Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 18:22 UTC
Maritime platform


Venho a partir desta petição pedir que Asgardia construa uma plataforma marítima em águas internacionais, como base do governo na terra, como também um território onde todos os Asgardianos possam visitar.

Sabendo que no futuro esse território em alto mar possa ser usado como base de lançamento de foguetes e de ônibus espaciais.

Sugiro que seja construído no Ocêano Antlatico Norte.

Sabendo que alguma empresa petrolífera possa vir a doar uma plataforma marítima velha que possamos a construir um pedaço da nação espacial na terra.

Lucas PX.

English (By Google Translated)

I come from this petition to ask that Asgardia build a maritime platform in international waters, as the basis of government on earth, as well as a territory where all Asgardians can visit.
Knowing that in the future this offshore territory can be used as a launching base for rockets and space shuttles.
I suggest it be built on the North Antlatic Ocean.
Knowing that some oil company may come to donate an old sea platform that we can build a piece of the space nation on earth.

Best regards
Lucas PX.

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 19:55 UTC

That will make Asgardia a real country in the eyes of all governments that are saying we need a physical territory to be a real country.

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:12 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 23:35 UTC

Pegasus, I am going to do this with my future company, Asgardia will be granted access to this tradehub/spaceport from day one since I plan to mostly employ Asgardians in pegasus.

this is the point in the POA where "Atlantis" is started.

27 ...

Aug 22, 17 / Lib 10, 01 04:11 UTC

w ^我喜欢这个计划!

Aug 28, 17 / Lib 16, 01 16:42 UTC

Te apoyo y te pido que me hagas parte de tu equipo de trabajo tengo una idea muy parecida no a nivel de empresa pero si a nivel de buscar un lugar para vivir lejos de los viejos paises y sus horribles leyes, lo que busco es ...

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:09 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:11 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 23:58 UTC

Hey , I like this Idea :)))

Nov 3, 17 / Oph 27, 01 03:42 UTC

yes i am currently working on founding the company in the usa

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:09 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Aug 22, 17 / Lib 10, 01 04:09 UTC


Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:07 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:08 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Aug 23, 17 / Lib 11, 01 15:34 UTC

Territorial sovereignty

The territory (also called territories) refers to the area under the jurisdiction of the sovereign state, usually consisting of a country (border) within the borders of the land (i.e., territorial land) (including rivers, lakes and inland seas), as well as their bed, subsoil and over ...

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:05 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Aug 28, 17 / Lib 16, 01 20:43 UTC

apoyo esto nos urge un lugar donde empezar antes de saltar al espacio, desarrollarnos como un nuevo pueblo y una nueva cultura y mar abierto fuera de jurisdiccion de cualquier nacion es nuestra salida mas logica.

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:04 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Aug 30, 17 / Lib 18, 01 07:13 UTC

This is a good idea in general. Location should be in shallower waters like the Gulf of Mexico, unless we're talking completely floating platform(s). I'd think though that for something we might want to use as our own launch pad, it would have to be a solid platform on ...

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:04 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Sep 7, 17 / Lib 26, 01 10:23 UTC

This is a good idea and Haroeris makes a good point about the Gulf of Mexico. Personally I think a Pacific location makes the most sense though. It gives an advantage for the idea of Sean Davis, in that the Pacific gyre contains a massive amount of floating plastic ...

Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 20:03 UTC

I ask you all to share this proposal with your friends, so that we can reach 1000 votes!

Sep 19, 17 / Sco 10, 01 14:54 UTC

I support the request

Sep 18, 20 / Sco 10, 04 10:18 UTC
I two support your request
Feb 17, 21 / Pis 20, 05 18:41 UTC
Très bone idée.Il est vrai qu'Asgardia se situe dans l'espace , mais la Nation pourrait aussi avoir ce type de territoire, une sorte de refuge pour les asgardiens , où ils puissent vivre et travailler, en payant un loyer. Personnellement, j'irai . A bientôt, Carine