supporters | |||
239 | 1000 |

THE LINE BETWEEN BIOLOGY AND YECHNOLOGY IS STARTING TO BLUR . And under the process we may just be reinventing the future of our species.
I’m petitioning it to the head of nation, Igor Ashurbeyli, our parliament and for all Asgardians. This idea to use Biotechnology to cure diseases, reinforce our senses and abilities. Or even to extend our lives in the nearest future. Today we use Technology in our environment, body parts and minds. In order to develop new senses and abilities. We may have a good reason to become a Cybernetic organism and have accessibility to become one. To specialize in an environment like space etc
Here is a video made of Cyborg Foundation: Design yourself
You can visit their page as well:
(''The Cyborg Foundation is a nonprofit organization created in 2010 by cyborg activists. It's an institution for the research, creation and promotion of projects related to extending and creating new senses and perceptions by applying technology to the human body.'')
Medical technology has developed implantable heart pacemakers, insulin pumps, hearing aids, and even computer chips for the brain to treat depression and Parkinson's disease. Our bodies is a part of us and our technology tools is a part of us. We transcend membranes, we extend ourselves. That’s what we do In that sense, we are already on the path to becoming cyborgs.
We use our Technology to extend the boundaries of who we are. Our tools are exoskeletons. ''They are scaffolding extending our thought, reach and vision'' as Andy Clark says. Our smartphone are extensions of our cognition. They are examples of distributed intelligence.
The cyborg idea was invented to specialize in extraterrestrial space environment. Today, people use cyborg technology for medical reasons. Some people choose to ameliorate oneself to build better quality of life.
A wireless microchip implant (neural dust) sand sized sensor will be able to
scan and stimulate brain cells one day. Then it will be able to treat disorders of the brain and body. Which simplifies our lives in space in the nearest future
There is many other things that may be necessary in outer space.
AD ASTRA ! to the stars
I think that one of the ways that humanity will be able to endure would be to find some way to harmonize with machines. As Artificial Intelligence continues to grow and become smarter, people should look to use this technology so that we can keep up.
Elon ...
I think that one of the ways that humanity will be able to endure would be to find some way to harmonize with machines. As Artificial Intelligence continues to grow and become smarter, people should look to use this technology so that we can keep up.
Elon Musk is doing good work with his neural lace, and there are a lot of other people looking into augmenting and enhancing humankind.
I would definitely support the movement of looking to use technology to the benefit of the people, even if it means augmenting our bodies with superior processing power and better systems for our longevity.
Space is a vast, cold and pressured environment that has intense radiation and deadly extremes and what do we send to investigate these places? Machines.
I'll back this one, I think there's enormous potential in human augmentation. I'm particularly fascinated by the potential of genetic engineering, though.
Je soutiens cette pétition mais il y a des choses qui ne seront jamais techniquement possibles. augmenter un corps ne vaut même pas la peine car vous serez ...
Je soutiens cette pétition mais il y a des choses qui ne seront jamais techniquement possibles. augmenter un corps ne vaut même pas la peine car vous serez en mesure de mettre au moins 3 ou 4 gènes qui ne sont pas des pouvoirs comme le film de science fiction qui va supprimer certains gènes importants est la cause de problèmes incontrôlables. nous ne pouvons pas mettre la technologie dans les corps que nous allons déroger comme coeur artificiel etc. normalement, la biotechnologie est utilisée pour les ordinateurs. l'intelligence artificielle doit créer une grille artificielle en superposition comme la physique quantique, mais elle ne sera jamais aussi puissante que le cerveau humain que cette technologie sert dans le voyage interstellaire et galactique. Google est extrêmement loin d'avoir créé l'intelligence artificielle.
the cyborg will never exist is that of the dream.
I support this petition but there are things that will never be technically possible. increasing a body is not even worth it as you will be able to put at least 3 or 4 genes that are not powers like science fiction movie that will remove some important genes ...
I support this petition but there are things that will never be technically possible. increasing a body is not even worth it as you will be able to put at least 3 or 4 genes that are not powers like science fiction movie that will remove some important genes is the cause of uncontrollable problems. we can not put technology in the bodies we will derogate as artificial heart etc. normally, biotechnology is used for computers. artificial intelligence must create an artificial grid in superposition like quantum physics, but it will never be as powerful as the human brain that this technology serves in the interstellar and galactic journey. Google is extremely far from having created artificial intelligence.
Cyborg already exist and human already used this technology,but we can always inprove it and make it better.
