belong in space, it's a human right. People with diffrent sexuality should be respected and make own choices in life. The LGBT culture and flag may not be brought into outer space but the freedom of love and to be ''myself'' should join the party !
Once in space, the term in its entirety will likely be forgotten. Nothing can really be done about this planet, as we are a space nation. There is no need for gender identity or for any sort of other label once we break free of this rock. Its a ...
Once in space, the term in its entirety will likely be forgotten. Nothing can really be done about this planet, as we are a space nation. There is no need for gender identity or for any sort of other label once we break free of this rock. Its a true chance for understanding and evolution of humankind as a whole! Understanding is intelligence and it is our responsibility to be understanding and compassionate to be prime examples of the possible future of our entire race as we present ourselves to the universe in its entirety. Check out my trendsetter candidate profile, as I get more into what the focus should be as citizens of Asgardia, in what might as well be a speech to the planet as we evolve to a space faring race. But it stresses our responsibility not only to ourselves, but humankind as a whole. Everything we represent will likely be seen by hopefully other intelligent species. If they communicate with empathy and can read our feelings and who we are deep down and may judge us by what they see within. Even if they could speak Basic, impressions still could be everything. It is our duty to be the kind of people that we would want to represent our entire species. I believe in all of us because it is self evident that we must be forward thinkers to be in this position in the first place. Forward thinkers must be compassionate and understanding to have the ability to keep moving forward. I am confident that primitive concepts such as sexuality will be a thing of the past once the ball truly gets rolling out there. We have to believe in ourselves and one another to make this work. And it will definitely work. As they say, it is written in the stars.. =)
I don't understand why you feel certain groups need special treatment or to have extra rights in the constitution.
Everyone is the same, so why should the type of sex you like entitle you to special rights?
Surely there are more important things to your ...
I don't understand why you feel certain groups need special treatment or to have extra rights in the constitution.
Everyone is the same, so why should the type of sex you like entitle you to special rights?
Surely there are more important things to your life than the type of sex you like? Maybe you should focus on those instead of defining yourself entirely by your sexuality?
In chapter 1, paragraph 4 of the Constitution, equality of citizens is declared, but some want to be "more equal" or stand out among others. I agree with 1978ad in determining the importance of life priorities.
5.seviye medeniyete ulaşıncaya kadar yaşamak harika olurdu.
I believe that the Constitution should use clear wording against discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or sexual identity. I believe we must take advantage of this unique opportunity and prevent misinterpretations from happening in the future.
This is necessary not because some people want to be "more ...
I believe that the Constitution should use clear wording against discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or sexual identity. I believe we must take advantage of this unique opportunity and prevent misinterpretations from happening in the future.
This is necessary not because some people want to be "more equal" or because they define themselves by their sexuality only; quite the opposite! It's because "unclear or vague" wording in the Constitution leaves a void which could be exploited to try and cease some people's rights and freedoms.
All of us are aware of the unfair treatment LGBT people receive in many countries in the world, to say the least, in some of them people accused of homosexuality are flogged or killed publicly.
I agree, there should be no special treatments or rights to anyone, but if you check the current version, you'll notice some ambiguous sentences in important parts concerning family, equality and fundamental rights. These ambiguities need to be corrected and there must be a clear statement against any kind of discrimination. Notice that these corrections don't harm or diminish any right or freedom of heterosexual people, nor grant any kind of special treatment to LGBTs, it only secures fair treatment and equality.
I wrote some comments and suggestions about these parts in a separate document. Here you are the link:
Sounds very good to me.
A human is a human, no matter what their sexuality is.
I agree with some of the other answers. We don't need explicit LGBT human rights because everyone is equal to each other. I think that making something like that would increase the differences between people and it would be counterproductive .
I agree with some of the other answers. We don't need explicit LGBT human rights because everyone is equal to each other. I think that making something like that would increase the differences between people and it would be counterproductive .
I agree with some of the other answers. We don't need explicit LGBT human rights because everyone is equal to each other. I think that making something like that would increase the differences between people and it would be counterproductive .
Coverage of anti-discrimination against LGBT peoples should be covered by a statement including such things as religion, gender, citizenship, etc, and then left up to the entire governmental body being free of any reference to gender/sexuality.
If marriage is to exist in this nation, then it should ...
