Nov 20, 19 / Sag 16, 03 02:05 UTC
Dear Mr. President; 
I make this request, focused on the problems, risks, and opportunities that human energy poses at the moment. I firmly believe, as a citizen, that a way to raise funds for the nation, and as a sustainable development of it, that in all cities, where more than 5000 members of our nation are located, have the possibility to participate in a project of renewable energies, where they can give their waste (cardboard, plastic, glass, etc.) to be used by the nation, and thus generate income, and use these to grow our economy, based on and visualization of a 100% renewable country.

I know that we are still a nation that takes its first steps, but, with a social conscience, a good organization, and the interest of all our members, and all those who support me, I hope you take this idea into account, and that from here In a few years it can be implemented.


Jorge Mombiela

And all those who hope to save the planet

Feb 22, 20 / Pis 25, 04 03:36 UTC
I love the idea. Not only does it allow for our economy to grow and to help our planet's environment, it would also act as advertisement, and increase the awareness and desire to become an Asgardian.