Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 15:21 UTC


in the last week very strange things happend:

1. The voting period began before unity day (decree 6 overwrote decree 3)
2. There was no time to review the current draft of the constitution before the start of the referendum
3. There was no explicit opportunity to vote "no" in order so express, that the draft needs another review
4. The constitution in its current state has major flaws. This, for example, can be used to form a dictatorship out of Asgardia.
5. The constitution draft states that the voting is done by the end of unity day. But the voting will be opened for a longer time period.
6. Asgardian officials stated, that the outcome of the referendum will be ignored and the constitution wil still be adopted, regardless of the quorum of >50% that is stated in the draft of the constitution.

Each of these points are affronts to the democratic principles!

Therefore I demand the cancel of the current referendum and to declare the result null. Then to revisit the draft constitution to create a new draft which ensures, that democratic principles hold true and proper separation of power is ensured. Proposed changes can be found at or

I beg each citizen of Asgardia to sign this petition for a future that lies in our own hands and not in the hands of a few people  who want to dictate it.

Only the people have the power!

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 18:22 UTC

I agree, but decided to sign it today to get things moving, but if no change happens - no Agadia will happen!

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 20:50 UTC

Every Asgardian has to accept the constitution. A quota of 50 % is too few.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 20:36 UTC

The voting must be opened for a longer time, because of all the new Asgardians.So long as we get new Asgardians so long the voting must be opened.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 20:46 UTC

My opinion is, a quotum of 50% votings for constitution is definitely too few. Every Asgardian has to accept the constitution.

Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 22:01 UTC

They should have an "Agree" or "Disagree" tab on the constitution.

If someone disagrees with it, they must respond with a reason why not. Thats thw best way to figure out what to do or fix within the broken constitution.

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 06:44 UTC

The entire situation may very well be a sort of a beta test for the near future. Maybe a test launch of how to best go about this groundbreaking situation and make sure the bugs are ironed out before a lot more finances get invested. We should stay united ...

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 07:33 UTC

And once said official 'unofficial' committee is formed, the group would keep evidence of all official document changes, keep track of media events and all that is stated, etc. The committee could, say, find a lawyer (preferably a fellow Asgardian) and make sure were covered legally in case ...

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 19:31 UTC

I am abashed that such an instrument of the citizens of Asguardia Has forgotten ; Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal inalienable righteousness of all members of THE HUMAN Family is the foundation of Freedom, Justice, and Peace in Space. Duly noted the Charter with ...

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 19:31 UTC

I am abashed that such an instrument of the citizens of Asguardia Has forgotten ; Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal inalienable righteousness of all members of THE HUMAN Family is the foundation of Freedom, Justice, and Peace in Space. Duly noted the Charter with ...

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 12:50 UTC
  • some are taking this as an virtual reality game we have to accept the constitution so we can move to the next step as an real nation and asgardia and the constitution giving the righ to asgardians to Edite the constitution and for the voting time of course ...
Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 14:20 UTC

I think we need to accept the Constitution as a first draft, then add referenda to it, as it itself states. Read the whole thing before you accept it. Worries of a dictatorship are nonsensical, especially in its current state. Asgardia has no assets or ability to make you ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 06:16 UTC

I agree that we should each accept the Constitution as a first draft. This is necessary to get things off the ground (pun intended). And, yes, please read the entire Constitution as written before attempting to change parts of it. Also read the proposed revisions. There are some ...

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 14:19 UTC

Not because it is a first draft that anything can serve. Small flaws are acceptable of course, but a sequence of flaws make it not viable. Take a look in it!

The Head of Nation may be removed from his/her position by the Parliament or by treason, ...

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 00:04 UTC

Exactly. I refuse to be forced to 'elect' a dictator or allow such ability to be possible

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 11:35 UTC

I have voted for Consitution, because it is important to our founders and. However I have found Asgardia's Constitution rushed and surely will have to be reviewed as soon as possible, therefore singed this petition. In my humble opinion it is too long and complicated, but tell me I ...

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 17:15 UTC

For the record. I would like to withdraw my vote to ratify the constitution. I did so under duress, as it is obvious that the leaders do not intend to amend the Constitution to meet the expectations of the citizens, nor do they intend to grant citizenship to those ...

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 14:55 UTC
I won't vote for a fascist "constitution" with a dictator who can get rid of every government branch if the "Head of Nation" (or whatever you name it) if he doesn't like how think its members or if they oppose him. A better amendment would be besides the possibility of ...
Sep 6, 17 / Lib 25, 01 20:38 UTC

Indeed, that feature in itself is against this very constitution.

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 14:59 UTC
For some obscure reason I couldn't sign this petition! I press the button, but when I reloaded the page, the count goes back as if I wouldn't sign it. It doesn't even published my previous comment. Doesn't I have rights if I don't sign for "that" """"constitution""""?
Jul 19, 17 / Vir 04, 01 06:28 UTC

I support this petition - Chris Hawkes, UK.

(Especially given the announcement today that "voting" will be extended until 100,000 "votes" are recorded.)

Jul 24, 17 / Vir 09, 01 01:46 UTC

Just like all new ideas that are formed, the grand idea it's self may be what a lot of people are looking for. When these ideas are broken down into stages to try and implement them, there will be disagreement. Tunnel vision can become an issue that many will ...

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 06:24 UTC

If the roots are damaged, what kind of a tree would it grow to?

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 17:27 UTC

Im calling for a constitutional convention. This document needs work.

Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 04:08 UTC

When I signed it was under the impression that the constitution has sections allowing for amendments to be democratically added (Similar to the US Constitution). Was I mistaken? I'm fine with an imperfect initial constitution so long as there is an inherent mechanism to keep it alive, responsive, relevant, ...

Sep 6, 17 / Lib 25, 01 20:31 UTC

Although I cannot agree with everything in the constitution, that is not an issue. We are never going to be able to reach the point of creating something that everyone can agree on. I am prepared to accept something that I do not 100% agree on because there may ...

Sep 28, 17 / Sco 19, 01 21:12 UTC

I agree that the start is under pressure. the fact that the constitution and the adjustments that have been made offer us the potential to challenge, it gives me the conviction that when we start to become a nation and, of course, we will have better ...

Sep 28, 17 / Sco 19, 01 21:24 UTC

the time will reveal the true intentions of our leader. I am now choosing to be optimistic.