Jun 24, 21 / Leo 07, 05 14:54 UTC
Asgardian Parliament Turns 3
Today is the third anniversary of the formation of Asgardia's parliament. "Our progress in building an effective Asgardian Parliament, the world’s first digital democracy, creates the political foundation for our space-based society - Asgardia’s legacy for all humankind" https://asgardia.space/en/news/Asgardian-Parliament-Turns-3
Oct 29, 23 / Oph 22, 07 09:19 UTC
Saludos, agradezco su aceptación. Le pido que esté pendiente de mi blog personal y me de su opinión sobre las ideas que he planteado para lograr concretar el proyecto de la primera nación espacial, estaré publicando ideas para materializar Asgardia. También espero poder obtener la ciudadanía asgardiana por méritos y ...
Jun 21, 21 / Leo 04, 05 16:04 UTC
Here is the report of day 3 of the 12th sitting of parliament that took place from 1 - 3 Leo 0005 (June 18 - 20, 2021) https://asgardia.space/en/news/XII-Sitting-of-the-Asgardian-Parliament-Day-3-Twelve-Committees-Report-on-Their-Work
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 16:43 UTC
Minister of Information & Communications Dennis Shoemaker Presented Asgardia TV Project
Asgardia's Minister of Information and Communication presented a new Asgardia national television platform, AsgardiaTV, during the second day of the 12th sitting of Parliament. https://asgardia.space/en/news/Minister-of-Information-and-Communications-Dennis-Shoemaker-Presented-Asgardia-TV-Project
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 16:41 UTC
Government Comes up with Legislative Initiatives in the Parliament for the First Time
For the first time in the history of Asgardia, members of the Government have come up with legislative initiatives in the Parliament. You can read all about these pieces of legislation here: https://asgardia.space/en/news/Government-Comes-up-with-Legislative-Initiatives-in-the-Parliament-for-the-First-Time
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 16:39 UTC
Companies & Enterprise Act and Tax Act Presented for Second Reading
Voting on two essential acts for Asgardia's economy will conclude on 3 Leo (20 June), the final day of the XII (X Digital) Session. You can read all about these acts here: https://asgardia.space/en/news/Companies-and-Enterprise-Act-and-Tax-Act-Presented-for-Second-Reading
Jun 19, 21 / Leo 02, 05 13:01 UTC
The First Day of the XII Sitting of Asgardian Parliament: Parliamentarians Work Live
Read all about the first day of Asgardia's 12th sitting of parliament! https://asgardia.space/en/news/The-First-Day-of-the-XII-Sitting-X-Digital-Sitting-of-Asgardian-Parliament-Parliamentarians-Work-Live
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 16:04 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Update 5
Chairman Opik closed the meeting with a brief review of the translation services that were trialed and the topics covered during the meeting. After reviewing the action steps next needed to be taken, Chairman Opik reminded the MPs of the next weekly meeting time.
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 15:34 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Update 4
The governance structure was discussed with an emphasis on the city-level representatives. Chairman Opik had invited Kuala Lampur mayor, Ivan Rosel, to speak about his experience, thoughts and suggestions on this position. Parliament discussed with Mr Rosel city representatives and his suggestions for empowering them to represent Asgardia effectively.
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 21:33 UTC
How about a little more R&D into getting us into space, having a city and being able to escape this seeming 4th Reich.. and a little less time with these political sciences.. and just saying... Hitler split people up as necessity and un-necessity, then he came for the school's and ...
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 14:31 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Update 3
After a brief break, the next section was a brief word from Asgardia's Prime Minister, Lena De Winne, and a presentation by the Minister for Trade and Commerce, Mr Ben Dell. In the presentation, Minister Dell outlined the mission and goals of the ministry. He updated parliament on the progress ...
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 11:51 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Update 2
The next topic of discussion for the day is the economic development of Asgardia. The MPs reviewed the financial targets set out in the budgets of Asgardia and how to reach them. They held a discussion on Resident benefits and how to approach them. They debated solutions and how business ...