Coverage of anti-discrimination against LGBT peoples should be covered by a statement including such things as religion, gender, citizenship, etc, and then left up to the entire governmental body being free of any reference to gender/sexuality.
If marriage is to exist in this nation, then it should merely be between two consensual people, regardless of their properties. Any other limitation WOULD be discriminatory against those excluded. The same is true of equal parenting rights, and of other issues existent in Earth's nations and societies.
By removing gender from such areas, discrimination against men, women and especially any non-binary genders or non-genders (etc) can be halted.
We are all people, and we should only be judged on our actions, with consideration for the situation under which we performed them, not on these trivial characteristics that are unrelated.
I take it that you did not read all 35 pages of the constitution. Human rights and equality were addressed. All are equal in the eyes of the constitution.
Also, what categorizes Hate Speech? I refuse to use "gender neutral" pronouns like "they" and "Zir", but I am all for you referring to yourself as whatever you would like. Would that be considered Hate Speech to you? Since you may not like that I speak in binaries. And ...
Also, what categorizes Hate Speech? I refuse to use "gender neutral" pronouns like "they" and "Zir", but I am all for you referring to yourself as whatever you would like. Would that be considered Hate Speech to you? Since you may not like that I speak in binaries. And doesn't that also go against my right to free speech? You do also realize that condemning homophobia and transphobia covers every part of the LGBT label, right? Last I checked, that's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. See what I mean?
I believe that you are being disingenuous, and commonly use "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun. To say you refuse to use a term like "they" suggests you either find something wrong with the word itself, or you are trying to enforce a bias toward a particular sex ...
I believe that you are being disingenuous, and commonly use "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun. To say you refuse to use a term like "they" suggests you either find something wrong with the word itself, or you are trying to enforce a bias toward a particular sex or social gender.
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept ...
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and I do not describe to it. It is my right of free speech to not subscribe to it. Plus, I don't believe or buy into the idea of genders beyond the binary. I am more analytical and scientific in my approach. Therefore, to make me subscribe to it is to force me to change my own beliefs to suit you when you yourself will not change your own to suit me. So I compromise. I let anyone believe they are whatever it is they want to identify is. Meanwhile, I will identify based on what is present before me. Now, if someone where to ask nicely, like an adult, I may consider addressing them as such. If someone were to say I should be forced to do so under penalty, then I will address them how I will on principle. It's that simple. That's how you keep everyone happy. If you don't get that and decide to defame me by implying I must be a bigot or biased, that's on you. But I'm fairly sure most rational thinkers will be able to understand why I am how I am.
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept ...
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and I do not describe to it. It is my right of free speech to not subscribe to it. Plus, I don't believe or buy into the idea of genders beyond the binary. I am more analytical and scientific in my approach. Therefore, to make me subscribe to it is to force me to change my own beliefs to suit you when you yourself will not change your own to suit me. So I compromise. I let anyone believe they are whatever it is they want to identify is. Meanwhile, I will identify based on what is present before me. Now, if someone where to ask nicely, like an adult, I may consider addressing them as such. If someone were to say I should be forced to do so under penalty, then I will address them how I will on principle. It's that simple. That's how you keep everyone happy. If you don't get that and decide to defame me by implying I must be a bigot or biased, that's on you. But I'm fairly sure most rational thinkers will be able to understand why I am how I am.
Wow, Where Dr . Peterson when you need him
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and ...
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and I do not describe to it. It is my right of free speech to not subscribe to it. Plus, I don't believe or buy into the idea of genders beyond the binary. I am more analytical and scientific in my approach. Therefore, to make me subscribe to it is to force me to change my own beliefs to suit you when you yourself will not change your own to suit me. So I compromise. I let anyone believe they are whatever it is they want to identify is. Meanwhile, I will identify based on what is present before me. Now, if someone where to ask nicely, like an adult, I may consider addressing them as such. If someone were to say I should be forced to do so under penalty, then I will address them how I will on principle. It's that simple. That's how you keep everyone happy. If you don't get that and decide to defame me by implying I must be a bigot or biased, that's on you. But I'm fairly sure most rational thinkers will be able to understand why I am how I am.
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and ...
