Jan 29, 18 / Pis 01, 02 19:36 UTC
Only allow Asgardian civilians to mine SOLAR cryptocurrency, for now...

To the National Bank, the Head of Nation, the Ministries of Asgardia, and to all Asgardians:

Part of my platform, as I am running for Parliament, includes the need to address problems and resolutions regarding our Asgardian cryptocurrency, SOLAR .

It is my humble opinion that citizens of Asgardia should be able to mine our own block–chain currency, rather than allowing individuals outside of our nation to do so, the inevitable result of the latter being, ultimately, the selling of our currency to our own people at a premium rate.

If anybody is to profit from the Asgardian cryptocurrency, it should be Asgardians .  Period.

This petition is to request that a mining software be created and released, exclusively for use by whichever Asgardian citizens should so choose to use their resources to mine said currency. Citizens should be in full control of SOLAR , and should then work together to decide its future.

It will, inevitably, need to be available for exchange, like any other cryptocurrency, but, until it has been mined, at least partly, Asgardians alone should be the ones able to invest in, and profit from, its future success.  I also feel that Asgardians who mine should have an incentive to share in the wealth, rather than merely hoarding it––the latter being traditional and commonplace in the world of contemporary, terrestrial finances and economics.

Regardless, and in brief, this petition is specifically to request that a mining program be created and made available to Asgardian citizens, and that the Asgardian cryptocurrency, SOLAR, be made available exclusively to Asgardians, in the interim, to be made public at a later date, TBD, allowing ASGARDIA: THE SPACE KINGDOM to flourish, but not at the expense of its citizens.

" Viva Asgardia, Libre! "

[Please note: I wrote a blog post recently, on this topic, but, due to a server error, it vanished, and I was unable to recover it by the normal method of simply clicking "back."  So, I did try to rewrite and repost my submission, but I have since decided that a petition for a referendum on the matter is probably the most appropriate action.]

Feb 4, 18 / Pis 07, 02 03:26 UTC
But, so, SOLAR must be rename, because currently exists a cryptocurrency with the same name:
Feb 6, 18 / Pis 09, 02 02:18 UTC
Solar and Solar-Coin are not the same financial unit. I have been to different countries which all used the same term for their currency, but it was valued differently against the US dollar. To that end, I don't really see a conflict here. Two currencies with similar names shouldn't be ...
Feb 4, 18 / Pis 07, 02 22:23 UTC
Yes, something else to consider with regards to our currency. It's a learning curve, and we must work together. Those who know more about cryptocurrencies should contribute their knowledge/ expertise in order to help advance our mutual interest... and the same goes for all other areas of interest that affect ...
Feb 15, 18 / Pis 18, 02 14:08 UTC
In the world of CryptoCurrency, mining does not only serve to create additional currency (coins), it also serves to validate transactions and, depending on the currency, other tasks such as storing data or signal analysis, if you choose the right technology, all sorts of services can be embedded in the ...
Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 16:10 UTC
I just noticed that the formatting of my post is all wrong, rendering my post a giant wall of text, I'll repost it here (as I can't seem to edit my posts), trying to make it more readable: In the world of CryptoCurrency, mining does not only serve to create ...
Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 16:11 UTC
That only made it slightly more readable, but it'll have to do, as I feel like I'm out of options.
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 00:49 UTC
It's the thought that counts. :)
Feb 22, 18 / Pis 25, 02 04:57 UTC
I agree, only Asgardians should be able to mine for currency. Just keep in mind that there are those among us who have never mined, and have no idea the process in mining for currency, so we need to have other means for them to obtain.
Feb 22, 18 / Pis 25, 02 12:16 UTC
If we choose a predominantly Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, mining is simple and can be implemented simply as transferring funds to a predefined wallet. If it's implemented as Proof of Work, hardware is needed, but it can still be fairly simple, for example, see this page: WARNING: Below ...
Feb 24, 18 / Pis 27, 02 16:19 UTC
I agree with you, and you;re right, it can be made simple. And again, you're right about limiting to Asgardians only, but I guess it's a double edged we keep the mining privileges to ourselves...or do we share the workload.
Feb 25, 18 / Ari 00, 02 15:18 UTC
To make that choice, I feel like we have to ask ourselves: What is the purpose of the currency, what purpose does it serve to restrict mining rights and is it practically feasible to restrict mining rights?
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 11:41 UTC
I can suggest to start The following way... First set the rules to create the currency in three or five stages ( milestones ) Each Milestone is like a event which can only occur if the conditions of the previous stage is met. (of course the FIRST STAGE is the ...
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 11:50 UTC
How i can mine solar, where i can see my Solar Wallet, where to download software for mining?
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 05:50 UTC
I seeing the concept meant to be but in my own personal perspective view. This scale is quite similar of printing money like printing paper. Much coin with no value . Bitcoin took decades to become value and I really don't like a similar concept of that idea . So ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 00:45 UTC
Yes, that's why we need to create it, and then market it, basically.
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 00:51 UTC
What I am really simply suggesting is that we be in control of creating the digital currency for an interim period, until a certain critical mass is reached, say. At that point, we can market the currency, and raise its value, thereby creating an actual economy. I understand the issues ...
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 00:51 UTC
The formatting really is terrible, isn't it?
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:53 UTC
Totally agreed, someone should create a petition to fix the formatting ;)
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 14:58 UTC
I agree with your basic sentiment, but I don't agree that restricting mining is the solution. If you want to limit the accessibility of a CryptoCurrency, until a fixed amount of coins are available, you can simply issue the chain with a fixed amount of starting coins and distribute those ...
Dec 10, 18 / Cap 08, 02 06:18 UTC
When reading this in my head, I imagined you as Billy Eichner, please tell me I got the sass level right.
Dec 10, 18 / Cap 08, 02 06:19 UTC
Notably him in parks and rec
Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 02:53 UTC
i mine cryptocurrency as an every now and then hobby, how do i mine solar?
Feb 20, 21 / Pis 23, 05 02:03 UTC
Alright, here's my input after reading the post and all the comments. I know nothing of blockchain mining and very little about crytocurrency trading. What I do know is basic economics and infrastructures. A decentralized banking system is the only way into a free future. Right now Americans and most ...