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 10:24 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - Update
The first topic for discussion for today was exploring solutions of artificial intelligence for translation. Mr Lembit Öpik, Chair of Parliament, began the discussion on experimentation with different AI systems in search for a lasting technical solution to multi-language translation for parliamentary meetings.
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 20:45 UTC
That sounds awesome, that kind of system will be great.
Apr 24, 21 / Gem 02, 05 10:10 UTC
Asgardia Legislative Forum - 2 Gemini 0005
Asgardia's Parliament has begun it's all-day meeting which will focus on testing artificial intelligence for translation, business and building Asgardia. Stay tuned for updates throughout the day.
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 15:59 UTC
Weekly Q&A Meeting Report - 28 Taurus 0005
On 28 Taurus 0005 (22 April 2021) held their weekly Q&A meeting on Zoom with the Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik. The meeting was short and focussed on the agenda for the Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) that will be held on 02 Gemini 0005 (24 April 2021). He outlined some ...
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 18:06 UTC
Thank you so much.I will solve this problem through my friends abroad in Iran🙏🙏
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 17:49 UTC
Hi Voria! We have offered various methods of payment to allow as many Asgardians to pay their Resident fee. Also, we have had community members in Iran who have been able to pay. If you're still having payment issues, please let support@asgardia.space know so they can troubleshoot with you.
Apr 23, 21 / Gem 01, 05 17:37 UTC
سلام.لطفا در جلسه پارلمان در مورد کسانی که توانایی پرداخت پول سالیانه جهت شهروند شدن وهمچنین افرادی که مانند ما در ایران زندگی میکنند و به دلیل تحریم ها امکان پرداخت هزینه شهروندی وجود ندارد،در پارلمان مورد بحث قرار گیرد.متشکرم
Apr 13, 21 / Tau 19, 05 13:44 UTC
Weekly Q&A meeting report - 14 Taurus 0005
On 14 Taurus 0005 (8 April 2021) held their weekly Q&A meeting on Zoom with the Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik. The preparations are underway for the next Asgardia Legislative Forum (ALF) which will take place on 02 Gemini 0005 (24 April 2021) and the agenda should be set before ...
Apr 13, 21 / Tau 19, 05 18:22 UTC
After many years, the population of Asgardia has not yet grown as it should. I think the parliament should seriously consider this issue. It travels to the moon for free. More than 50 million people have registered. This shows that people are interested in space projects. But why is people ...
Apr 13, 21 / Tau 19, 05 14:16 UTC
بعد از سال ها جمعیت اسگاردیا هنوز انچنان که میبایست افزایش پیدا نکرده است.به نظر من پارلمان باید این موضوع را به صورت جدی مورد بررسی قراردهد.چند وقت پیش شرکت space x و شخص اقای مایساوااز ژاپن اعلام کردند که برای سال2023 تعداد 8نفر رابه صورت رایگان به سفر ماه ...
Apr 13, 21 / Tau 19, 05 13:57 UTC
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 18:02 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Closing of the session of the Day
Chairman Opik closed the session of the day after reviewing the work that was completed today as well as the agenda for tomorrow. Full in-depth details of today's work will be coming in a full-length article soon.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 19:33 UTC
Congratulations on a very constructive day for all involved.
Dec 19, 20 / Cap 18, 04 17:45 UTC
Asgardia Digital Session X - Saturday - Part 3
After a midday break, they moved onto the next voting point in the agenda which was the government structure. Chairman Opik reviewed the structure and explained how it would work. Head of Administration to the Head of Nation, Lena De Winne, reviewed the budget of Asgardia for 0004 which is ...
Dec 26, 20 / Cap 25, 04 13:25 UTC
A little more information would be great “ Dr De Winne also spoke about the status of the Resident Cards that are currently under development”
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