So, your idea is to petition the future government of Asgardia to support/fund/encourage/develop this type of technology or is it just a petition to inform them of the existence of it?
To inform Asgardian ppl about the existence of Cyborg Faudation and to petition the future goverment of Asgardia to support/fund/develop this technology if it's necessary or even for special needs in the future.
To inform Asgardian ppl about the existence of Cyborg Faudation and to petition the future goverment of Asgardia to support/fund/develop this technology if it's necessary or even for special needs in the future.
We have been working on becoming cyborgs for a long time. When people lose a leg or an arm we give them new ones. I support any technology that will improve a persons quality of health and life, longevity in space will also be important. I approve of this ...
We have been working on becoming cyborgs for a long time. When people lose a leg or an arm we give them new ones. I support any technology that will improve a persons quality of health and life, longevity in space will also be important. I approve of this for medical and scientific research, however I think we should look for more than just this one site.
We will need to educate people and work with earthly authorities: I can see issues with nowadays concerns for security in a world filled up with security gates beeping for any metallic part on one's body. Cyborgs with simple eyesight "add-ons" could be forbidden access to flights...
I ...
We will need to educate people and work with earthly authorities: I can see issues with nowadays concerns for security in a world filled up with security gates beeping for any metallic part on one's body. Cyborgs with simple eyesight "add-ons" could be forbidden access to flights...
I would like this idea to be discussed in our future Parliament and therefore vote for your proposal!!
I 100 percent agree with this petition, it is needed, humans must advance to the next level
Ad Astra!
To the stars
انا فخورا جدا لذكرئ الاولئ لتأسيس اسغارديا لذلك يجب علينا بذل المزيد والمزيد من اجلها ..
نعم فعلا
The subject is interesting, although not indisputable. As far as I know, "Roskosmos" has declared possibility of preventive replacement of artificial analogues of the organs most sensitive to radiation damage, for the cosmonauts in future long-term flights. But this is unlikely to be a mass practice in the foreseeable ...
The subject is interesting, although not indisputable. As far as I know, "Roskosmos" has declared possibility of preventive replacement of artificial analogues of the organs most sensitive to radiation damage, for the cosmonauts in future long-term flights. But this is unlikely to be a mass practice in the foreseeable future - not least because the brain is still irreplaceable :) .
But I want to draw attention to the illustration of your petition. On the forehead of the girl-cyborg depicts emblem of armed forces of one failed state, commit and continue to commit numerous crimes against humanity. I believe that this is unacceptable on the website of Asgardia and contradicts some of the norms approved by the Constitution.
Please replace the illustration. There are many other beautiful images of cyborgs.
And may be "technology", not "YECHNOLOGY"?
I'm sorry for my spelling mistake. I mean ''technology'' yes...
i remenber a documental from tve "cyborgs... mas humanos" (cyborgs... very humans)... i think that is true... if i have a wheelchair or vocal chord reader or iris (as hawkins), i am a half machine/human, not only human... or the single example... nobody can live without smartphone today... for ...
i remenber a documental from tve "cyborgs... mas humanos" (cyborgs... very humans)... i think that is true... if i have a wheelchair or vocal chord reader or iris (as hawkins), i am a half machine/human, not only human... or the single example... nobody can live without smartphone today... for many works, or in their private life
Not a bad idea but I want to ask you this..... How sure do you think this would work without fail? Failure in this sense would put us all at risk you see..... Draw your plan out real well. Peace hope and unity my people that's what we need. ...
Not a bad idea but I want to ask you this..... How sure do you think this would work without fail? Failure in this sense would put us all at risk you see..... Draw your plan out real well. Peace hope and unity my people that's what we need. I will think on this and I just might support you.
Not bad...
It's really good :/
:) LOL
Hello. Very interesting topic. If here we are talking about replacing old human organs with new ones in order to increase life expectancy, then in general it is super!
I am completely in favor of, and I see around, that our organs are still imperfect, because people ...
Hello. Very interesting topic. If here we are talking about replacing old human organs with new ones in order to increase life expectancy, then in general it is super!
I am completely in favor of, and I see around, that our organs are still imperfect, because people die at an early age.
Plus, the theme that human tissue can be completely printed on a 3d printer.
that's right. Replaced body parts doesn't need to be machine or made of metal, it can be a 3D printed tissue, which resembles the human body.
It's good for people who suffer from heart disease etc Or needs a new body part
that's right. Replaced body parts doesn't need to be machine or made of metal, it can be a 3D printed tissue, which resembles the human body.
