Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 04:13 UTC
Call for a referendum to change the minimum age of parliament to 25 years old

We, the undersigned who are citizens of Asgardia, petition the Head of Nation to call a referendum as per the Asgardia Constitution art. 16, § 6.  This referendum will be a vote on changing the constitutional minimum age of parliament to 25 years old.

A minimum age of 40 excludes the majority of the Asgardia population and, as seen by the current elections, there are not enough citizens over 40 willing to run to fill the entire Parliament.  Allowing everyone 25 years old and older to run and be elected allows a greater voice for the citizens and will allow a full Parliament which is fundamental to UN recognition and nation building.  This issue has also caused a lot of strife within the community.  A referendum must be called so as to have the voice of every citizen of Asgardia heard.

Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 20:08 UTC

We need more voting options than just support:

Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 23:55 UTC

The nature of a petition is to sign, not to decide over options. James O'Neill. It is not a vote, it is to support for a specific thing.

Dec 19, 17 / Cap 17, 01 03:45 UTC

I recommend an email to be sent to all verified Asgardians, reminding them of their obligation tocast their vote amd also asking them to participate in this referundum. Although we are now 150k+ in numbers, hardly few hundred are active on facebook groups or any other social media platform. ...

Jan 9, 18 / Aqu 09, 02 19:49 UTC
Feb 13, 18 / Pis 16, 02 14:03 UTC
Muy cierto.
Dec 22, 17 / Cap 20, 01 10:35 UTC

I signed it

Dec 25, 17 / Cap 23, 01 03:30 UTC
Please give a right to all people.
Dec 25, 17 / Cap 23, 01 04:17 UTC
I was not even notified of the change as a candidate. I find this concerning.
Dec 25, 17 / Cap 23, 01 04:30 UTC
All the people of Asgardia should be allowed to serve in government. This operation of age is a loss of talent and will keep Asgardia stuck in the past! I even under 40 still as for your vote! We have got to change this!
Dec 10, 18 / Cap 08, 02 07:56 UTC
I mean that is kind of flat out age discrimination. If it were you couldn’t serve past 60 there would be different views. It’s fundamentally wrong to exclude based on age, it should be on ability.
Dec 26, 17 / Cap 24, 01 09:31 UTC
great idea!!
Dec 27, 17 / Cap 25, 01 09:51 UTC
Dec 27, 17 / Cap 25, 01 16:35 UTC
I completely concur with this motion.
Dec 30, 17 / Cap 28, 01 12:40 UTC
of course years dont show what is in your soul great petition :)
Jan 5, 18 / Aqu 05, 02 11:08 UTC
To Be Heard; I Believe This Should Become Such, For All Humans In Asgard Who Wish Be Part To Be Able, To Be Heard; Age Isn't Any Issue. As Long As One Is Sound Of Mind, And Conscious Of Self, & Their Own Volition's; All Should Be Allowed At Any ...
Jan 6, 18 / Aqu 06, 02 22:02 UTC
excellent proposal, has my vote and I know that the more than 500 Asgardians who have voted for me back my vote on this proposal
Jan 7, 18 / Aqu 07, 02 22:28 UTC
Awesome Jaime, maybe you could ask them to support that petition? It direly needs support as it is limited in time...
Jan 9, 18 / Aqu 09, 02 19:50 UTC
I clicked it, and nothing happened. I do not believe that my vote here was counted.
Jan 9, 18 / Aqu 09, 02 22:58 UTC
we are more than 150000 asgardians and still cannot pass one simple petition... UNITY NOW!
Jan 12, 18 / Aqu 12, 02 18:45 UTC
You seem not to be aware that just last month there was a poll that had officially been opened by civic.asgardia to sense the need or not to lower the age for Parliament. Since the majority of over a 1000 voters in that poll expressed the need for change, I ...
Jan 14, 18 / Aqu 14, 02 18:27 UTC
Helena, since you seem to miss from my posts the many different elements brought to your attention and only reply to one of them (the last one it seems), I will from now on number the parts of my message so to make it easier to reply: 1) Unfortunately, when ...
Jan 17, 18 / Aqu 17, 02 17:03 UTC
English is not my mother tongue either, hence our mutual misunderstandings, apparently :-) 1.- Thank you for this clarification. 2.- If people choose not to vote, at this time and place, it is their choice. Discarding the result of an official poll because “it is just a poll” is discarding ...
Jan 28, 18 / Pis 00, 02 03:39 UTC
En quoi à 18 ou 19 ans les gens ne sont t'il pas prêts? L'âge ne veut rien dire,on peut vivre des choses qui rendent plus matures que des gens qui ont la vingtaine, l'âge n'est qu'une indication, mais rien d'autre
Jan 29, 18 / Pis 01, 02 08:46 UTC
a 18 ans on connait quasi rien de la vie, vu que jusque là c'est papa et maman qui s'occupaient de tout. Non c'est pas réaliste. POur voter, ok je dit pas ; mais pas pour être un élu.
Jan 19, 18 / Aqu 19, 02 02:20 UTC
I firmly believe that anyone over the age of 19 can run for parliament would be fair and peaceful
Jan 19, 18 / Aqu 19, 02 07:55 UTC
Thank you for your support, Luis! I find it interesting that you say "over the age of 19"... May I ask how old you are?
Jan 28, 18 / Pis 00, 02 03:39 UTC
Et égalitaire oui
Jan 29, 18 / Pis 01, 02 08:44 UTC
25 is too early! at least 30
Jan 29, 18 / Pis 01, 02 10:34 UTC
democracy works best with wider vote base but maturity counts the vote base must be degree based at least graduate
Jan 30, 18 / Pis 02, 02 12:32 UTC
Tl:Dr There should be as few restrictions on standing as a candidate as possible to allow for the broadest possible choice. The electorate can then decide who has the best qualifications to serve the community. In my opinion, the point of voting in a democracy is for the electorate to ...
Feb 14, 18 / Pis 17, 02 09:48 UTC
The preclusion imposed on people under 40 is a disgrace, plain and simple. Whoever dreamt that up is a deeply flawed individual, especially since, and let's be blunt, this enterprise is not really the natural province of people born before 1978. A better idea would however be to exclude candidates ...
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 18:18 UTC
How did this get declined? Limiting to 40+ is discriminatory right from the outset
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 06:51 UTC
The 40+ rule is unfortunate and unfair, and must be changed. Please rerun this petition, it has my support.
Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 18:25 UTC
We are in the 21st century we should bring voting age down to the age of 16 if not to 18 years old