Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 17:55 UTC


Venho perante a esta petição pedir que seja construido uma universidade de Asgardia, mesmo que ela seja construida em ambiente virtual, se faz necessário.
Segundo a nossa constituição, 12 (doze) idiomas oficiais, precisamos aprender ou idiomas de nossos irmãos e também precisamos escolher um idioma principal ou criar um idioma só nosso.
Toda através de nossos projetos ciênticos, nossas tecnologias precisam-se de mão de obra qualificada, eu gosto de construir um projeto na terra e outros asgardianos me ajuda-se a construir e levar ao espaço.
Toda via, eu estudei direito na faculdade, como eu poderia aprender ciências da computação? Em uma universidade é claro, com isso eu peço o apoio de todos os asgardianos, para um povo para um centro acadêmico, onde podemos estudar e treinar, para construir uma economia de Asgardia.

Deculpe-me caso a mensagem não ha cido clara.



English (By Google Translated)

I am in front of this petition to ask that an Asgardia university be built, even if it is built in a virtual environment, it is necessary.
According to our constitution we have 12 (twelve) official languages, we need to learn the languages of our brothers and we also need to choose a primary language or create a language of our own.
Through our scientific projects, our technologies need qualified labor, I would like to build a project on earth and other Asgardians help me to build and take to the space.
All the way, I studied right in college, how could I learn computer science? In a university of course, with this I ask the support of all the Asgardians, so we have an academic center, where we can study and train, to build the economy of Asgardia.

Declare me if the message was not clear.

Kind regards.


Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 19:46 UTC

Engraçado que fiz uma petição sobre o mesmo assunto cara. Coincidência. Vou dar o meu apoio.

Funny that i've made a Petition on the same subject. Coincidence. I support his idea.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 19:48 UTC

Those who don't read Portuguese, when he says "I studied right in college" you should read "I studied Law in college". Google translator mess.

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 14:01 UTC

Excelente idea.que sea una plataforma virtual

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 14:01 UTC

Excelente idea.que sea una plataforma virtual

Jul 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 22:44 UTC

I agree with your petition...there needs to be a universal university at the core of Asgardian culture...

Every effort should be made to integrate and coequalize the many disparate cultures that make up this grand experiment...what better way to actualize inclusivty...than in a setting where ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 04:26 UTC

I teach Microsoft Office, and have teached, getting these gifts together, and giving a virtual gateway, like, would unite us.

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 00:15 UTC

University for free for every Asgardians.

Please add the Subject of Cosmology, Astronomy, Time and Space study.

Hopefully this subjects would neutralize Closed-minded religious fanatics .

We also need have educations to be run semi-commercially for Non Asgardians or Earthly Nations. ASTN would ...

Aug 20, 18 / Lib 08, 02 14:54 UTC
Seria legal o Esperanto como língua padrão de Asgardia.