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131 | 1000 |
Jun 14, 17 / Can 25, 01 15:46 UTC

Reduce the age from 40 to 25 and enact a term limit of 20 years.
supporters | |||
131 | 1000 |
Reduce the age from 40 to 25 and enact a term limit of 20 years.
Not all people speak English well.
Please print the text next time, not the photo.
I apologize but the site was messing up and wasn't letting me submit it correctly.
Not all people speak English well.
Please print the text next time, not the photo.
A minimal age is not a bad thing: although a lot of people would not like to hear it, I know out of first hand experience (with coworkers I hired and personal) that many young people lack maturity to see nuances and core (human)problems in certain situations, resulting ...
A minimal age is not a bad thing: although a lot of people would not like to hear it, I know out of first hand experience (with coworkers I hired and personal) that many young people lack maturity to see nuances and core (human)problems in certain situations, resulting in bad decision making or wrong assumptions. There are obviously exceptions, but it is a general fact. How high this should be is more difficult, however, as i look into it, at age 37, 40 y is more or less correct. At age +/- 30 I began to realize nuances, before that I was a little naive regarding some subjects. I am however more concerned about the maximal age: older people tend to be a little rigid and conservative in general. I believe this should be lower (eg 65-70) as the goal of a government is to keep what is good but more so to improve what is bad. The latter requires a flexible mind and the capability to question your own assumptions and ideas.
Why impose age limits at all? If someone is 18 they are a citizen with all rights and responsibilities. If they are trusted to vote, they should be trusted to stand for office. It is unlikely that a very young person will have all the skills for ...
Why impose age limits at all? If someone is 18 they are a citizen with all rights and responsibilities. If they are trusted to vote, they should be trusted to stand for office. It is unlikely that a very young person will have all the skills for high office, but in that case they will not get elected. The government is for the people, the people should be trusted to make good decisions. The same goes for upper age. If someone is 50, 60 or 100 and has health problems and dementia they would not be elected and would have to stand down if the problems came during their term. Equally if someone is old, but healthy in mind and body why restrict them from serving in a high position?
From the constitution:
Chapter 2. General Provisions
Article 8. Rights and Freedoms of Citizens
3. Persons, who acquire space citizenship at birth, can exercise rights and shall perform all obligations on reaching full legal age at 18.
I have felt for quite some time that the official adult age (around 18) is illogical. Science has proven your brain doesn't complete its full development in-till your in your mid 20s.
Please also see my constitution ratification petition. Which allows us to table and vote on changes.
I could see dropping it to 35 years of age, do away with term limits but only allow two consecutive terms. A citizen would then have to sit out at least one election cycle before being eligible to run again. This would help avoid entrenchment permanent ...
I could see dropping it to 35 years of age, do away with term limits but only allow two consecutive terms. A citizen would then have to sit out at least one election cycle before being eligible to run again. This would help avoid entrenchment permanent life-time politicians and do away with some of the corruption current democracies face. Too much power accrues over time to any one individual if allowed to continually run for office.
I agree with the general idea, but not with the details. I note that there is another proposal on the same subject. it will be good not to create a division into the issues in order to have the prospect of a national debate
A minimum age of 25 is needed to assure evolution of Asgardia, we need fresh ideas, people connected to the world of today.
20 year terms ? This is not a democracy under 20 year rule...
Lower the age to 18 and and limit to 4 year terms.
I do agree to give the opportunity to younger Asgardians to compete with us in the elections.
The most important factor is the IQ and the personality of the candidate.
An IQ test and a personality test will be even more accurate to determine if ...
I do agree to give the opportunity to younger Asgardians to compete with us in the elections.
The most important factor is the IQ and the personality of the candidate.
An IQ test and a personality test will be even more accurate to determine if a candidate as the faculties to fulfill the position.
Juste imagines for a moment, they are two candidates presenting their self to an election the candidate A is only 16 years old and the candidate B is 48 years old. You may think as the candidate A is really too young to fulfill the responsibilities of the function and give your vote for the candidate B.
Now if you receive the information as the candidate A as an IQ of 145+ and the personality test reveal a high level of altruism and patience and the candidate B as an IQ of 70 and is personality test reveal a neurotic with a psychopathic tendency, seriously do you will continue to take the age in consideration?