I do find something wrong with the word. We have in English a gender neutral identifier. "It" is the gender neutral identifier. I feel bad calling a person it. I usually leave that for unidentified sexes of animals and physical objects. The singular They is a new concept and I do not describe to it. It is my right of free speech to not subscribe to it. Plus, I don't believe or buy into the idea of genders beyond the binary. I am more analytical and scientific in my approach. Therefore, to make me subscribe to it is to force me to change my own beliefs to suit you when you yourself will not change your own to suit me. So I compromise. I let anyone believe they are whatever it is they want to identify is. Meanwhile, I will identify based on what is present before me. Now, if someone where to ask nicely, like an adult, I may consider addressing them as such. If someone were to say I should be forced to do so under penalty, then I will address them how I will on principle. It's that simple. That's how you keep everyone happy. If you don't get that and decide to defame me by implying I must be a bigot or biased, that's on you. But I'm fairly sure most rational thinkers will be able to understand why I am how I am.
Goddamn it. Why must the website be broken like this? lol Did not mean to multipost.
Isn't "gay, Bi- sexual, Heterosexual or transgender just a label we give to each other to satisfy our needs for acceptance?
As an Asgardian i accept ALL fellow Asgardian's no matter what Faith, Sex or skin color as an Asgardian. We are all equal and so therefore ...
Isn't "gay, Bi- sexual, Heterosexual or transgender just a label we give to each other to satisfy our needs for acceptance?
As an Asgardian i accept ALL fellow Asgardian's no matter what Faith, Sex or skin color as an Asgardian. We are all equal and so therefore should we not have such labels put on ourselves? I think i would have to disagree with this proposed petition
As a transgender, bisexual, and demisexual citizen I agree that more explicit protections need to be put in place. While the FAQ states that transgender rights are protected under the category of gender, there is no catwgory statingp protections explicitly for sexualities. An amendment to the constitution is in ...
As a transgender, bisexual, and demisexual citizen I agree that more explicit protections need to be put in place. While the FAQ states that transgender rights are protected under the category of gender, there is no catwgory statingp protections explicitly for sexualities. An amendment to the constitution is in order. For those stating gender is not real, or will not apply, and the same for sexuality, once we reach space are incorrect. Gender and sexuality, or lack there of, are an integral part of human society. This will not change in Asgardia or in space. So there must be these explicit protections, because without them there may in the future be a government that is antagonistic to such persons like myself and who will seek to circumvent any implied protections. This has happened in almost every country when it comes to marginalized peoples.
This is a redundant petition according to the Asgardian constitution, and really shouldn't be wasting space on this petition page.
Explicit rights are not necessary as they all break down into you existing as an individual. No special protections are needed as the same protections are applied to everyone regardless of your nationality, gender, sexual identity, religion, or other affiliation.
When you give or request explicit rights, ...
Explicit rights are not necessary as they all break down into you existing as an individual. No special protections are needed as the same protections are applied to everyone regardless of your nationality, gender, sexual identity, religion, or other affiliation.
When you give or request explicit rights, you are asking for the group that you're trying to support to be segregated and to be made legally different from other people in the nation. This is not a step that we should take nor is it one that I will support.
I agree with your assessment, you took the words right out of my mouth, were equal that's it! We all have this understanding going in, and we all agree to this understanding. we are one family, one unity, one Asgardia
I agree with your assessment, you took the words right out of my mouth, were equal that's it! We all have this understanding going in, and we all agree to this understanding. we are one family, one unity, one Asgardia
i meant I agree with Mr. Westmore's assessment, but I disagree with this petition, it does not hold true to Asgardia values.
The petition calls for equality. But I see no equality in the context, for all it asks for is special treatments for LGBT!
Okay, I support Human Rights. Where I live in America, people are trying to impose their belief systems on other people. Under the constitution all American citizens are supposed to be protected by law, this is not the case. Discrimination is rampant and I don't think it's out ...
Okay, I support Human Rights. Where I live in America, people are trying to impose their belief systems on other people. Under the constitution all American citizens are supposed to be protected by law, this is not the case. Discrimination is rampant and I don't think it's out of line for Asgardia to identify traditionally marginalized groups as being protected by law. Something like "All citizens of Asgardia, regardless of Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Gender, Gender identity or sexual orientation shall be subject to the same protections and the same constraints as outlined by the constitution of Asgardia. It would be nice if it were not necessary but human beings by nature are tribal.
I do not agree with this.