It's good for people who suffer from heart disease etc Or needs a new body part
Hello. Very interesting topic. If here we are talking about replacing old human organs with new ones in order to increase life expectancy, then in general it is super!
I am completely in favor of, and I see around, that our organs are still imperfect, because people ...
Hello. Very interesting topic. If here we are talking about replacing old human organs with new ones in order to increase life expectancy, then in general it is super!
I am completely in favor of, and I see around, that our organs are still imperfect, because people die at an early age.
Plus, the theme that human tissue can be completely printed on a 3d printer.
This is starting to resemble the games
Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mass Effect
How cool would it be....
I'm in all the way!
Where do I sign to get prosthetic enhancements.
I am a voice against.
I would support continued research and development of neural-mechanical augmentation where natural abilities have been either grossly impaired due to congenital condition(s) or accidental loss of limbs. I am absolutely against going "Borg" but for extending the abilities of the ...
I am a voice against.
I would support continued research and development of neural-mechanical augmentation where natural abilities have been either grossly impaired due to congenital condition(s) or accidental loss of limbs. I am absolutely against going "Borg" but for extending the abilities of the disabled such as amputees or spinal injuries I would be in favour of developing technologies.
They want to protect the world but they don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve?
This is an excellent idea. As with any basic research it will lead to many "new" avenues that are not clear now. As to the morality, that is up to us to determine. I would rather be involved in making these choices ,rather than decrying them after they become ...
This is an excellent idea. As with any basic research it will lead to many "new" avenues that are not clear now. As to the morality, that is up to us to determine. I would rather be involved in making these choices ,rather than decrying them after they become apparent. This is exactly the type of thing that makes me so proud of our new Nation. Intellect, innovation, and open discussion. Thank You
Хах, что на картинке делает герб Украины?
Excellent, I saw the video of the Foundation, and I, as a person who also knows electronics, are fascinated by things that have to do with biotechnology, cybernetics, bionics, robotics, computer science; because that is what the future is about, where the man and the machine ...
Excellent, I saw the video of the Foundation, and I, as a person who also knows electronics, are fascinated by things that have to do with biotechnology, cybernetics, bionics, robotics, computer science; because that is what the future is about, where the man and the machine interact together, where for the good of the sick and injured people it is already a reality that the bodily parts and organs are being replaced by biotechnological devices.
Excelente, vi el video de la Fundación, como persona también que conozco la electrónica me fascinan las cosas que tienen que ver con la biotecnología, la cibernética, la biónica, la robótica, la informática; porque de eso se trata el futuro, donde el hombre y la máquina interactúan en conjunto, donde para el bien de los enfermos y las personas accidentadas ya es una realidad que partes corporales y órganos están siendo reemplazados por dispositivos biotecnológicos.
I have supported your petition ! good luck !
thomas 79
I have supported your petition ! good luck !
thomas 79
I have supported your petition
good luck for your proposition
Thomas 79
Great. If I could help just let me know. My areas are robotics, control systems, electronics, mechanics, artificial intelligence, automation. I'm culminating my mechatronics engineering degree. Supported.
Your idea it is great and I think we should have a serious necessity of this service when we will living in space. you told that we already use cyborg technology, yes and i think we can improve it so much, we have remote robots and microchips, we can ...
Your idea it is great and I think we should have a serious necessity of this service when we will living in space. you told that we already use cyborg technology, yes and i think we can improve it so much, we have remote robots and microchips, we can create robots and technology in general so much small to be uses for health and more other things. nothing is impossibile, we can do every thing we want. even the suit in the petition image =)
The situation around the upcoming Olympic games in 2018 calls for a different response.
Needed is a fundamental paradigm shift.
The so-called professional sports in ...
The situation around the upcoming Olympic games in 2018 calls for a different response.
Needed is a fundamental paradigm shift.
The so-called professional sports in its current form does not fulfill almost any advanced features, being a mixture of slightly humanized gladiatorial contests and sweepstakes. Physical limits of the human possibilities around defined and achieved, and contemporary records are mostly a result of "genetic roulette" - a successful combination of hereditary traits that is not a personal merit of the athlete, but in the best case, merit of his/he biological parents.
Proposed organization in Asgardia (perhaps especially among the districts, and then, after testing, in the outside world) your own contest called " Development Games". The main goal of its is the extension of human capabilities. Conditional motto is "to Exceed ourselves. Become better".
