Send your data to space

We welcome Asgardian citizens to upload your files to А for transfer to the Asgardia-1 satellite! Files storage will also be available on other Asgardia satellites and platforms in the future.

All Asgardians who were not in the first 100,000, but became citizens before the Hong Kong conference on 13 June 2017, can send up to 200KB once they’ve accepted the Constitution. All citizens who joined Asgardia after 13 June 2017 receive 100KB.

Please post only your own or copyright-free material. Asgardia respects copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights.

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Iana Shmunk Kiev

Iana Shmunk Kiev

Песня о ненужной звезде (автор Янь Данко)Моя звезда – самая лучшая! Нев...

Iana Shmunk Kiev

Iana Shmunk Kiev

Пространство заблудшихВ пространстве заблудших планетОтродясь не было покоя.В...

Iana Shmunk Kiev

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Iana Shmunk Kiev

Трава городовВ городе душном вязко и пусто,И катятся люди, как камни с горы.З...