As far as I can tell, no one in Asgardia has so far created an issue regarding this, except the poster of this petition. In a perfect example of how to make a non-subject an issue, and raise ...
I do not agree with this.
As far as I can tell, no one in Asgardia has so far created an issue regarding this, except the poster of this petition. In a perfect example of how to make a non-subject an issue, and raise your agenda (where in Asgardia did you find yourself subjected to hate speech?).
Yes hate speech is common in the Societies we live in, IN SPITE of Legislation. Our human rights tell us that there are plenty of things we are entitled as human beings to expect from other humans. I was RAISED to be non-racist, no law on Earth made the slightest difference to me, because I don't want to hurt others, and I value other's lives as EQUAL to my own (unless your trying to take it away from me). It didn't require a LAW for me to be like this, just being empathic to the desires and needs of others...or in other words Human.
If you think our constitution should be that explicit, then may I suggest that I need a petition to get the constitution changed to implicitly cover my very eccentric, one-person group, called Me, because do you know what? I've been discriminated against and been subject to hate speech too, and it had nothing to do with sexuality. Maybe the constitution should explicitly state that Peter Greaves, riding his motorcycle with Yoda on his back is his business, and is afforded explicit protections from the constitution. Of course you would say that's ludicrous, by my point is as valid as yours, I have been attacked, and hurtful things said to me by ignorant, self-loathing people.
I would have nothing to do with Asgardia if you'd been excluded from the constitution, but this is an example of someone who is a little too insensitive to the needs of others, and hyper-sensitive to their own needs. ALL Asgardians are considered equal under the constitution, if you have proof that an Asgardian has attacked you with hate-speech because of your sexuality or anything else, those perps will be dealt with. You'll get most Asgardians jump at the chance to help you and comfort you, and track down those that clearly would need removing from Asgardia. We do not however need specific words in the constitution to cover this when all of us have already been covered.
Your petition is creating debate where there were none before (and by that I mean here in Asgardia, not the rest of the world), and where it wasn't actually needed. We all read what being an Asgardian is about didn't we? Then why the need to bring it up?
Let's just start simple..... Add Transgender as a Gender ID choice in our citizenship data, not only Male and Female...
Let's just start simple.... Add Transgender as a Gender ID choice in our Asgardian citizenship database....
Let's just start simple.... Add Transgender as a Gender ID choice in our Asgardian citizenship database....
Do you guys ever read the constitution?? The main ideal of Asgardia is to every citizen be equal! Petitions like this just prove how many people is accepting the constitution without read!
I believe that this is more of a "wording" issue within the constitution itself. This was a subject brought up during the draft, that it explicitly mentions: men, women, ethnicity and belief as to those "protected" by the constitution and that other groups were left out.
I believe that this is more of a "wording" issue within the constitution itself. This was a subject brought up during the draft, that it explicitly mentions: men, women, ethnicity and belief as to those "protected" by the constitution and that other groups were left out.
In my view they should simply state that it "protects any and all humans"! Job done.
As mentioned by the OP use article 18.4 as a means to explicitly ban certain ideologies that have proven to be poisonous to society, but leave out ANY mention to any certain group throughout the whole constitution..
iguales eso lo dice todo , yo me uni a esto por que estoy cansado de exclusion o discriminacion por cualquier razon, para mi todos somos iguales como seres y es por eso que si estamos en igualdad de condiciones no debemos poner clausulas o leyes especiales ...
iguales eso lo dice todo , yo me uni a esto por que estoy cansado de exclusion o discriminacion por cualquier razon, para mi todos somos iguales como seres y es por eso que si estamos en igualdad de condiciones no debemos poner clausulas o leyes especiales para con ciertos grupos por que ya de hecho se excluyen como iguales y comienza a crear barreras, solo somos iguales.
Please leave special people on Earth. The whole point is everyone is equal. There's no "special" kind of equal. There's no more protected kind of "equal". You are equal, just accept it and move along.
Isnt it already an Asgardian aspiration that religion, sexuality and so on will always be up to the individual? I mean that every Asgardian will have the exact same rights regardless who you are or where you are from provided you are not an evil person who is out ...
Isnt it already an Asgardian aspiration that religion, sexuality and so on will always be up to the individual? I mean that every Asgardian will have the exact same rights regardless who you are or where you are from provided you are not an evil person who is out to cause trouble.