Two main tasks.
1. The expansion of adaptive abilities of the person with use of all available scientific and technical progress. First and foremost, in the interests of Asgardia – adaptation to conditions of space flight, but not only. Improving the overall efficiency and available peak loads. Adaptation to adverse environments in General (even the most natural-climatic zones of the Earth are unsuitable for the normal existence of modern humans). It is intended to include competitions in new disciplines – for example, variants of Tibetan yoga with controlled thermoregulation (when cold dried on the body wet clothes to speed), or classic types in simulated high altitude conditions (typical conditions for the development of "mountain sickness"), etc.
2. Overcoming destructive age-related changes. Today, with the increase in total life expectancy, aging and related physical and psychophysical degradation threaten everyone, regardless of social status, and the search for means of prevention is very important.
In this regard, the main features of theDevelopment Games:
1. The competition involves teams generally consisting of one or more athletes- testers and group scientific and technical support. The reward team is advertising the technology through practical demonstration in an objective assessment, this know-how may not be disclosed.
2. In competitions involving athletes-testers under equal conditions, regardless of age, gender, physical characteristics, forms and extent of an applied use of the empowerment.
3. In the process of competition is an objective condition monitoring of athletes the test in real time through an established certified system of sensors.
4. Equally valid for participation in the competition are any technology increasing the ability, but not causing available of registration of damage for athletes-testers or others (so, now not may be possible to use intervention in the genome with the possibility of succession).
5. Judging is a formal process of objective measurements. Victory is awarded to the absolute values, regardless of the shape and extent of the technologies.
6. Function of competition is an objective test of technologies for extensions of human capabilities. Proven technology designed for a broad and accessible introduction to the citizens of Asgardia, and in the future – the rest of humanity. Other forms of commercial interest participating teams are eliminated.
7. For prevent potential danger – for example, reduced attention to the ecological condition of habitat as a result of expansion of adaptation capabilities, in the Games in parallel with the disciplines of physical development will be competitions in the disciplines of intellectual and emotional development, also with the use of all available means of empowerment.
Thus, in one form on equal one polygon are competitive for example, representatives of the "natural methods of harmonious development" and cyborgs , athletes, using technology TES, and veterans, restored by "Skulachev ions". The results are objectively recorded. Biased regulatory structures like WADA in Games not involved in their very specificity. The final results of the Games – the real welfare of the people through the introduction of proven technologies.
The first symbolic small Games with the participation of several teams in several disciplines could be held in Asgardia in 2018 (in contrast with the Olympics).
Ситуация вокруг предстоящих Олимпийских игр 2018 г. требует определенной реакции.
Необходима принципиальная смена парадигмы.
Так называемый профессиональный спорт, или спорт высоких достижений в существующем виде не выполняет практически никаких прогрессивных функций, являясь смесью слегка гуманизированных гладиаторских боев и тотализатора. Физические пределы возможностей человека примерно определены и в целом достигнуты, и современные рекорды в основном являются результатам «генетической рулетки» - удачного сочетания наследственных признаков, что не является личной заслугой спортсмена – в лучшем случае, его биологических родителей.
Предлагается организация в Асгардии (возможно, в первую очередь среди дистриктов, и затем, после апробации, во внешнем мире) собственных состязаний под условным названием «Игры развития». Основная цель – расширение функциональных возможностей человека. Условный девиз – «Превзойти себя. Стать лучше».
Две основные решаемые задачи.
В этой связи основные особенности Игр развития:
Для предотвращения потенциальной опасности – например, снижения внимания к экологическому состоянию среды обитания в результате расширения адаптационных возможностей – в Играх параллельно с дисциплинами физического развития осуществляются состязания в дисциплинах интеллектуального и психоэмоционального развития, также с применением всех доступных средств расширения возможностей.
Таким образом, в одном виде в равных условиях на одном полигоне выступают, например, представители «естественных методик гармоничного развития» и глубоко киборгизированные бывшие инвалиды, спортсмены, использующие технологии ТЭС, и ветераны, восстановленные «ионами Скулачева». Результаты объективно фиксируются. Ангажированные контролирующие структуры типа WADA в Играх не задействованы в силу самой их специфики. Конечные результаты Игр – реальное благополучие людей за счет внедрения апробированных технологий.
Первые символические небольшие Игры с участием нескольких команд в нескольких дисциплинах можно было бы провести в Асгардии уже в 2018 году (по контрасту с Олимпиадой).