supporters | |||
117 | 1000 |
There are 249103 registered Asgardians as of Asgard 9, 0001 / June 26, 2017 with 56971 citizens having ratified the constitution.
The most popular petition at the time of writing is "Looking for alternative homeland" with 93 backers.
Asgardia's population is not engaging with the democratic process!
Strategies must be employed to encourage more citizens to get involved.
There should be :
More e-mail contact with registered citizens.
An investigation into the possibility of snail mail publications.
Social and state media campaigns to raise political consciousness.
Efforts made to facilitate greater political engagement in those Asgardian citizens who are disenfranchised by language.
This petition is to be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Communication, which should seek to further promote political engagement amongst the citizens of Asgardia, in order to strengthen the national democratic process and culture in Asgardia.
I agree
That's a main point of this petition, though. The people in the forums are politically engaged. The people outside are not. They vastly outnumbered us, which is why none of these potions are anywhere near passed and why all the forum protests are ineffective.
I agree
The constitution is not ratified because it states "Kingdom" and has other questionable stuff in it. The ratifying process should have been done by the 19.06.2017 or 2nd Asgard 0001. Therefor is the ratification process not valid or illegal. You can't vote "NO" for the constitution as it would ...
The constitution is not ratified because it states "Kingdom" and has other questionable stuff in it. The ratifying process should have been done by the 19.06.2017 or 2nd Asgard 0001. Therefor is the ratification process not valid or illegal. You can't vote "NO" for the constitution as it would be against the constitution to set up a voting like that.
People are politicaly engaged in the forum, but it doesn't get heard. There is the democratic engagement in a "Kingdom"
对 没错
对 没错
对 没错
对 没错
I agree with this petition.
We need more direct email contact. I missed the vote for the constitution! As Asgardia is not yet a country, but an idea trying to form a country it needs help! Asgardia is not the top priority in my life - but ...
I agree with this petition.
We need more direct email contact. I missed the vote for the constitution! As Asgardia is not yet a country, but an idea trying to form a country it needs help! Asgardia is not the top priority in my life - but I'd like it to succeed and become more important.
I think when I log on to the website I should be able to see what I've voted for and what other elections are going on. To encourage me to get a bit more involved!
I agree. This place is slightly lackluster and it could be so much more. More activity amongst Asgardians, promoted by the government and by the community to strengthen unity and extend our reach to others who may wish to help.
I agree
The digital world allows us to connect with everyone, anywhere...
At the same time it may prevent individuals from connecting (to what they would like to be connected to), because they lack the (cyber-)skills to do so, or they have inferiour technical equipment, or they just can't ...
The digital world allows us to connect with everyone, anywhere...
At the same time it may prevent individuals from connecting (to what they would like to be connected to), because they lack the (cyber-)skills to do so, or they have inferiour technical equipment, or they just can't keep track of all the data that is received, like I myself.
I would have liked to sign the constitution, but I stumbled over terms like 'Kingdom' without having a king etc.
I would be pleased with a 'system' that would allow me to participate in a more effective way in Asgardia.
Kind regards, Earnest, Amsterdam
Sorry I did not know how to upload my photo.
I also highly agree with this petition, it highlights an important overlooked fact. I've not been able to be so active on the site of late and clearly missed much going on.
" More e-mail contact with registered citizens. "
...I also highly agree with this petition, it highlights an important overlooked fact. I've not been able to be so active on the site of late and clearly missed much going on.
" More e-mail contact with registered citizens. "
Personally, I was unaware of the Constitution ratification until late last night and felt I had very little time to read it. Although I did, even if not completely happy with it.
I've since updated my account email address to an alternative as persistently kept putting Asgardian correspondence in my junk mail. Even after whitelisting previous mail.
"Social and state media campaigns to raise political consciousness."
I don't use twitter much nor facebook, however, I am more likely to have noticed such important matters with increased campaigns or even public news coverage. I am subscribed to the Asgardian YouTube channel so citizens news outlet there would have been very much welcomed. Maybe there could be a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly news update on the state of the nation so to speak? It would give access to leaders for interviews on topics that are of importance or decisions, for instance why the sudden adoption of kingship?
I would also like to offer that they could give SMS communication on such important matters like this constitutional design/ratification. To ensure all currently subscribed citizens are made well aware of such important matters. I've updated my profile with my phone number so that it can be used in future for these purposes.
Also, I would say more visual coverage of important matters such as this constitutional debate, candidate selection and these petitions need to be on the main page, well highlighted near the top. I would also say most active forum discussions too since 90% of Asgardians are pretty unhappy with some or all of the constitutional draft/proposal and are expressing this within the forums. Additionally, a small section could be placed for polls for opinions. A poll is not a petition, but still highly insightful for data gathering and inclusion.
The current map is unimportant and can be easily navigated from its own dedicated top level navigational placement.
The use of full caps for large blocks of text makes for poor and uninviting reading. this applies to the message about petitions on the homepage and also but not limited to the candidacy selection profiles. I would recommend leaving this to titles and headings only.
Finally, I would like to state that I disagree with the snail-mail approach, purely due to the cost involved and the amount of waste for the planet. (This includes the energy costs of producing and shipping such material, even recycling requires energy) Digital is usually an always on platform, therefore, any material created in this way is an almost zero sum of additional energy expenditure.
Lots of great points. I hear what you're saying on snail mail, but I figure it may still be worth looking at. May be that some documents are better produced on better quality physical media than the usual A4 home print jobs, like award certificates or citizenship/official documents.
This petition is invalid, it targets an nation entity that does not exists. Keep in mind that you can only send petitions to the government body (which is currently the head of state).
From the petition validation point of view, this petition might be rejected.
The target ministry is currently being formed and will probably be active long before any of our petitions reach a thousand.
I should also point out that this petition already passed the validation process, hence its appearance.
I couldn't agree more.
I agree.
This petition has run out of time. I think it was an overlooked problem. Thanks everyone for supporting it.
I think your point is still super valid, I think we need to expand out side of the site greatly, facebook is a good start but its kind of a echo chamber/mess last time i checked lol. I suggest a Discord server or some such thing, where people can ...
I think your point is still super valid, I think we need to expand out side of the site greatly, facebook is a good start but its kind of a echo chamber/mess last time i checked lol. I suggest a Discord server or some such thing, where people can chat openly about what they think Asgardia could be.
I think I might renew this petition once this round of voting is out of the way. We need the heavy backers.