Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 14:11 UTC
Change in Parliament Candidate Age for General Election

Dear Asgardians,

With the Parliamentary by-election coming soon to us, it is great to get parliament members in it with the ability to perform their duties and representing our nation. However, I do feel that the age requirement of applying for the parliament is closing off a range of potential candidates that would benefit our nation in their talents. I fully understand the argument in regard to putting the requirement of the candidate at the age of 40 with the reflection that this person has a lifetime experience in their respective field. Additionally, I do not expect this to be changed with the upcoming by-election, but my wish is to see this change before the general election.


The age requirement of 40 is to be lowered to the age of 25 to not only give the young and talented people a chance to apply for this upmost important position. But also to give a variation difference in age that results in different opinions, visions, and a fresh view of what is important for our space nation. We are after all dependent on the insight of our youth as they will carry the torch on.

This requires Article 33.3 of Parliament in our Constitution to be changed in regard to the age.

Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:14 UTC
I am not sure I fully agree with lowering it all the way to 25. I know what I was like at 25, and I don't think I could have given it full attention as needed. But I do agree that it should be lowered to at least 30.
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:40 UTC
While I must admit that I was in the mix of 30 and 25, I think with 25 you do reach a middle ground for those that wish to see it 18 and those that wish to see it 35. Without a vote it stays the same and we might ...
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 03:50 UTC
i am totally in favour that the parliament must be from 18 years old, the young people of asgardia must be represented by the youth!
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:37 UTC
I agreed for lowering the age requirement, i believe everything from 18+ should be able to participate in Asgardia leadership
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 03:50 UTC
I totally agree
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:45 UTC
Me too agree on this petition, any form of discrimination should not be tolerated, even it's age, this article makes that only 40 above are wise and good enough to be a good parliamentarian and under that age is not. And it's not true.
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 19:17 UTC
The asgardian youth deserves to be represented in the parliament, and I would love to be the one to do so, Sadly I am 19 but so compromised with asgardia
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 17:13 UTC
I believe 30-35 should be the min. age requirement when it comes to representing a position in the Parliament. Wisdom is not just attaining a specialty from education, but also about maturity. Lessons learnt in life is the best teacher. If I was to pick a number, I'd choose age ...
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 18:02 UTC
While I must admit that I was in the mix of 30 and 25, I think with 25 you do reach a middle ground for those that wish to see it 18 and those that wish to see it 35. Without a vote it stays the same and we might ...
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 17:52 UTC
I think the minimum must be 30 years.
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 18:06 UTC
While I have mixed feelings about it myself in regards to the age, the petition is more a compromise between those that wish to see the age of 18 and those that wish to see the age of 35. Without any upvote the petition will fail and the parliament will ...
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 18:52 UTC
Just my thoughts on the Age debate for any of the positions. Firstly, I support a change in the age limit Secondly, no matter the new age, someone will be unhappy, the only real valid age would therefore be the age of consent, 18+ in Asgardia Thirdly, the only way ...
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 04:17 UTC
I totally agree, in facts, i would love to be part of the asgardian parliament, although I am 19 years old, It´s time for the asgardian youth to be represented in the Parliament, and i am totally compromised to do so
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 20:34 UTC
Hi,, Maybe some committees may be elected for candidates under the age of 40 to be candidates. If this creates a problem, it can be overcome by a certain percentage. For example, parliamentarians young enough to constitute five percent of the total parliament can be elected. But I think it ...
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 06:21 UTC
La edad marca una posible cantidad de experiencia en vida, lo cual no necesariamente puede ser cierto. Hay personas jóvenes muy talentosas como personas que han caído en errores a la edad madura dónde la experiencia debiese haber prevalecido, y al revés también. Mientras más amplio sea el espectro más ...
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 08:17 UTC
In my opinion, 40 years is a fairly balanced bar. Of course, we can say that in 40 years there are not "mature" people with a child's position and youthful philosophy. Not ripe for informed decisions, with all their enthusiasm, mind and erudition. The same can be said that among ...
Jun 6, 20 / Can 18, 04 09:31 UTC
Hello Patrick Jacobs, As I remembered this concern has been raised before, that is why I agree with your petition. If I take reference from the constitution of India then the minimum age of being an MP is 25 years, which is quite appropriate.
Jun 7, 20 / Can 19, 04 16:13 UTC
I have to agree with this because as a 28 year old business owner, I know that there ARE people, this age, and even younger who are HIGHLY capable of holding positions within the Parliament
Jun 16, 20 / Leo 00, 04 17:39 UTC
Human brain and body is fully developed around the age of 30. Head of the government should not be elected below that age, for sure. And I even don't think it should go below 40, as even at 40 people are still very young, but at that age they already ...
Jul 21, 20 / Vir 07, 04 21:45 UTC
It’s amazing to me that I can run for Federal office in the USA at age 27 and my husband can be an MD at age 32. Yet to be a galactic parliamentarian, tasked with the representation of all walks of life on Earth, the age minimum is currently at ...
Jul 21, 20 / Vir 07, 04 22:39 UTC
Opino que es necesario ampliar la edad, esto da más oportunidades a personas jóvenes que pueden llegar a estar preparadas y que gozan de buena condición física y salud, ya que si se desea establecer una nación en el espacio, los jóvenes son los más aptos para poder adaptarse al ...
Jul 22, 20 / Vir 08, 04 18:59 UTC
I believe we should not limit age as candidates selection should not be based on age+experience only, but also on IQ+EQ levels. Good IQ level would give us smart leaders and high EQ level would guarantee they are able to feel and understand others. Such people would make smart and ...
Jul 22, 20 / Vir 08, 04 22:37 UTC
Well, the age should be lowered. that's for sure but not to lower it to 25. it's a bit exaggerating.
Jul 24, 20 / Vir 10, 04 19:26 UTC
As our constitution says, all asgardians have the right to be part of the democracy, and as a legislative all the asgardians must be represented, so all 18+ asgardians must be part of all the parliamentary elections, not the ministeries, but the parliament deserves to be diverse